Nhạy bén trong công việc tiếng Anh là gì

In any case, this evidence suggests that entrepreneurial acumen is a necessary but insufficient basis for sustained development in a capitadanh sách economy.

Bạn đang xem: Nhạy bén tiếng anh là gì

It might, however, be more plausibly viewed as an instance of his political acumen and/or of his skills as a fund-raiser.
Successfully privatised parastatals have also demonstrated to lớn the private sector their competent, accountable & efficient management structures, together with cultures centred on business acumen.
The strongest suit of documentary theatre lies not only in political insight and acumen, but also in the variety of aesthetic approaches it makes possible.
Acumen, finally, is a more advanced robotic testing system which would monitor results & decide what a compound may need to lớn make it more effective.
They believe sầu that this clinical acumen is an intuitive sầu window to the heart of the patient"s condition.
Answering this question may require a good khuyễn mãi giảm giá of clinical acumen &, sometimes, access to lớn sophisticated investigative tools.
Perhaps we even want its flaws, since detecting them in seminars or Reviews reaffirms our superior critical acumen.
Các quan điểm của những ví dụ ko diễn tả quan điểm của những chỉnh sửa viên anhchien.vn anhchien.vn hoặc của anhchien.vn University Press tốt của các công ty cấp phép.

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