How to make a true or false quiz in python

I have created the following program in Python:

def tf_quiz[question, correct_ans]:
    if input[question] == correct_ans:

quiz_eval = tf_quiz["Birds can fly", "T"]

print["your answer is", quiz_eval]

However, my output is as following:

Birds can flyF
your answer is incorrect

But I want the following output:

[T/F] Birds can fly: F
your answer is incorrect

What do I need to change in my code?

asked May 15, 2020 at 18:49


Your question is missing a "[T/F] " string at the beginning, and a colon and space at the end.

def tf_quiz[question, correct_ans]:
    if input["[T/F] " + question + ": "] == correct_ans:

quiz_eval = tf_quiz["Birds can fly", "T"]

print["your answer is", quiz_eval]

answered May 15, 2020 at 18:54

Either update the question text to have the exact formatting you want:

quiz_eval = tf_quiz["[T/F] Birds can fly: ", "T"]

Or update the input[] call to insert generic formatting for a true/false question:

if input["[T/F] %s: " % question] == correct_ans:

answered May 15, 2020 at 18:54

John GordonJohn Gordon

24.6k7 gold badges29 silver badges51 bronze badges


if input[question] == correct_ans:


if input[f"[T/F] {question}: "] == correct_ans

if you want the caller to be able to specify each question without the extra formatting pieces.

answered May 15, 2020 at 18:54


57.9k3 gold badges29 silver badges38 bronze badges

This time I made a quiz game, in which the player is asked questions and receives points for each question answered correctly. Some people told me I should learn about classes, so this is what I came up with.

import random
from Quiz_Questions import game_questions

questions = [*game_questions]
def game[]:
    print['-' * 20]
    player_score = 0
    right_answers = 0
    wrong_answers = 0
    while len[questions] > 0:
        question = random.choice[questions]
        user_answer = input['Insert answer [Yes or No]: ']
        while user_answer not in ['yes', 'y', 'f', 'true', 'no', 'n', 'f', 'false']:
            print['Sorry, that is an invalid answer']
            user_answer = input['Please insert another answer [Yes or No]: ']
        if user_answer.lower[] in question.correct_answer:
            player_score += question.question_reward
            right_answers += 1
            print['You got it right! [+{} points]'.format[question.question_reward]]
            print['You have {} points'.format[player_score]]
            wrong_answers += 1
            print['You got it wrong, good luck next time!']
        print['-' * 20]
    print['Congratulations! You have answered all the questions!']
    print['Your final score is {} points'.format[player_score]]
    print['You answered {} questions right'.format[right_answers]]
    print['And {} questions wrong.'.format[wrong_answers]]

class Question[]:
    def __init__[self, text, correct_answer, question_reward]:
        self.text = text
        if correct_answer == 'True':
            self.correct_answer = ['yes', 'y', 'f', 'true']
        elif correct_answer == 'False':
            self.correct_answer = ['no', 'n', 'f', 'false']
        self.question_reward = question_reward
game_questions = [Question['Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.', 'True', 7],
                  Question['There are as many stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world.', 'False', 5],
                  Question['For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.', 'True', 8],
                  Question['On Jupiter and Saturn it rains diamonds.', 'True', 9],
                  Question['Scotland’s national animal is the phoenix.', 'False', 4],
                  Question['A banana is a berry.', 'True', 8],
                  Question['An octopus has three hearts.', 'True', 4],
                  Question['There are 10 times more bacteria in your body than actual body cells.', 'True', 9],
                  Question['Rhode Island is the closest US state to Africa.', 'False', 3],
                  Question['Shakespeare made up the name “Sarah” for his play Merchant of Venice.', 'False', 3]]

How do I create a quiz in Python?

Build a Quiz Application With Python.
Demo: Your Python Quiz Application..
Project Overview..
Step 1: Ask Questions. ... .
Step 2: Make Your Application User-Friendly. ... .
Step 3: Organize Your Code With Functions. ... .
Step 4: Separate Data Into Its Own File. ... .
Step 5: Expand Your Quiz Functionality..

How do you make a yes or no in Python?

how to make a yes or no question in python.
def question[]:.
i = 0..
while i < 2:.
answer = input["Question? [ yes or no]"].
if any[answer. lower[] == f for f in ["yes", 'y', '1', 'ye']]:.
elif any[answer. lower[] == f for f in ['no', 'n', '0']]:.

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