millennium là gì - Nghĩa của từ millennium

millennium có nghĩa là

A legendary starship despite its humble origins and deceptively dilapidated exterior, the Millennium Falcon has factored into some of the Rebel Alliance's greatest victories over the Empire. On the surface, the Falcon looks like any other Corellian freighter, with a saucer-shaped primary hull, a pair of forward cargo-gripping mandibles, and a cylindrical cockpit mounted to the ship's side.

Beneath its hull, though, the Falcon packs many powerful secrets. Its owners made "special modifications" on the freighter, boosting its speed, shielding and performance to downright illegal levels. Its weaponry has been upgraded to military-class quad-turbolaser turrets. To cover rapid escapes, the Falcon sports a ventrally mounted hatch-concealed antipersonnel repeating laser. Between its forward mandibles rest concussion missile launchers. The habitable interior of the vessel also has a few surprises, such as concealed scanner-proof smuggling compartments.

The Falcon pays a heavy price for its augmented performance, though. It is extremely recalcitrant and often unpredictable. Its reconditioned hyperdrive often fails. Its current captain, Han Solo, has even been seen to restart a failed ignition sequence with a hard rap on the bulkhead with his fist.

A vessel employed in the shady fringe business of smuggling, the Falcon was owned by Lando Calrissian before Solo won it in a heated sabacc game. Under Solo's command, the Falcon became a famous starship, completing the Kessel Run at unprecedented speeds. Solo and his first mate Chewbacca maintained the Falcon, constantly modifying and tinkering with it, coaxing the maximum speed from the ship.

This speed became quite useful as Solo and Chewbacca were drawn deeper into the Rebel cause, and the Falcon began flying missions for the Alliance. It was the Falcon that provided covering fire for Luke Skywalker's final attack run on the first Death Star. The Falcon became Princess Leia Organa's escape transport during the Battle of Hoth. During the decisive Battle of Endor, the Falcon flew point for the Alliance Fleet. Under Lando Calrissian's command, it soared into the heart of the incomplete Death Star, and delivered a missile volley that helped seal the Empire's fate.


Related: --Han Solo-- --Chewbacca-- --Lando Calrissian-- --Rebel Alliance--

millennium có nghĩa là

The greatest roller coaster on planet earth. 310' and 93 MPH to create a great and fun sensation. Always a stomach tickler when going down the first gigantic hill! The funnest coaster on earth until Cedar Point owns everyone's asses when they get a 500 footer.


My Cousin on third hill of MF: Dude, are you high?
Me on third hill of MF: What do you think! I'm on Millennium Force!

millennium có nghĩa là

A baby born in the year 2000


"Amanda Is a millennium baby because she was born in 2000"

millennium có nghĩa là

A version of the drinking challenge, Century Club. The rules are similar but every 10th shot is liquor instead of beer. Thus the total amount drunk is 90 shots of beer, and 10 shots of liquor. This must be done in the time span of one hundred minutes. Made popular by students of Queen's University.


'Hey bro, wanna do Century Club?' - Bro 'Don't be a pussy man, let's do fucking millennium!' - Alcoholic Bro

millennium có nghĩa là

People between the ages of 15-25 who act extremely hard for white suburbanites. They act as if they are "about that life" but in actuality they have most likely never been in a fight. The hard knock life they portray is a complete fallacy and is most likely an over compensation for a lack of self-confidence. They will continue to make Facebook posts about people who are "bout to catch wreck", however when they are confronted face to face with the situation, they will immediately try to "talk it out"'


Did you see the millennium gangster in the store wearing the snap back and skinny jeans start crying when the lady caught him stealing and told him if he didn't put the stuff back she was gonna get her son to beat his ass.

millennium có nghĩa là

That time period with the stuff of one thousand years or something


d00d, I haven't been cool for the last millennium, it suxors.

millennium có nghĩa là

The 4th millennium will begin [or has begun] on January 1, 3001, and end [or has ended] on December 31, 4000. Predicted/Scheduled events include Global sea levels that would rise by between 2.1 and 6.8 metres [7 and 22 ft] due to manmade global warming, a camera at the ASU Art Museum which will have captured a 1,000-Year exposure that ends in 3015 for history's slowest photo, and it is also the time setting of the TV show Futurama which mainly takes place in the early years of the 31st century [3001–3012]. In this series, the head of Richard M. Nixon wins the 3000 planetary election and becomes president of Earth. [Shoutout to future people and/or aliens reading this!]


I wonder if Urban Dictionary will be popular in the 4th millennium Is the TV show Futurama set in the 4th millennium? The 4th millennium is about 982 more years away from the year 2018

millennium có nghĩa là

This nickname has been given to ‘Park Jihoon’ of treasure, meaning “idol who appears once in a millenium”.


Park jihoon THE millennium idol

millennium có nghĩa là

The grandest of all Mazda Millenia[s]; A Mazda Millenia sold as new in the year 2000;


Holy shit, my quim started dripping when I saw his pearl white Millennium Millenia!

Say, is that a Millennium Millenia? Are you some kind of prince?

If that Millennium Millenia was a sandwich, I'd fuck it.

millennium có nghĩa là

EDI Rail built the Millennium Train for use in the Sydney rail network. Sydney was promised something special and special it was.

If the people of Sydney in 1988 thought the Tangara was the ultimate in train technology they were in for a pleasant surprise when the Millennium Train arrived. It had all the bells and whistles.

Unfortunately the people running the show, and directly one MP Michael Costa who was the transport minister of the day, they all got cold feet after a few major delays. Like the Tangara in 1988, in 2003 and beyond this was a very complex train that required expert gentle hands.

With thousands of staff to be trained it was a tall order to expect every member of staff would have it down perfect from day one. Yet at the time the minister was told. We will make it work.

With no improvements the minister said, dumb this train down.

A question that demands an honest answer is.
Why did EDI not painted Mr Costas picture on the front of the train?

Back to the serious business. EDI must have made it clear that dummying down is stepping backwards. Not to be seen as getting it wrong MP Costa showed them about stepping backwards. He cancelled the contract.

MP Costa had all Millennium trains moved to a less critical south lines where delays dont make the daily news papers.

If the Millennium Train was a bit of an embarrassment, more is just around the corner.

In a few years, coming to a station near you, a new project called the PPP train.
Public, Private Partnership. Dont wait up as like the previous trains, the people in power refuse to acknowledge they could have it wrong.

Sounds like a familiar tune that they are playing.


How can you turn a modern train, such as the Millennium Train into a joke.

Ask the NSW transport minister.

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