How to autoplay Google Drive videos

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I have an issue with playing a video automatically that is stored in Google Drive and/or Dropbox. To give you our end-goal in short, we are trying to record a short video clip for guests arriving to a company function. Each guest will record a video message and it will be automatically save to our Google Drive and/or Dropbox account[This we've tested and worked perfectly fine]. We'd like to display all uploaded videos on a TV screen/display, although the media players[VLC, Windows Media Player, etc.] are not automatically playing the newly uploaded videos that are being recorded. In order for it to work, we have to refresh and re-add the shared folder "Greetings" from Google Drive back into the media players playlist in order for it to recognize the newly added clips. Here's an idea of the setup:

A. Tablet #1 is recording the greetings at the entrance and saves all video clips to the Google Drive shared folder "Greetings"

B. Tablet #2 is connected to the TV screen[Via HDMI] in the reception area on auto-play from the same Google Drive shared folder "Greetings"

Issue: When a "new" video is recorded, it saves correctly to the Google Drive shared folder "Greetings", although the media player will only play the videos previously recorded in the folder and nothing newly updated. We have to stop the entire video, re-add the folder "Greetings", and then it will play. We'd like to have this automate and continue playing the new clips and more in a loop continuously.


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3 Replies

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Nov 3, 2017 at 01:27 UTC

I'm not sure if it will work as I haven't tested it, but could you try using Plex?

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Nov 3, 2017 at 02:27 UTC

I have tried this to play updated videos.....

But my set up is a lappy with "extended" screen. I have to refresh the browser [chrome showing files lists] on the lappy screen so that the vid player [chrome] playing on the extended screen can have the updated playlist.

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Pure Capsaicin
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Nov 3, 2017 at 02:35 UTC

I have my Google Photos syncing with my Chromecast and are playing the videos of my kids and photos all the time without my refreshing. Dropbox usually doesn't provide auto video play anymore but you can have a laptop with the sync client and it keeps updating the folders automatically and the player doesn't know better.


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