How do i display a database table in html?

Learn more about PHP and the MySQLi Library at

First, start a connection to the database. Do this by making all the string variables needed in order to connect, adjusting them to fit your environment, then creating a new connection object with new mysqli[] and initializing it with the previously made variables as its parameters. Now, check the connection for errors and display a message whether any were found or not. Like this:

Next, make a variable that will hold the query as a string, in this case its a select statement with a limit of 100 records to keep the list small. Then, we can execute it by calling the mysqli::query[] function from our connection object. Now, it's time to display some data. Start by opening up a

tag through echo, then fetch one row at a time in the form of a numerical array with mysqli::fetch_row[] which can then be displayed with a simple for loop. mysqli::field_count should be self explanatory. Don't forget to use for each value, and also to open and close each row with echo"" and echo". Finally we close the table, and the connection as well with mysqli::close[].

In this article, we will see how we can display the records in an HTML table by fetching them from the MySQL database using PHP. 

Approach: Make sure you have XAMPP or WAMP server installed on your machine. In this article, we will be using the WAMP server.

WAMP Server is open-source software for the Microsoft Windows operating system, developed by Romain Bourdon. It is composed of an Apache web server, OpenSSL for SSL support, MySQL database and PHP programming language. Here, before going through the program, we need to create a MySQL database in our localhost server. Then, we are supposed to make an HTML table that is linked with PHP codes. PHP is used to connect with the localhost server and to fetch the data from the database table present in our localhost server by evaluating the MySQL queries. WAMP server helps to start Apache and MySQL and connect them with the PHP file. 

Follow the steps given below:

1. Creating Database: First, we will create a database named ‘geeksforgeeks’. You can use your existing database or create a new one.

create database “geeksforgeeks”

2. Create Table: Create a table named ‘userdata’. The table contains four fields:

  • username – varchar[100]
  • problems – int[11]
  • score – int[11]
  • articles – int[11]

Your table structure should look like this:

the table structure of “userdata”

Or you can create a table by copying and pasting the following code into the SQL panel of your PHPMyAdmin.

 `username` varchar[100] NOT NULL,
 `problems` int[11] NOT NULL,
 `score` int[11] NOT NULL,
 `articles` int[11] NOT NULL

To do this from the SQL panel refer to the following screenshot:

create a table ‘userdata” from the SQL panel

Insert records: We will now insert some records into our table. Here we are inserting 5 records. You can add multiple records.

Or copy and paste the following code into the SQL panel to insert records in the table.

INSERT INTO `userdata` 
[`username`, `problems`, `score`, `articles`] 
VALUES ['User-2', '100', '75', '30'], ['User-1', '150', '100', '30'], ['User-3', '200', '50', '10'], ['User-4', '50', '5', '2'], ['User-5', '0', '0', '1'];

To do this from the SQL panel refer to the following screenshot:

inserting records

Creating folder and files:

We will now create our project folder named “GeeksForGeeks“. Create an index.php file. Keep your main project folder [for example here.. GeeksForGeeks] in the “C://wamp64/www/”, if you are using WAMP or “C://xampp/htdocs/” folder if you are using the XAMPP server respectively. The folder structure should look like this:

folder structure

Now, we have a database named geeksforgeeks, and a table named userdata. Now, here is the PHP code to fetch data from the database and display it in an HTML table. 




    GFG User Details



        table {

            margin: 0 auto;

            font-size: large;

            border: 1px solid black;


        h2 {

            text-align: center;

            color: #006600;

            font-size: xx-large;

            font-family: 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT',

            ' Calibri', 'Trebuchet MS', 'sans-serif';


        td {

            background-color: #E4F5D4;

            border: 1px solid black;



        td {

            font-weight: bold;

            border: 1px solid black;

            padding: 10px;

            text-align: center;


        td {

            font-weight: lighter;









                GFG UserHandle

                Practice Problems

                Coding Score

                GFG Articles














Output: Finally, you should be able to display the records in an HTML table by fetching them from the database.


PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. You can learn PHP from the ground up by following this PHP Tutorial and PHP Examples.

How do you display database data on a website?

How to link databases to a website?.
Prepare your database user account details. Details about your database account will be necessary to set up the connection to the website. ... .
Connect to your database. ... .
Query your data. ... .
Output your data. ... .
Test your script and present the data..

How do you display a database?

Next, log in to the MySQL database server using the password that you have created during the installation of MySQL. Now, you are connected to the MySQL server host, where you can execute all the SQL statements. Finally, run the SHOW Databases command to list/show databases.

How do you display records in HTML?

First, connect to the database: $conn=mysql_connect["hostname","username","password"]; mysql_select_db["databasename",$conn]; You can use this to display a single record: For example, if the URL was /index.

How do I add a database to my HTML website?

For this you need to follow the following steps:.
Step 1: Filter your HTML form requirements for your contact us web page. ... .
Step 2: Create a database and a table in MySQL. ... .
Step 3: Create HTML form for connecting to database. ... .
Step 4: Create a PHP page to save data from HTML form to your MySQL database. ... .
Step 5: All done!.

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