List of forums

The most popular forum websites are focused on technology. Other popular forum sites include game sites and home/hobby sites that cover topics like photography and cooking. We’ve chosen five of the best chat and forums where you can ask questions, find info, and share your own stories.


Reddit is lovingly known as the front page of the internet. At its simplest Reddit is really just a good old-fashioned discussion forum. It’s a place where millions of people go every day to discuss politics, post memes and share every odd thought that’s ever occurred to them in the shower. The site is divided into subreddits, with each user choosing which subreddits they would like to subscribe to according to interest like this online casino discussion. This is a bustling community of entrepreneurs who are intent on helping each other find the best solutions. Topics are organized into threads that anyone can start. The essence of Reddit is the upvote system. Users can either upvote or downvote a post according to their opinion of it.


Even if you've been living under a rock, chances are you’ve heard of Quora. Founded in June 2009 by Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever, Quora is a Q&A site where anyone can ask a question and get answers. Quora allows users to create personalized homepages that feature the things they want to learn more about by following topics, questions, people and boards. Also, rather than getting one answer the site allows all users to weigh in on what they think the best answers are. The genius behind Quora is that users can upvote answers that are the best.

Stack Overflow

StackOverflow is a platform where students and professionals post queries and answer questions about programming. It is a platform to showcase their knowledge. It is a free community where programmers write quality answers that help other users. Based on the quality of answers, the people who have answered them gain popularity when other users have upvoted the said answers.


It is a community of several million Android and Windows Phone developers who use the XDA website and forums to discuss OS versions, specific devices and customization. At XDA you can find solutions for your problems and get the most out of your smartphone device, Android particularly. The best part is you don't need to be a programmer or specially-abled personnel to be a developer at XDA.


GameSpot is a video gaming website that provides news, reviews, previews, downloads, and other information on video games. The site reviews game both popular and small on every platform. GameSpot is used by 26m gamers worldwide, who contribute content and network with other gamers through the website.

Final Thoughts

Forum and chat websites are probably one of the oldest forms of community on the internet. These forums are doing well in their respective niches, raking the owners millions of dollars in revenue on annual bases. Most importantly helping the end user by giving information which they seek.

Like Blogs and eCommerce websites, Forum is equally going places and is probably one pf the oldest form of community on the internet. There are guys who have capitalized on people’s desire to belong to a community on the internet to create highly successful forums. These forums are doing well in their respective niches, raking the owners millions of dollars in revenue on annually bases. But which among them are the biggest forums on the internet and how much they earn?

I hereby bring to you list of the top 10 biggest and most successful forums on the internet. You can learn from them as you prepare to build your own forum. Who knows, yours may just be the next big thing on the internet and even surpass these ones. Learn how to build your own forum!

10. [$26,820 monthly] — Number 10 in this list of top ten biggest forum websites in the world is Hard Forum. With over 14 million posts and more than 180,000 registered members, Hard Forum occupy the last spot on the top with pride. The forum is about technology, auction, and more. Developed with the vBulletin forum software, It is a one stop forum for technology and gadget lovers.

9. — [$32,220 monthly] Founded in 1999 by David Bott and Alan Gouger, is the largest discussion forum dedicated to Home Theater, cinema, and the products used with over one million members, 800 thousand threads, and seventeen million posts.

AVS is the place to discuss high-definition home theater gear, movies, and everything in between with enthusiasts from all over the world

8. — [$35,220 monthly] With over 200,000 registered members, is the biggest Domain Name Business forum on earth. It is a very active domain forum – acting as domain market place and discussion boards for avid Domainers worldwide.

7. — [$62,225 monthly] Own by Phandroid is the FIRST independent forum website dedicated to discussing all matter about android. On November 5th, 2007, rumors of the gPhone were put to rest as Google announced Android. By announcing a mobile platform instead of a manufactured handset, Google officially begun a mobile revolution.

On November 6th, 2007, reported that “Android Already Has Phandroids“, making the first documented website reporting exclusively on Android news. Therefore, it is not surprising how big their forum has become within six years.

6. — [$74,820 monthly] With over 750,000 registered members, is the # 1 Discussion Forums in India and sixth in the world. The forum was started in December 2003.  From the days of Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahi – India-Forums has succeeded in bringing together television viewers all across the globe. It has merged the virtual world and reality in a beautiful combination where virtual friends are now part of an extended family with many special bonds and relationships.

India-Forums started as television discussion forum has branched out to several other sections like Bollywood, Celebrity Interview, Internet Radio, Fan Clubs, Debate Mansion, Sports, Books Talk, Fashion News update and Gizmo Talks.

5. — [$151,830 monthly] Owned by Curse Inc. MineCraftForum is the largest gamers discussion board on the internet, attracting more than 22 million unique visitors a month. It’s purpose is to help gamers enjoy the game in all aspects of their gaming lifestyle— from tips for a game they are playing, engaging with their friends in the gaming community to watching their favorite gaming professionals compete.

MindCraft Forum topics comprises, tools, databases, videos, guides, live streaming, and eSports teams. Online gaming enthusiasts depend on Curse for the tools and expertise they need in order to take their gaming to the next level. It a one stop forum for game lovers

4. — [$187,560 monthly] This forum is probably the best monetized forum is the world. Everything about web host, web hosting, server management and administration is discussed here. You can never have anything to do with host without bumping of this forum, that’s how big it it, occupying the forth position among the biggest forums in the world.

3. — [$204,660?] Nairaland is the biggest forum in Africa and third biggest in the world. This forum is probably the opposite of WebHostingTalk in terms of monetization. If properly monetized and all the potentials realized, this forum has all it takes to comfortably bring in $250,000 monthly but I doubt if it’s bringing anything close to that now. The forum is a broad discussion board, catering for all things under the sun as long as it’s worth talking about. It is founded in 2005 by a Nigerian Entrepreneur Oluwaseun Osewa.

2. — [$465,690 monthly] Digital point sits on number two spot comfortably with nothing to worry about. After all, the champion is holding sway to number one spot without any desire whatsoever of relinquishing the top position . Digital Point is the center point for discussion on anything digital and computer. It is another well monetized forum.

1. — [$1,150,530 monthly] With over 20,000 registered member online and another more than 22,000 guest online at any giving time of the day, you dare not compete with warrior forum in anyway. This monstrous forum on Internet marketing is unarguably the biggest forum on the Internet. Founded in 1997 by Allen Say, the forum has grown beyond every measure and has become the number one meeting point for Internet marketers worldwide.

So, the Champion is:- The Warrior Forum!

Forums, message boards and online communities have become an essential part of the web sphere. They are the hubs where people can interact, share information, and offer advice while overcoming physical barriers like geographical locations.

Online communities are gaining popularity as more people tend to depend on them more often. However, with the increase in the number of these forums and community sites, it is paramount for us to be able to sieve them and select only the best and most popular sites.

So, I did some research to get the list of the top 30 forums, message boards and online communities online, I excluded the big social media websites [social media websites are technically community websites as well, but I chose to focus on forums and message boards instead, since most social media platform need no introduction], and I hope this ranking turns out to be useful to you as it did to me, so enjoy!

1- Reddit

Reddit is a news aggregation website that allows discussions and ratings of web content. Participation is restricted to registered members only. The website allows the member to post content e.g., links, texts, images, and even videos. These posts are then voted on by other members to rank them.

So, Reddit covers a wide range of topics, these are sub-classified communities or “subreddits” which refer to user-created boards usually named in the following format “r/topic” e.g., “r/programming”. It was founded in 2005 in the USA, and it has loads of STEM related subreddits, so techies will have their fill of active communities in their domain.

In 2020, it was estimated to have +500 million active users every month. 52 million daily users. With the majority of the users from the USA at around 222 million per month. It has +130,000 super active communities and approximately +2.8 million subreddits in total.

Reddit allows for do-follow links, so you can use it to build your back-links profile, but most subreddits have a strong anti-spam and anti-self promotion stance, so you must provide real value to the communities, not just spam them with your links.

2- is an online community that works on the basis of questions and answers. This community was founded in June 2009 by two former Facebook employees.

Currently, Quora has approximately 300 million active users every month with google trends showing it to have an upward trend in its profile. This means the popularity of the site is still growing. On a day, questions asked on the online community can range from 3000 up to 5000.

Most of the questions posted on Quora get responses within 20 to 30 minutes with the questions stated more clearly getting quicker responses. Currently, the online community does not offer do-follow links. It is however one of the best sites currently for content marketing, and a decent source of traffic.

3- GitHub

GitHub is an online code repository host for its members’ content. It allows its members who are mostly software developers to share the projects that they are working on. GitHub’s membership is approximately constituted of over 65 million software developers who have created over 200 million repositories. Github is now owned by Microsoft

This repository website supports all file types ranging from text to videos. It is a very good option for developers who want to collaborate on projects. It allows members to contribute by suggesting new features, supporting another person’s project through coding and so much more.

It is strongly supported by the open-source community where it freely avails a project’s source code to the community. Organizations like Google use its services to boost the confidence of other users.

4- Imgur

Imgur is an image-sharing website created in 2009. It began by hosting images and memes that were trending on other websites [namely Reddit]. Later on, it enabled the users to host & share their pictures independently of any other social media sites.

Currently, Imgur’s online image hosting and sharing site has +150 million users and it hosts over 2 billion images. The posts reach over 250 million people monthly. It uses adverts to cater for its hosting charges and the online site began offering subscriptions for members to enjoy ad-free experiences.

5- StackOverFlow & The Stack Exchange Network

StackOverFlow and StackExchange’s network of Q/A websites started as a software developers’ forum platform that was created back in 2008. It is a platform where users can ask questions on software development & other STEM related topics, and get answers from other professionals and enthusiasts.

Members can vote on the answers to a question according to the effectiveness of the proposed solution enabling them to be ranked higher. It has over 50 million users, and statistics of 2021 estimate it to have 31 million answers so far for the 21 million questions asked.

StackOverFlow boasts a response time of less than an hour. It offers content over a wide range of programming languages and technologies.

The site offers quality by scanning the questions posted to ensure they are strictly programming-based and very precise. Any ambiguous question or one that might elicit opinion-based responses is marked closed and hence rejected to ensure the site remains effective and objective.

The same principle of StackOverFlow is applied to all Q/A communities of StackExchange, which include communities about mathematics, physics, languages, photography, history & geography, finance & personal finance, gaming…etc

6- Discord

Discord is an online community platform that focuses on real-time communication for gamers. It is an online web platform and app that allows gamers to talk to each other and organize to play games together online. It solves the communication problem between online gamers.

It has gained popularity with +15 million people logging on daily and over +250 million registered users. It is not a forum in the typical sense since all communication happens in real-time.

It has a support page that has the frequently asked questions categorized as per the topics and users can search through those questions and their proposed answers.

7- Medium

Medium is an online publishing platform that hosts over 60 million active monthly users. It was created by a co-founder of Twitter. It works by allowing users to post on this site long articles for their viewers to read.

It allows one to link their medium profile to that of their social media accounts, specifically Facebook and Twitter. This helps them to take advantage of their social media following and gives their followers access to their work easily.

8- Steam

The Steam community is an online forum where gamers can sell and buy games from one another and other items that are used for gaming. It allows for users to offer support to one another and also communicate with the gaming world.

This online community allows for updating of games, in-game voice, and chat functionalities, and others such as friends lists and group lists. This online community hosts around +30 million users.

9- Archive of our Own

Archive of Our Own is a non-profit repository for fan-fiction and other fan-works that have been contributed by users. It was created in 2008. It works by allowing users to create profiles where they can add their work and other content. They can create collections, participate in challenges, import and bookmark other works.

They can also comment and like other people’s works. It hosts subgroups within it called fandoms made of groups of members who share the same interests.

Currently, it has about 40 thousand fandoms with over 7 million hosted works. It has over 2. 5 million registered users. Its organization is simple and easy to use.

10- IGN Boards

IGN is an abbreviation for Imagine Games Network and it is a massive community with gaming forums as the main topic, but also entertainment [Anime, Movies, Comic Books…], sports [basketball, baseball, football…], as well as other topics [cooking, cars, dating…etc].

The IGN boards have over 229 million users worldwide. Its YouTube channel has more than 18 million subscribers. Its following is still massive on other social media platforms amassing 44 million followers.

It also supports other custom forums for specific geographical groups and language groups. However, users still complain of the live streams on the site that unnecessarily drain data from users especially with metered connections and the incompatibility issues of the site with several devices & plugins.

11- Microsoft Docs

Microsoft Docs is the documentation library for Microsoft products’ end users, developers, and IT professionals. In addition to the documentation, the e-learning platform and code samples library, it has an active Q/A community where you can exchange useful knowledge and information with other Microsoft Specialists.

It launched in 2016 as a replacement of MSDN and TechNet libraries which previously hosted some of these materials. It now allows for sharing of knowledge and files as long as you have a Microsoft account.

12- GameFAQs [Gamespot]

GameFAQs is an online host for frequently asked questions about video games created back in 1995. The site usually holds a daily opinion poll and tournaments. It hosts sub-communities called message boards which deal with specific games in the site database.

It has information on video games, cheat codes, reviews etc… It is estimated that the site receives 2 – 5 new users every minute. The site does support do-follow back-links.

13- 4chan

4chan is an online bulletin board for images that were created in 2003. It allows anyone to post, share and comment anonymously on images and other posts.

It currently has 20 million unique users every month and over 900, 000 posts daily. The boards are organized into several topics.

14- Slick Deals

Slick Deals is an online platform that allows its users to find and share the best shopping deals online ranked and voted on by other members.

It allows the members to also share deals that they have found online that could benefit other users. It allows for do-follow back-links and currently boasts over 12 million users.

15- Nexus Mods

Nexus Mods is an online community where users are allowed to share game modifications referred to as mods. It is one of the largest gaming sites on the internet acting as a source of original content.

It has over 25 million registered members. It allows for members to attach links for other users to download the mods.

16- XDA-Developers Android Forums

XDA Developers is a website that contains vast resources on android development. it is one of the largest online global resources for android developers. It contains a forum where developers can exchange ideas and brainstorm on problems faced during their development journeys.

Topics in the forum are organized according to the mobile devices and the operating systems of the devices.


Kaskus is an Indonesian-based company that hosts an online forum for users. It has registration which enables members to access over twenty sub-forums organized according to the region and the subjects the forums discuss.

This is currently considered the largest online community forum in Indonesia. In 2012 it had 4.5 million users, in 2014 the number had risen to 25 million users. The forum allows users to share links that other users can click to follow up on posts and other news posted.

18- TripAdvisor Forums

TripAdvisor is a well known travel destinations’ reviews & recommendations site, it has several active forums for specific regions or for specific themes [like traveling with pets, bargain travels, honeymoon travels…etc], the forums allow you to ask travelers who’ve been there before, and to share your own experience with fellow travelers.

19- Ars Technica

Ars Technica was started as a website to cover opinions and news on technology and politics. It has a majority of regular users who are postgraduates and work for academic or private institutions. Ars Technica has several active forums in Hardware & Tweaking, Operating Systems & Software, Gaming and more.

It offers public content that is free to everyone and also has a premium membership option. It boasts over 12 million unique users, 2 million followers on social media, and 15.7 million views on its videos.


MoneySavingExpert [MSE] is the website considered the UK’s largest consumer website with over 16 million users per month. It offers its users links to the best deals online, best shopping offers, and available online sales. It also has a super active forum about everything related to personal finance, investing, frugality & minimalism.

The MSE forum does not support any self-promotion or advertising, and neither does it charge any users for using their services, it’s a free community supported by affiliate links from special partnerships between MSE’s owners and a select group of brands.

21- SpiceWorks Community

SpiceWorks Community is a collection of online message boards that allow users to collaborate on projects and seek feedback and advice from each other. It also offers a platform where users can purchase IT-related goods and services.

It is renowned for having over 6 million IT professionals using it and over 3 million technology vendors. It offers over 6 million unique visitors its services. It supports do-follow back-links by users as they exchange ideas and solutions.

22- HackerNews By YCombinator

HackerNews by YCombinator [the famous startup accelerator that launched several tech startups like Reddit, AirBnB, Stripe & DropBox…] is a community site for discussions and news aggregation that promotes innovation and creative thinking by encouraging its members to post anything that they are curious about. It is a forum that focuses on computer science and the business side of the field.

It is estimated that every month, 8 million people visit HackerNews. The credibility of information and news pertaining to IT & cybersecurity news is unquestionable as it focuses more on that particular field.

It allows its users to submit links to stories that are then voted for by being flagged. If a story gets over 100 votes, that story features on the front page of the site.


This is a well-known micro-blogging platform, but many use it as a social media website, and that is why I left it near the bottom of this ranking.

Tumbler basically allows you to share any type of content you want [articles, links, audio, photos & videos…etc] on your own dashboards [sort of micro-blogs], you can put hashtags on your posts so they can be discovered by the community, people can follow your ‘blogs’, and leave comments / notes on your publications, basically if you are familiar with Twitter & Medium, you’ll get the hang of it quickly since it’s sort of a crossover between the functionalities of those two.

This site has more than 500 million ‘blogs’, spanning pretty much every content-category you can think of, and is visited by more than 300 million unique visitors on a monthly basis.

24- is a redesigned Reddit clone. It offers several forums similar to subreddits where people can share posts and other members get to vote on the posts. The members get to vote on a post as “insightful” or “fun” or both, no down-votes as far as I saw. Voting a post as both “insightful” and “fun” gives it the most points for it is both informative and fun to read.

This site has a monthly traffic of around 500k unique visitors, and as far as I can tell, it allows for do-follow back-links and self-promotion, as long as you don’t spam, and actually participate in the different message boards.


Notabug is a Reddit clone and offers users a platform to share opinions and news on different topics. On this online forum, users can share links to other articles and resources online including links to YouTube videos.

The site has around 100k unique visitors per month, and it seems to allow do-follow back-links as long as you don’t spam, and are smart about your linking strategy.


Snapzu is an online community that allows members to share all sorts of content from links to pictures, articles, and videos. It hosts many user-managed communities for like-minded people offering them the liberty to vet and rate the content displayed in the online forum.

The best part is the content is not censored as the site believes in freedom of speech and expression, however, it does not allow for self-promotion, unless you are super active on the different boards/topics.


Lobsters is an online community focusing on link aggregation and online discussions related to Tech and STEM in general. It was started in 2012 and focuses on building healthy tech communities. The stories and links being posted have to be tagged by the users according to the predefined tags that mark their category for ease of access and sorting.


Phuks is a link aggregation site [yep, another Reddit clone] that focuses on collecting links from preexisting content online and rearranging them, sorting them in an understandable format for users to access easily. It offers a myriad of links to its users saving them a lot of time online, and offering them the possibility of having meaningful conversations about them.


This is a social news website that allows for discussions between the members. This site allows for members to post links to other sites for easier access and sorting. Members get to refer other members to links to articles that answer the questions posed.


This is an online forum that allows users to access data with minimal to no user tracking at all. It also prioritizes relevant information ensuring high-quality content to its users at all times. The forum is applauded for its no-bullying policy whereas all the cyberbullies are removed from the forum without hesitation.

Well, that’s it for this list, I hope you found it helpful ! This was the top 30 forums, message boards and online communities, ranked mostly by popularity [traffic]. You can check my other articles about forums or websites in specific niches or for specific audiences:

Page 2

Making money online forums & online communities are the main hubs for online hustlers to exchange ideas, share experiences, and even help solve the mutual problems that they face.

These communities and forums have become an essential part of the online workers’ journey, even to novice people who are just getting started. These are places to get set up with basic yet necessary steps for them to settle faster and get acclimatized to the new working environment.

Below is a list of the best 25 making money online forums, message boards and online communities for people who want to, or are already working online to make money:

1. Making Money Online Forums on Reddit [Subreddits]

Reddit is a social news aggregation site that allows discussions and ratings of web content. To participate, one needs to be a registered member.

This allows the member to post content e.g., links, texts, images, and even videos. These posts are then voted on by other members to rank them.

With the majority of the users from the USA, It has +130k active communities and approximately 2.8 million subreddits in total. It is a very resourceful site for entrepreneurs & online hustlers who want to learn more about making money online.

There are literally hundreds of communities covering topics like e-commerce, drop-shipping, affiliate marketing [and all other sub-topics of digital marketing & seo], blogging, vlogging & streaming [content creation in general].

It also has subreddits for cryptocurrencies, stock market investing, 3d printing, freelancing, flipping, SaaS building, side projects & side hustles, and so much more, we obviously can’t list them all here.

So, Here is a curated list of the Top 15 subreddits about making money online on Reddit:

  1. r/eCommerce: a subreddit for online store owners, ~ 180k members.
  2. r/Dropship: a subreddit to talk drop-shipping with fellow redditors, ~ 140k members.
  3. r/Shopify: a subreddit for Shopify store owners, ~ 150k members.
  4. r/Flipping: a forum for those who flip things for profit [websites, channels, houses, used products…], ~ 220k members
  5. r/Passive_Income: a forum for those building their own passive income streams [not just online], ~ 200k members.
  6. r/AffiliateMarketing: a community for affiliate marketers [CPA & CPS], ~ 100k members.
  7. r/Streaming: a forum for online content creators, especially on streaming platforms, ~ 50k members.
  8. r/Blogging: a discussion board for bloggers & the blogging journey, ~100k members.
  9. r/Cryptocurrency: a forum for people who invest in the different cryptocurrencies, ~ 3.5M members
  10. r/WallstreetBets: a subreddit for retail investors, famous for the whole Game Stop short-squeeze, ~ 11M members
  11. r/SaaS: for those interested in building or selling a Software-as-a-Service [software subscriptions], ~ 30k members.
  12. r/Freelance: a subreddit for freelancers, on-premises & online/remote ones, ~300k members.
  13. r/Work online: a forum for those looking for online jobs, or ways to make money online, ~400k members.
  14. r/JustStart: a forum about affiliate marketing, seo & related topics for both beginners and experts, ~ 100k members.
  15. r/SideHustle: a forum for those interested in making money on top of another full-time commitment, 70k members.

2. Amazon Seller Central Forum

Amazon is the top eCommerce platform with over 197 million monthly visits. It has over 100 million people subscribed to their prime membership with each member spending an average of USD 1,400 annually on the website.

Being the top site in eCommerce globally, Amazon has developed a support system for the sellers on the website. This is where the Amazon Seller Central Forum comes in.

It is a forum where the sellers can discuss and share ideas and help each other solve the challenges they encounter while conducting business on Amazon.

It has links for the frequently asked questions and discussion topics to allow a member who is new on the platform to quickly access these topics that have already been discussed and frequently revisited by newbies.

3. Digital Point Forum

Digital Point is an online forum for matters about search engines and search engine optimization, as well as other digital marketing topics. They offer access for free but also have a premium membership.

This forum gets around 300k monthly visitors and the community is very friendly and nice towards beginners.

So, if you have any questions regarding the online money-making process, feel free to post them in this forum. The community is surely going to help you solve it.

4. Making Money Online Topics on Quora is an online question-and-answer community. This community was founded in June 2009 by two former Facebook employees.

It covers a vast field of topics including how to make money online and discussions on specific online opportunities, their advantages and disadvantages, and challenges faced by current users of said opportunities.

It provides reliable information to entrepreneurs. Quora has approximately 500 million active users every month. The popularity of the site is still growing according to google trends. Daily posted questions on the community can range from 3k up to 5k.

Most of the questions posted on Quora get responses within 20 minutes with the questions stated more clearly getting quicker responses. It is however one of the best sites currently for questions and answers online.

5. Warrior Forum

This is a forum where the more experienced online entrepreneurs train and teach those who are willing to learn. It was started back in 1997, and is currently considered to be one of the largest internet marketing communities.

It has around 500k monthly visits with over 1 million registered members. It has a professional groups like War Room and Warrior Special Offers group which markets product and service sales, freelancers hiring, advertising, eCommerce, and mobile marketing.

6. Wicked Fire Forum

Wicked Fire is one of the best online forums for affiliate marketers. It is more focused on advanced users than new online entrepreneurs.

It gets real-time news from niche people who also offer professional advice. Members of this forum have a chance to make substantial amounts of money.

This forum is considered one of the most serious online forums that give members a chance to earn serious cash.

7. eBay Community

eBay community is an online platform that unites the sellers, buyers, and employees of eBay together to promote sharing of ideas, problem-solving, and learning from each other.

It has several features including the knowledge base, the seller news, and discussion boards. And It is organized as a peer-to-peer platform with the employees taking a back seat.

Due to the large number of people conducting business on eBay, the eBay community platform gets over a 100 million monthly visits. It is a very supportive and resourceful community for making money online.

8. Indie Hackers

Indie Hackers is an online community of owners and founders of online businesses for online entrepreneurs & hustlers, from online shop owners, content creators, to SaaS builders & tech start-uppers.

It contains lots of valuable info, and shared experiences, and is very beginner-friendly. It was founded by an early employee of Stripe, and you’ll find in there hundreds of experienced tech founders and online business owners.

9. UK Business Forums UKBF

UK Business Forums [UKBF] is an online community that was created in 2003 to offer support to small business entrepreneurs.

Currently, with over 300k monthly users, it is a great place for business owners who are just beginning, to get all the advice and support they need, tailored specifically to the United Kingdom residents.

10. Beer Money Forum BMF

Beer Money Forums is an online community that covers discussions on how to make money online, cryptocurrency, investing, and several other online money-making methods.

It has over a million monthly visitors, and It offers premium membership for extra features that are exclusive to members.

11. Affilorama Forum

Affilorama forum was created by 2 famous affiliate marketers named Mark Ling and Simon Slade, and ranks in top 5 for affiliate marketing, since it has over a million members that engage actively for discussion of different aspects of online businesses, and specifically affiliate marketing.

To achieve the success of their members they provide tools and training that help in building a successful affiliate business within a realistic time-frame.

12. Business Advice Forum

Business Advice Forum is best suited for small online business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. This is due to the essential advice on how to manage a small business and how to scale the business.

That advice is mostly offered by experienced entrepreneurs who also reply to queries posted by the members of the forum to assist them in solving their business challenges and improve their businesses efficiency.

This forum is still relatively small compared to the previous ones, with approximately 40k members and over 35k discussions on the forum. 

13. Slick Deals

Although Slick Deals is a platform that allows its users to find the best shopping deals online which have been voted on by other members. It has an interesting “Contests & Sweepstakes” that allows you to make some cash online.

It allows the members to also share deals that they have found online that could benefit other users. It boasts 12 million members, with over 60 million monthly visits.

14. Black Hat World

Black Hat World is a popular seo & digital marketing forum. It allows discussions that can improve members’ businesses using their SEO tactics.

It hosts a myriad of experts that are generous enough to share their knowledge and information with the members. It currently gets 2.3 million monthly visits.

However, it has gained a bad reputation from time to time allegedly from its members using black hat SEO tactics that are not deemed ethical and fair in the online market, but that shouldn’t be surprising, it’s literally in their name !

15. The Fa$tlane Forum

The Fast-lane forum is an online discussions board for online entrepreneurs & hustlers, seeking to achieve FIRE [Financial Independence & Retiring Early] asap.

This community has multiple forums for the different MMO categories: e-commerce, crypto investing, digital marketing, content creation, and so much more.

It has around 75k members, and gets more than a million monthly visitors. And, it has an premium “Insiders” membership for extra content/features and a no-ads experience.

16. Alt-coins Talks

AltcoinsTalks is a cryptocurrency forum, for discussions about all alternative coins, tokens & crypto technologies, it contains news, Q&As, and of course crypto investing advice, as well as tips and tricks from other crypto enthusiasts.

However, in anything related to crypto these days, you’ll need to be mindful of the presence of scams, and be able to differentiate between legit advice & scams/spam.

The forum receives over a 100k monthly visitors, and has around 90k members, and is very beginner friendly.

17. Bizdustry Forum

Bizdustry is a relatively small forum about earning money online, where you can talk crypto, business, seo & digital marketing, and how to invest money for a return, with like-minded people.

It has around 10k members, and receives less than 100k monthly visitors. However, it seems to be quite active with a relatively high posting frequency, and an overall beginner friendly vibe.

18. Fiverr Community Forums

Fiverr Community Forums are primarily for freelancers on Fiverr, but you’ll find in there some good advice, tips and tricks that would benefit any freelancer.

If you didn’t know, Fiverr is the largest online platform for micro-services & gigs that start at 5$ [and can go up to thousands of US dollars], it is a marketplace that makes it easier for freelancers & their clients/employers [both individuals & companies] to seamlessly find and work with each other.

The community forums receive a whopping 60 Million unique monthly visitors, making one of the largest specialized online communities on this list.

19. eCommerce Fuel Forum

eCommerce Fuel is a premium forum specifically targeting online store owners who already built their business to 7-8 figures [usd] revenue per year, they claim that their members make 5 million US dollars on average per year.

It has a lot of experienced and professional sellers that offer advice on how online store owners scale their businesses.

It is exclusive to subscribers that pay 99$ per month, so if you are a beginner, just skip this one, it isn’t for you.

20. Upwork Community

Upwork is the largest freelancing website online currently with over 20 million freelancers and 5 million clients registered on it. It brought in over 300 million in revenue in 2019 alone.

With it being such a success, the Upwork community is a global platform set by the company to allow the collaboration between their members. It is where the freelancers can engage with each other as well as the clients and also get in touch with the Upwork representatives.

On this platform, members can discover & share the current features, tips & tricks of Upwork and propose new features as well. It is a good place for giving feedback.

Currently, the Upwork community has over 8 million registered members with about 40 million monthly visitors discussing over 15k topics.

The Upwork community has strict guidelines to ensure professionalism, these include restricting the language to English, no posts about advertising or self-promotions of any kind, and so much more that ensures the community stays relevant and objective.


Go4Expert is a sitemap for pages and information that relates primarily to software development at large but, within this site, there are forums on making money online including freelancing, internet marketing, crypto investing and eCommerce.

It also has a section for forums where one can post anything and also search through the problems and the recommended solutions that have been posted so far.

On top of that, it has a community of members behind it that organize events from social meet-and-greets where members get a chance to interact with each other, up to professional events on specific topics for networking. It currently has around 60k members.

22. Making Money Online Topics on Medium

Medium is an online publishing platform that gets over 160 million unique monthly users. It was created by a co-founder of Twitter. It works by allowing users to post on this site long articles for their viewers to read.

Medium allows one to link their medium profile to that of their social media accounts, specifically Facebook and Twitter. This helps them to take advantage of their social media following and gives their followers access to their work easily.

It is a great place for entrepreneurs to get information on making money online. It offers a platform where experienced and thoroughly researched members can post details and information that will help the readers in their business journey.

23. YTTalk

YTTalk is a forum specifically for YouTubers, You’ll find in there a lot of information on how to launch and grow your YouTube channel, increase your audience engagement, and diversify & optimize your monetization strategies.

It has more than 100K active members, all focused on building and growing YouTube channels, creating a very helpful & beginner friendly community for new & veteran vloggers.


This website is one of the largest websites in the personal finance niche, with over 23.3 million users per month visiting it.

It’s a forum where users visit to get links to the best deals online, best shopping offers, and online sales available. And its forum contains a lot of topics about generating additional sources of income online, that is why I’m including it in this list.

25. BloggerHub

This is an online forum that was established in 2004. It is a forum focused on blogging and has a vast library of information on blogging.

It features discussions, questions, and answers and one can become a member free of charge by registering and posting as per the rules set in the forum.

Well, that’s it for this article. I hope you discovered useful MMO websites, forums & online communities. You can check my other articles to discover more online resources about tech & digital marketing subjects:

Page 3

Robotics forums, message boards and online communities provide worldwide platforms for robotics specialists to build and participate in supportive and cooperative communities.

In this article, we take a deep look into the list of the top 15 robotics forums that students, hobbyists and professionals use:

1. RoboDK Forum

RoboDK is a great and powerful simulator for commercial robots and also for robot programming. It’s a perfect tool for anyone who is a robotics enthusiast since it requires a low experience level to handle.

Their forum engages in discussions that aim to educate its members, and find answers to questions that are RoboDK related.

Through RoboDK simulation, the ability to program them offline, and their cost-effectiveness have made them one of the best robotic tools available.

RoboDK forum has more than 200k monthly visitors and around 15 new daily posts. It has more than 4k existing message threads.

RoboDK forum is one of the best sites to visit if you have any question regarding their software, robot programming or their commercial robotics.

2. DoF Collaborative Robotics Forum

The DoF collaborative robotics forum is a community that is run by Robotiq, the forum has been in existence since 2016 and has gained a massive following due to its impressive discussions about robotics and everything related to it.

The increase in the innovation of robots, in various sectors of manufacturing and services, has seen many robotic users go back to learning a new set of skills, to keep up with the innovation and be productive.

Thus, the importance of the DoF community that offers an e-learning platform to its members to aid them with knowledge on the latest innovations from Robotiq. 

The DoF community is an engaging site to visit and has around 2,143 discussions. It has more than 180k monthly visitors, and provides several options of interaction on its website, making it easier for anyone to contribute and learn from other members.

It provides a platform for many robotics users, from experienced veterans to newer robotics users. 

3. Robot Forum

The robot forum community is rated as one of the top sites for programmers and engineers who are working with robots. More than 120k people visit this forum every month.

This forum provides a platform to unite a worldwide network of robot users, to create a supportive and cooperative community. The robot community is an active network that provides quality answers and gives its users a first-class experience.

Through their site, they can offer support for Robotics specialists & students, and their discussion board is rated as the most active among robotics forums.

This site provides a network and resource for both experienced robotics and newbie robotics. The site has recorded over 120k+ posts and has around 33k active members. Each day, more than 10 posts are added to the forum.

4. RobotShop Community

The RobotShop community has created a network that connects people in sectors like electronics, drones, programming, and robotic equipment.

The forum has an exceptional balance of fun, academics & useful knowledge, and provides challenging materials that are accessible through their online platform.

The platform has over 800k monthly visits and 30k+ members with over 36k posts. RobotShop forum is has gained popularity through its engaging robot tutorials and blogs that aid both newbies and experienced robotics specialists.

5. Trossen Robotics Community

Trossen Robotics forum is one of the top-rated and highly respected robotics forums online. The community consists of a global network that is devoted to answering questions, giving out solutions, sharing important information, reviewing projects, and more.

The Trossen Robotics community is a perfect forum for those who would like to discuss humanoid robots and construction robots. The forum has over 100k monthly visits and more than 70k existing threads.

6. Stack Exchange Robotics Site

The stack exchange network has a trusted site of robotics-related questions and answers. This community has +25.000 registered users, and more than 6000 questions and 9000 answers.

This site is open to engineers and developers to post questions and have discussions on it, also the site can be of use to both experienced and newbie robotics specialists.

7. Robot Reviews

The robot review community records over 125k visits every month. Like other forums, the robot review community assists robotics specialists with Q&As, discussions, breaking news, and the ability to post questions and get help.

Robot Review forum has its uniqueness, the site allows users to create their articles/blogs, a message board, and the power to post user-written blogs.

You are in a position to contribute your thoughts or ideas to one of the world’s largest Robotics forums, plus your articles might get featured on the front page.

8. Society of Robots

If you are a newbie in the game of robotics, and you do not know where to start, the society of robots is the place for you.

This society has one of the greatest resources, the forum provides an AI-powered real-time chat-board that aids in answering questions. This forum is one of the largest robot-building forums on the web.

The forum houses over 120k thread posts, and more than 10 posts are added to the forum every day.

9. DF Robot

DF Robot forum is one the greatest resources in the making of Arduino, 3D printing, vortex, and many visual programming languages.

With more than 600k monthly visits, the DF Robot community is a fantastic place to get answers and support from developers and engineers who are experts in their relevant robotics fields.

This forum provides a good introduction to the robotics community for beginners, and a comfortable home for experienced enthusiasts.

10. ABB RobotStudio Forums

The ABB RobotStudio forums are the main community for people using ABB robots in hand with their simulation software.

The forum is highly active and you are likely to receive your answers from the ABB support staff and other ABB users if you are one of the customers. It has around 145k monthly visits and over 10k thread posts.

11. JJ Robots Community

With around 25k members, JJ Robots community is a great place for robotics enthusiasts. JJ robots perfectly fits-in in the world of robotics hobbyists, this forum is a great site for specific robot kits.

For example, JJ robots have a part that is dedicated to other brands like Sphere-O-Bot[a good art robot that can draw on rounded shapes from a small to bigger sizes], Blimpduino, and B-robot… etc.

12. Adept Robot Forum

The Adept Industrial robots include a high-speed Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm [SCARA], six-axis robots, and XYZ direct modules.

Like other communities, the Adept Robot forum supports discussions and posting of thoughts and ideas from starters and advanced robotics.

13. VEX Forum

VEX is one of the best forums that are well-established for professionals, hobbyists, and educational resources. The VEX community is committed to giving clear, accurate, and up-to-date resources on their forum to aid you in whatever category you may be in.

This forum is recorded to have one of the fastest response times from knowledgeable professionals. It has around 100k monthly visits and over 17,000 message thread posts.

14. RIA Ask the Experts

The Robotic Industries Association Ask the Expert section is a forum that is reduced to a one-way question-answer site.

In this platform, one is only entitled to ask questions to a given panel of industry professionals and they will give their responses on the same panel. This forum records over 190k monthly visitors.  

15. Universal Robots Forum

UR+ forum is a support forum that primarily aids users who use Universal Robots. It has around 400k monthly visitors.

The forum is designed into sections that relate to the many aspects of Universal Robots products, these aspects include a mechanical interface, communication, and error recognition… etc.

That’s it for this article, I hope you found this list helpful. Be sure to check my other articles to discover more forums, websites, useful tools & online courses in the various fields related to Tech:

Page 4

Shopify forums, message boards, as well as online communities about e-commerce in general, are a good place to exchange knowledge and information between Shopify sellers, whether they are beginners or e-commerce veterans.

That’s why I compiled for you a list of the top 15 e-commerce & Shopify forums that will help you in your journey:

1. Shopify Community

Shopify is one of the most popular online communities about e-commerce with around 1 million members. This community was created to help users get connected with the merchants and other partners directly, and get tailored messages and subscribe to keywords that are associated with their interests.

The sellers on the Shopify community describe their problems in the posts, and the helpful community there always tries to do the best they can to solve them..

2. Shopify Entrepreneurs

Shopify entrepreneur is a Shopify FB group that was founded by HeyCarson- a popular Shopify expert. It is a private Facebook group with over 120k members. Only members can see who’s in the group, and what they are posting.

This group was created in 2015, and since then its membership has been increasing exponentially. If you have any problem, just describe it in detail in a post on this group, the members -very friendly btw- will help you to fix it.

3. Shopify Subreddit

Reddit has one of the most active Shopify forums: the Shopify subreddit. It was created in 2011, and has around 150k members.

On this subreddit, you can only post something related to Shopify directly. Any kind of spam or promotion is completely prohibited.

Moreover, any use of offensive language can result in a permanent ban on your account. So be sure to be nice and friendly with others on this community.

4. E-commerce Fuel Forum

The eCommerce fuel forum is very popular among advanced Shopify users. Since if you are looking for pro marketing tips, this would be the place to get them.

This forum has around 20k discussions and more than 100k monthly visits. However, it requires a monthly $49 subscription fee. But believe me when I say it: this community is worth its price tag.

5. The Supplier Central Forums

The Supplier central forum is a great place for getting your store off the ground. This is because it is a networking site that provides massive support to sellers and buyers alike.

It was launched in 2004, and today it has more than 200k active members. There are a lot of Shopify store owners on this forum, so you will get to know the best way of running a successful Shopify store.

6. E-commerce Subreddit

eCommerce is another popular subreddit that is a great place for those who are looking for Shopify forums. It is one of the oldest eCommerce forums as it was created in the year 2008.

Moreover, it has around 160k members out of which you can find hundreds online at any given moment. Similar to other subreddits, this subreddit also has some rules and regulations that you must follow.

The most important rule is that you cannot link to any of your sites or blogs within your post. In other words, you cannot use promotional content in your post. And always be kind and helpful towards the other members.

7. Shopify Experts

Shopify experts is a forum where you can find a lot of experts specializing in designing Shopify stores. If you have any problems, these experts will help you to sort them out.

They will advise you on the best methods and tips that you can follow. Moreover, the experts there can also help in managing the stores and any issues.

So this is a great place if you are looking for a specialized forum, that won’t ask you to spend a subscription fee.

8. Warrior Forum

Warrior Forum is a great place for discussions about online marketing in general, and e-commerce and Shopify stores in particular, for merchants, sellers & store owners.

There are currently over 1 million active members and around 8 million discussions on this forum and it has around 400k unique monthly visitors.

There are so many discussions on this forum, that you won’t even have to post questions whenever you are in trouble. You can just find the answer to your question among the various available discussions through the search bar.

9. Rise Forums

Rise forums is another amazing community that is equipped with all the necessary information that you will ever need about e-commerce or Shopify.

However, on this forum, you will have to spend $10 for registration [a one-off registration fee]. Only after registration can you post questions or respond to the posts that catch your interest on the forum.

10. Click Newz Forums

With over 100k posts and 10k threads, Click Newz Forums is of great support for online sellers. This forum is focusing on online businesses so you are surely going to learn a lot.

This forum is part of the Click Newz niche website, operated by Lynn Terry, a digital marketing veteran / guru since the 2000s.

11. Shopify E-Commerce Strategy FB Group

E-Commerce strategy is another great Facebook eCommerce group. You can find everything related to Shopify strategies for selling online here. This is a private group with around 37k members.

If you want to see who the members are or what they are posting you will have to join the group first. This group was created in 2015 and has been going strong since then.

Similar to other Facebook groups, be sure to stay friendly and avoid any kind of offensive language. Any type of hate speech will lead to permanent suspension of your account.

12. Small Business Computing Forums

Small Business Computing Forums is a place for small online business owners to find a way to generate revenue with eCommerce tips, tricks, and advice. This forum is specially designed for beginners.

If you have very little knowledge of running your e-store, then it’s probably best to look at this forum. The community of this forum is very friendly towards beginners, so you are going to learn as well as enjoy discussing with nice people.

13. Shopify Money Makers

Shopify Money Maker is a private Facebook group with around 25k members [intermediate-level to successful Shopify store owners]. You will have to fill an application to be eligible to enter this community.

If you have any questions you can post them in this group, but you must remember some of their guidelines. Promotions or affiliate links are not allowed, but overall, it is a great place to learn how you can make money with Shopify.

14. Shopify Free sources

Shopify free sources is also a private group with around 15k members. It’s an amazing place for Shopify tips and services.

It was created in 2016 and has an average of 4 posts per day. On this group, you can share & download Shopify free sources such as themes, apps , design tips and services.

15. The Web Retailer Forum

Another great place to get answers to your questions very comfortably is the web retailer forum. It has around 250k monthly visits and an average of 2 visits per page.

The community of web retailer forum is very active, and whenever you post a question, you will get a response very quickly. The community of web retailer is one of the best communities for Shopify users on the internet, so be sure to check it out.

Well, that’s it for this list. I hope you discovered useful websites & communities. You can check out my other articles to discover more online resources about tech & digital marketing subjects:

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