Lesson four: phonics and spelling - unit 3 - family & friends special edittion grade 5 - Listen, point, and repeat

2. There's a party today. Lots of children are here toplay and have races. Look, there is a cake on a tray.

1. Listen, point, and repeat.

Click here to listen


train: tàu

tray: khay

cake: bánh

tree: cây

leaves: lá

key: chìa khóa

2. Listen and read

Click here to listen


1. I'm sitting on a train looking out at the rain. I can see some big trees with big, orange leaves.

2. There's a party today. Lots of children are here toplay and have races. Look, there is a cake on a tray.

3. Oh no! I can't find my key.


1. Tôi đang ngồi trên tàu nhìn mưa bên ngoài tàu. Tôi có thể nhìn thấy nhiều cây lớn, nhiều lá vàng.

2. Hôm nay có một bữa tiệc. Nhiều đứa trẻ ở đây để chơi. Nhìn kìa, có một cái bánh trên khay.

3. Ồ không! Tôi không thể tìm thấy chìa khóa của mình.

3. Read again. Circle the words with long "a" sounds and underline the words with long "e" sounds.

Hướng dẫn giải:

long "a": train, rain, races, cake, tray

long "e'': trees, leaves, key.

4. Circle the word that contains a different vowel sound.

1.train tray tree play

2. cake peas day rain

3. eating seeing playing dreaming

4. leaves key queen same

5. feet tray space rain

6. three please snake easy

7. case race sea lake

8. plane week mean sea

Hướng dẫn giải:

1. tree

2. peas

3. playing

4. same

5. feet

6. snake

7. sea

8. plane

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