For in array object javascript

I am trying to loop through the following:

    "messages": [{
        "msgFrom": "13223821242",
        "msgBody": "Hi there"
    }, {
        "msgFrom": "Bill",
        "msgBody": "Hello!"

I want to retrieve msgFrom and msgBody

I've tried:

        for [var key in data] {
           var obj = data[key];
           for [var prop in obj] {
                console.log[prop + " = " + obj[prop]];

But the console log prints [Object]

Any ideas what im doing wrong?


54.4k15 gold badges105 silver badges147 bronze badges

asked Oct 22, 2013 at 22:18


It appears you may just have missed the "messages" property in the data, so the loop is likely iterating the root Object rather than the Array:

for [var key in data.messages] {
    var obj = data.messages[key];
    // ...

Unless data was set to messages before the given snippet.

Though, you should consider changing that to a normal for loop for the Array:

for [var i = 0, l = data.messages.length; i < l; i++] {
    var obj = data.messages[i];
    // ...

answered Oct 22, 2013 at 22:24

Jonathan LonowskiJonathan Lonowski

119k32 gold badges196 silver badges198 bronze badges


In your script, data is your whole object.

key is "messages", which is an array you need to iterate through like this:

    for [var key in data] {
       var arr = data[key];
       for[ var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ] {
           var obj = arr[ i ];
           for [var prop in obj] {
                   console.log[prop + " = " + obj[prop]];

answered Oct 22, 2013 at 22:23


8334 silver badges17 bronze badges


All the answers provided here uses normal function but these days most of our code uses arrow functions in ES6. I hope my answer will help readers on how to use arrow function when we do iteration over array of objects

let data = {
      "messages": [{
           "msgFrom": "13223821242",
           "msgBody": "Hi there"
       }, {
          "msgFrom": "Bill",
          "msgBody": "Hello!"

Do .forEach on array using arrow function

 data.messages.forEach[[obj, i] => {
     console.log["msgFrom", obj.msgFrom];
     console.log["msgBody", obj.msgBody];

Do .map on array using arrow function[[obj, i] => {
     console.log["msgFrom", obj.msgFrom];
     console.log["msgBody", obj.msgBody];

answered Sep 5, 2018 at 18:04

Hemadri DasariHemadri Dasari

30.5k33 gold badges113 silver badges152 bronze badges



Method 1: forEach method

messages.forEach[function[message] {

Method 2: for..of method

for[let message of messages]{

Note: This method might not work with objects, such as:

let obj = { a: 'foo', b: { c: 'bar', d: 'daz' }, e: 'qux' }

Method 2: method

for[let key in messages]{


2103 silver badges10 bronze badges

answered Jun 22, 2018 at 5:12

Arshid KVArshid KV

9,2353 gold badges33 silver badges35 bronze badges

To loop through an object array or just array in javascript, you can do the following:

var cars = [{name: 'Audi'}, {name: 'BMW'}, {name: 'Ferrari'}, {name: 'Mercedes'}, {name: 'Maserati'}];

for[var i = 0; i < cars.length; i++] {

There is also the forEach[] function, which is more "javascript-ish" and also less code but more complicated for its syntax:

cars.forEach[function [car] {

And both of them are outputting the following:

// Audi
// BMW
// Ferrari
// Mercedes
// Maserati

answered Apr 24, 2018 at 8:37

Tarvo MäeseppTarvo Mäesepp

4,2373 gold badges40 silver badges88 bronze badges


The suggested for loop is quite fine but you have to check the properties with hasOwnProperty. I'd rather suggest using Object.keys[] that only returns 'own properties' of the object [//]

var data = {
    "messages": [{
        "msgFrom": "13223821242",
        "msgBody": "Hi there"
    }, {
        "msgFrom": "Bill",
        "msgBody": "Hello!"

data.messages.forEach[function[message, index] {
    console.log['message index '+ index];
    Object.keys[message].forEach[function[prop] {    
        console.log[prop + " = " + message[prop]];

answered Jun 3, 2017 at 16:06


1,2839 silver badges11 bronze badges

To reference the contents of the single array containing one or more objects i.e. everything in the brackets of something like this {messages: [{"a":1,"b":2}] } ,just add [0] to the query to get the first array element

e.g. messages[0] will reference the object {"a":1,"b":2} as opposed to just messages which would reference the entire array [{"a":1,"b":2}]

from there you can work with the result as typical object and use Object.keys for example to get "a" and "b".

answered Jun 3, 2017 at 15:55


8738 silver badges18 bronze badges

for [let key in data] {
    let value = data[key];
    for [i = 0; i < value.length; i++] {

answered Dec 7, 2019 at 19:15


1701 silver badge12 bronze badges


Here is a generic way to loop through the field objects in an object [person]:

for [var property in person] {

The person obj looks like this:

var person={
    last_name: "johnson",

answered Dec 13, 2020 at 22:06


10.4k1 gold badge64 silver badges57 bronze badges

    arr = [{food:"Mandazi", Price: 5},{food:"Black Tea", Price: 20},{food:"Black Coffee", Price: 20}
    txt = "";
    for [i = 0; i ";
    document.getElementById["show"].innerHTML = txt;

answered Mar 24, 2021 at 13:39


How do you loop an array inside an object?

To iterate through an array of objects in JavaScript, you can use the forEach[] method aong with the loop. The outer forEach[] loop is used to iterate through the objects array. We then use the loop to iterate through the properties of an individual object. ✌️ Like this article?

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