How do you round to significant digits in python?

You can use negative numbers to round integers:

>>> round[1234, -3]

Thus if you need only most significant digit:

>>> from math import log10, floor
>>> def round_to_1[x]:
...   return round[x, -int[floor[log10[abs[x]]]]]
>>> round_to_1[0.0232]
>>> round_to_1[1234243]
>>> round_to_1[13]
>>> round_to_1[4]
>>> round_to_1[19]

You'll probably have to take care of turning float to integer if it's bigger than 1.

answered Aug 5, 2010 at 2:57


%g in string formatting will format a float rounded to some number of significant figures. It will sometimes use 'e' scientific notation, so convert the rounded string back to a float then through %s string formatting.

>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 1234]
>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 0.12]
>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 0.012]
>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 0.062]
>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 6253]
>>> '%s' % float['%.1g' % 1999]

answered Aug 5, 2010 at 4:24

Peter GrahamPeter Graham

10.9k7 gold badges38 silver badges42 bronze badges


If you want to have other than 1 significant decimal [otherwise the same as Evgeny]:

>>> from math import log10, floor
>>> def round_sig[x, sig=2]:
...   return round[x, sig-int[floor[log10[abs[x]]]]-1]
>>> round_sig[0.0232]
>>> round_sig[0.0232, 1]
>>> round_sig[1234243, 3]

Stephen Rauch

45.7k30 gold badges105 silver badges126 bronze badges

answered Aug 5, 2010 at 9:49


6794 silver badges2 bronze badges


# Or with Python >> sig_dig[1234243, 3]
    >>> sig_dig[243.3576, 5]


answered Mar 26, 2020 at 21:29


5,2214 gold badges22 silver badges26 bronze badges


Most of these answers involve the math, decimal and/or numpy imports or output values as strings. Here is a simple solution in base python that handles both large and small numbers and outputs a float:

def sig_fig_round[number, digits=3]:
    power = "{:e}".format[number].split['e'][1]
    return round[number, -[int[power] - digits]]

answered Dec 16, 2020 at 18:23

A simple variant using the standard decimal library

from decimal import Decimal

def to_significant_figures[v: float, n_figures: int] -> str:
    d = Decimal[v]
    d = d.quantize[Decimal[[0, [], d.adjusted[] - n_figures + 1]]]
    return str[d.quantize[Decimal[1]] if d == d.to_integral[] else d.normalize[]]

Testing it

>>> to_significant_figures[1.234567, 3]
>>> to_significant_figures[1234567, 3]
>>> to_significant_figures[1.23, 7]
>>> to_significant_figures[123, 7]

answered Sep 4, 2021 at 21:47

This function takes both positive and negative numbers and does the proper significant digit rounding.

from math import floor

def significant_arithmetic_rounding[n, d]:
    This function takes a floating point number and the no. of significant digit d, perform significant digits
    arithmetic rounding and returns the floating point number after rounding
    if n == 0:
        return 0
        # Checking whether the no. is negative or positive. If it is negative we will take the absolute value of it and proceed
        neg_flag = 0
        if n < 0:
            neg_flag = 1
            n = abs[n]
        n1 = n   
        # Counting the no. of digits to the left of the decimal point in the no.
        ld = 0
        while[n1 >= 1]:
            n1 /= 10
            ld += 1
        n1 = n
        # Counting the no. of zeros to the right of the decimal point and before the first significant digit in the no.
        z = 0
        if ld == 0:
            while[n1 >> significant_arithmetic_rounding[1234, 3]
>>> significant_arithmetic_rounding[123.4, 3]
>>> significant_arithmetic_rounding[0.0012345, 3]
>>> significant_arithmetic_rounding[-0.12345, 3]
>>> significant_arithmetic_rounding[-30.15345, 3]

answered Dec 7, 2021 at 15:08

Easier to know an answer works for your needs when it includes examples. The following is built on previous solutions, but offers a more general function which can round to 1, 2, 3, 4, or any number of significant digits.

import math

# Given x as float or decimal, returns as string a number rounded to "sig" significant digts
# Return as string in order to control significant digits, could be a float or decimal 
def round_sig[x, sig=2]:
  r = round[x, sig-int[math.floor[math.log10[abs[x]]]]-1]
  floatsig = "%." + str[sig] + "g"
  return "%d"%r if abs[r] >= 10**[sig-1] else '%s'%float[floatsig % r] 

>>> a = [1234, 123.4, 12.34, 1.234, 0.1234, 0.01234, 0.25, 1999, -3.14, -48.01, 0.75]
>>> [print[i, "->", round_sig[i,1], round_sig[i], round_sig[i,3], round_sig[i,4]] for i in a]

1234 -> 1000 1200 1230 1234
123.4 -> 100 120 123 123.4
12.34 -> 10 12 12.3 12.34
1.234 -> 1 1.2 1.23 1.234
0.1234 -> 0.1 0.12 0.123 0.1234
0.01234 -> 0.01 0.012 0.0123 0.01234
0.25 -> 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.25
1999 -> 2000 2000 2000 1999
-3.14 -> -3 -3.1 -3.14 -3.14
-48.01 -> -50 -48 -48.0 -48.01
0.75 -> 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.75

answered Apr 22 at 20:01


2491 gold badge2 silver badges7 bronze badges

in very cases, the number of significant is depend on to the evaluated process, e.g. error. I wrote the some codes which returns a number according to it's error [or with some desired digits] and also in string form [which doesn't eliminate right side significant zeros]

import numpy as np

def Sig_Digit[x, *N,]:
    if abs[x] < 1.0e-15:
    N = 1 if N ==[] else N[0]
    k = int[round[abs[N]-1]]-int[np.floor[np.log10[abs[x]]]]

def Sig_Format[x, *Error,]:
    if abs[x] < 1.0e-15:
    Error = 1 if Error ==[] else abs[Error[0]]
    k = int[np.floor[np.log10[abs[x]]]]
    z = x/10**k
    k = -Sig_Digit[Error, 1]
    m = 10**k
    y = round[x*m]/m
    if k < 0:
        k = abs[k]
        if z >= 9.5:
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[1+k]+'.'+'{}'.format[k-1]+'f}'
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+k]+'.'+'{}'.format[k]+'f}'
    elif k == 0:
        if z >= 9.5:
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[1+k]+'.0e}'
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+k]+'.0f}'
        FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+k]+'.'+'{}'.format[k]+'e}'

def Sci_Format[x, *N]:
    if abs[x] < 1.0e-15:
    N = 1 if N ==[] else N[0]
    N = int[round[abs[N]-1]]
    y = abs[x]
    k = int[np.floor[np.log10[y]]]
    z = x/10**k
    k = k-N
    m = 10**k
    y = round[x/m]*m
    if k < 0:
        k = abs[k]
        if z >= 9.5:
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[1+k]+'.'+'{}'.format[k-1]+'f}'
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+k]+'.'+'{}'.format[k]+'f}'
    elif k == 0:
        if z >= 9.5:
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[1+k]+'.0e}'
            FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+k]+'.0f}'
        FMT = '{:'+'{}'.format[2+N]+'.'+'{}'.format[N]+'e}'

def Significant[x, *Error]:
    N = 0 if Error ==[] else Sig_Digit[abs[Error[0]], 1]
    m = 10**N
    y = round[x*m]/m

def Scientific[x, *N]:
    m = 10**Sig_Digit[x, *N]
    y = round[x*m]/m

def Scientific_Str[x, *N,]: 
    FMT = Sci_Format[x, *N]

def Significant_Str[x, *Error,]:    
    FMT = Sig_Format[x, *Error]

test code:

X = [19.03345607, 12.075, 360.108321344, 4325.007605343]
Error = [1.245, 0.1245, 0.0563, 0.01245, 0.001563, 0.0004603]
for x in X:
    for error in Error:
        print[x,'+/-',error, end='   \t==> ']
        print[' [',Significant_Str[x, error], '+/-', Scientific_Str[error],']']


print out:

19.03345607 +/- 1.245       ==>  [ 19 +/-  1 ]

19.03345607 +/- 0.1245      ==>  [ 19.0 +/- 0.1 ]

19.03345607 +/- 0.0563      ==>  [ 19.03 +/- 0.06 ]

19.03345607 +/- 0.01245     ==>  [ 19.03 +/- 0.01 ]

19.03345607 +/- 0.001563    ==>  [ 19.033 +/- 0.002 ]

19.03345607 +/- 0.0004603       ==>  [ 19.0335 +/- 0.0005 ]

12.075 +/- 1.245    ==>  [ 12 +/-  1 ]

12.075 +/- 0.1245       ==>  [ 12.1 +/- 0.1 ]

12.075 +/- 0.0563       ==>  [ 12.07 +/- 0.06 ]

12.075 +/- 0.01245      ==>  [ 12.07 +/- 0.01 ]

12.075 +/- 0.001563     ==>  [ 12.075 +/- 0.002 ]

12.075 +/- 0.0004603    ==>  [ 12.0750 +/- 0.0005 ]

360.108321344 +/- 1.245     ==>  [ 360 +/-  1 ]

360.108321344 +/- 0.1245    ==>  [ 360.1 +/- 0.1 ]

360.108321344 +/- 0.0563    ==>  [ 360.11 +/- 0.06 ]

360.108321344 +/- 0.01245       ==>  [ 360.11 +/- 0.01 ]

360.108321344 +/- 0.001563      ==>  [ 360.108 +/- 0.002 ]

360.108321344 +/- 0.0004603     ==>  [ 360.1083 +/- 0.0005 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 1.245    ==>  [ 4325 +/-  1 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 0.1245       ==>  [ 4325.0 +/- 0.1 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 0.0563       ==>  [ 4325.01 +/- 0.06 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 0.01245      ==>  [ 4325.01 +/- 0.01 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 0.001563     ==>  [ 4325.008 +/- 0.002 ]

4325.007605343 +/- 0.0004603    ==>  [ 4325.0076 +/- 0.0005 ]

answered Sep 17 at 16:11

How do you round to significant figures?

To round to a significant figure:.
look at the first non-zero digit if rounding to one significant figure..
look at the digit after the first non-zero digit if rounding to two significant figures..
draw a vertical line after the place value digit that is required..
look at the next digit..

How do you round a value in Python?

Method 1: Using Built-in round[] Function. In Python there is a built-in round[] function which rounds off a number to the given number of digits. The function round[] accepts two numeric arguments, n and n digits and then returns the number n after rounding it to n digits.

What is round 7.5 in Python?

Round[] function in Python follows the half to even rounding strategy. In this strategy, the number is rounded off to its nearest even integer. For example, if we need to round off 7.5, it will be rounded off to its nearest even integer that is 8.

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