Map network drive Windows 10 to Mac

Computers have a built in way of connecting to remote servers, allowing you to access and work with your files on that server. You'll use this connection and type in the address, or path, of the server you're trying to connect to [much like having an actual address, 123 Main Street, the computer needs to know where to go]. When connecting to a network drive on a Mac, you'll start all your paths with smb, which tells your Mac that it will be connecting to a remote server and is the protocol that allows your computer to access files over a network.

You should have the path of your server. It will look something like this: smb://

  • The path to your Q: or R: [research] drive will end with the name of your departmental share.
  • There should be no spaces in the path name and drive paths are case sensitive.
  • Q: or R: drive syntax = smb://server/departmental-sever/your_department

Example Q Drive paths:

  • smb://$
  • smb://$/Admin

If you are unsure of what either path should be, contact the TTS Service Desk at  or call [617] 627-3376.

Note: The use of smb://titan/xxxx will work when physically located on the Tufts network, but you must use the fully qualified domain name of smb:// when connecting from a remote location with Tufts VPN remote connection software. Therefore, the best practice is to always use smb:// when mapping your Tufts network drives on a Mac computer, even if you are on the Tufts network.

  1. Click on your desktop.
  2. At the top of the desktop window, from the Finder, select Go > Connect to Server or press Command + K.
  3. The Connect to Server dialog box will open.
    1. If you have previously connected to a server, the address of the last server you connected to will still be in the address box. If you are connecting to the same server, you can click Connect.
    2. If you are connecting a server you have previously connected to, you can choose that server address in the Favorite Servers list or by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the server address window. Then, click Connect.
    3. Otherwise, in the Server Address: field, type the path to your Personal [P:] or Departmental [Q: or R:] network share. When you've finished entering the path, click the plus [+] button to add the server address to your list of favorites. Then, click Connect.
  4. The Authentication window will open.
  5. Enter your Tufts Username [e.g. jsmith01]
  6. Enter your Tufts Password.
  7. Do not check, Remember this password in my keychain.
  8. Click Connect.
  9. Your Mac will search for and connect to the selected path location. When it connects and authenticates your Tufts Username and Tufts Password, the network folder will open.

  • Printer-friendly version

You can map it from the command line [cmd.exe or PowerShell] using net use:

net use m: \\iMacHostname_or_IPAddress\share /user:iMacLoginID iMacPassword

This will use your Mac login credentials to mount the share as drive letter M:\ on your Windows machine.

Just for good measure, I will also add that you can do this the exact same way from the Bash shell on Windows if you are using Cygwin as long as you make sure to escape all of the backslashes. So if using Cygwin, it would actually be like this:

net use m: \\\\iMacHostname_or_IP\\share /user:iMacLoginID iMacPassword

Otherwise, if you want to go the GUI route, simply go to Computer > Map Network Drive > Enter appropriate info [\\hostname\share or \\IP\share and the credentials you use when accessing the drive on your iMac].

You can also use Start > Run [or WinKey+R on Windows 7+, I believe], and simply type \\hostnameORip\share, and you should get prompted for credentials, at which point you will enter the creds you use to authenticate on your Mac. This can also be done from the address bar in Windows Explorer on some versions of Windows [if not all versions].

Here are some ways to make it easy to reconnect to shared computers and servers you frequently use:

  • On your Mac, choose Apple menu

     > Recent Items, then choose from the list of recent servers.

  • In the Finder

    on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server, click the pop-up menu to the far right of the Server Address field, then choose a recent server.

  • Add a shared computer or server to your list of favorites. In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server, enter the network address, then click the Add button


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