Why can t I share my Spotify playlist

Share Music

You can share music you love from YouTube Music to other social networks and platforms, or with friends by copying and pasting a song link. When they click the link, the song will open in YouTube Music.

Share a song from YouTube Music

To share a song:

  • Open the YouTube Music app using your mobile device, or go to music.youtube.com on a computer.
  • Play the song you want to share.
  • Select the 3-dot menu
    to open the menu options.
  • Select Share

Youll see a panel with different sharing options. Select the icon for the platform where you want to share music. You can also select Copy to copy the song link you can paste somewhere else, like an email or text message. When someone clicks the link, YouTube Music will open, and the song will start playing.

Share music to your story in Snapchat

You can share YouTube Music content when creating a story in the Snapchat app.

To share a song, playlist, album, or music video from the YouTube Music mobile app to your Snapchat story:

  • Open the YouTube Music app using your mobile device.
  • Play the song you want to share.
  • Tap the 3-dot menu .
  • Tap Share .
  • Tap the Snapchat icon to open the song in the Snapchat app.

Once you open the song in the Snapchat app, youll see a clickable thumbnail image with album art from YouTube Music. From there, you can edit your story using Snapchat features to add overlays on top of the thumbnail image. Once youve finished creating your story, you can share it with your Snap followers, or with a friend as a direct message. When a viewer clicks the YouTube Music thumbnail link on your story, the song will open and start playing in the YouTube Music app, or in YouTube Music on their default mobile browser.

Share a playlist from YouTube Music

You can share playlists from the YouTube Music app using a computer or mobile device. When you share a playlist, a link is created that you can give to somebody else. You can share it on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Remember that if your playlist includes any private videos, you'll need to invite your friends or family to view the videos first.

To share a playlist:

  1. Open the playlist youd like to share.
  2. Click Menu next to the playlist.
  3. Click Share.
  4. From here you can share the playlist across social networks, embed the playlist, or email the playlist.

When you are viewing a made for kids video, song, or an artist detail page, the Menu options will be different than what is displayed on other content. You will not be able to add this content to a playlist, to your liked songs, or share it.

Note: If videos arent appearing in an embedded playlist, some of the videos in the playlist may have had their embed option disabled by the uploader. Private videos will also not play in the playlist unless they've been shared with you by the uploader.

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