Language focus - unit 15 trang 110 sách bài tập (sbt) tiếng anh 12 - B LANGUAGE FOCUS

Exercise 1.Practise reading the following sentences, paying attention to the rising and falling tune.


Exercise 1.Practise reading the following sentences, paying attention to the rising and falling tune.

[ Thực hành đọc các câu sau, chú ý lên giọng và xuống giọng]

Chuck: Yes, boss?

Ralph: Have you seen this in the morning paper?

Chuck: Let me see ... is this Anderson?

Ralph: Thats him again. Im going down there to see him.

Chuck: Should I come with you, boss?

Ralph: What? Yes,... get the car.

Chuck: Would you punch him on his nose, boss?

Ralph: Do you really think so? Ill kick him out of his office.

Chuck: Boss ... dont you think wed better tell Sam first?

Ralph: Huh? Yeah, perhaps we should. Can you get him on the phone now?

Exercise 2.Choose the correct answer.

[ Chọn câu trả lời đúng]

1. Sorry Im late. The car on the way here.

A. broke down B. dropped out C. turned up

2. I arranged to meet Jane after work last night but she didnt .

A. move in B. turn up C. turn in

3. - Weve bought a new house.

- Oh, have you? When are you ?

A. turning m B. moving in C. turning up

4. There used to be a shop at the end of the street but it a year ago.

A. broke down B. turned down C. closed down

5. I ran in a marathonlast week but I wasnt fit enough. I after 15 kilometers.

A. dropped out B. showed off C. cleared up

6. We all know howwonderful you are. Theres no need to .

A. turn down B. show off C. drop out

7. I was very tired. I sat in an armchair and .

A. turned in B. dozed off C. closed down

8. Theweather is horribleat the moment, isnt it? I hope it later.

A. clears up B. shows up C. clears out


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C

5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A

Exercise 3.Choose the correctanswer.

[ Chọn đáp án đúng]

1. You're walking too fast. I cant keep you.

A. up with B. on with C. up to

2. My holidays are nearly over. Next week Ill be work.

A. back with B. back at C. away to

3. We've nearly run money. Weve got very little left.

A. up with B. away with C. out of

4. Martin isn't very happy in his job because he doesnt get hisboss.

A. on with B. out of C. up to

5. I love to look the stars in the sky at night.

A. up at B. up to C. on at

6. Are you looking the party next week?

A. forward to B. back to C. up to

7. There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got USD 30,000.

A. out of B. forward with C. away with


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A

5. A 6. A 7. C

Exercise 4.Choose the correct answer.

[Chọn câu trả lời đúng]

1. They gave me a form and told me to .

A. fill it in B. turn it down C. make it up

2. If you make a mistake on the form, just .

A. fill it in B. cross it out C. give it away

3. The story she told you wasnt true. She .

A. gave it back B. showed it around C. made it up

4. I dont like people who borrow things and dont .

A. turn them down

B. give them back

C. make them up

5. Katy is going to Australia tomorrow. Im going to the airport to .

A. see her off B. pick her up C. give her away

6. I had a lot of books that I didnt want to keep, so I to a friend.

A. showed them around

B. gave them away

C. gave them back

7. Would you like to see the factory? Would you like me to ?

A. see you off

B. show you around

C. cross you out

8. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she .

A. gave it back

B. turned it down

C. made it up


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B

5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B

Exercise 5.Choose the correct answer.

[ Chọn câu trả lời đúng]

1. Dont throw that box . I want to keep it.

A. away B. on C. up

2. Do you want this box? - No, you can throw it .

A. away B. up C. down

3. Shhh! The children are asleep. Dont wake .

A. up them B. them up C. it up

4. We can turn the television . Nobody is watching it.

A. on B. off C. down

5. Tom got very angry and started shouting. I tried to calm him .

A. away B. up C. down

6. I tried a jacket in the shop but I didnt buy it.

A. for B. on C. out

7. Please put your cigarette . This is a no-smoking area.

A. out B. away C. up

8. It was only a small fire. I was able to put it quite easily.

A. off B. out C. away

9. You can look in a dictionary if you dont know what it means.

A. a word up B. into a word C. at a word

10. Youre doing very well. Keep it !

A. away B. on C. up


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C

6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C

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