on a scale of 1-10 là gì - Nghĩa của từ on a scale of 1-10

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

On a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is [LOVE]- How much do they LIKE you, or how much do you LIKE them? *1] I see you around, you seem like a nice enough person.
*2] My spirit seems content around you, we could be friends, i guess, If the situation calls.
*3] I definitely want to become friends, Your cute, interesting, i want to know more about you.
*4] You are very attractive, enjoying the sight of your body very much, I've thought of sexing you.
*5] I'm beginning to know you, for you, your personality entices me, thinking about intimacy even more.
*6] Your a real great person, we enjoy each other, but that's all, i already have my 8,9 or ten. [see 8,9 and ten] So, you are stuck at 6, I guess.
*7] I care about you strongly, think about you when your not around. i really do appreciate you in my life.
*8] I feel the strongest connection to you, i feel like i understand your mind, body and soul.
*9] i have sleepless nights without you, i think about you half of the day,care for you like a care for myself, wanna share special moments with you, only want you to be happy, I'm sad when you're sad, i think am just minutes away from fallen... _______________________________________________
*10] Fallen head over heels in L-O-V-E [ you know that feeling you have for that someone, you cant explain it, but you know it. whatever is your love, then that's when its TEN [10]!!!!!!


girl: "wats my like rate on the scale of 1-10 like---love?" guy: "right now your a definite 7". girl: ":]"

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

1= You don't really see yourself with the other person, maybe you just think that person is cute or something. 2= You're starting to get to know the other person, or just think they're more attractive. 3= You really can look at them and kind of want them to be yours, you're starting to get a large attraction to them but not their personality. 4= You can start to see yourself with that person. 5= You can really see yourself with that specific person, you think about them or look at them more often. 6= You think of them about 50% of the time, no matter what you're doing, and you look at them very often. 7= You think of them 75%-90% of the time, you really want them to be with you, or at least do something to show they like you back. 8= You can't get the other person out of your head 90-100% of the time. 9= You want them so much, the thought of them is like a gateway drug to you. And you don't even do drugs. 10= You are head over heels in love with them, addicted to them, and you're practically always drooling over them. They are really all you think about.


Girl: How much do you like him on the scale of 1-10 like---love? Girl 2: About a 7, I think about him a lot. Girl 1: Oh, that much? Girl2: Yeah. I want him to like me... *dreamy face*

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

1] An arbitrary declaration or description of a noun, usually an event or a women, in order to give no further information. 2] A scale by which to describe something that in no way involves numbers in any way.


1] John: Yo, look at that chick.
Paul: Ehh, she's like a 5 at best.
John: Whatever man, she's at least a 7. 2]
Anthony: So on a Scale of 1 to 10 how was your day?
Jackie: On a scale of 1 to 10, it was pretty awesome.
Anthony: That made absolutely no sense. But I like it.

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

/n/ a scale used to rate the physical attractiveness of chicks with 1 being ugly and 10 being perfect. Occasionally extremely ugly girls can receive negative ratings.


Bob: I hooked up with this really hot chick last night
Steve: really? how hot was she? scale of 1 to 10?
Bob: I'd rate her an 8
Steve: Nice man! Bill: who's this chick that Mike's going out with? I hear she isn't that good looking
Joe: yeah, I've met her, she's pretty ugly
Bill: Scale of 1 to 10?
Joe: Dude, the scale doesn't go that low, I think I'd rate her a -5

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

A scale used by some men in conversation about women rating how attractive a particular woman is. The ugliest being 1 and hottest being 10. Exact description of each number from 1-10 varies. One example is:
10 - "Will you marry me?"
9 - Stunning
8 - Beautiful/Gorgeous
7 - Cute/Pretty
6 - "She's 'ight"
5 - Average looking
4 - Below average
3 - Ugly
2 - Hidious
1 - "Kill it before it lays eggs!"


"On a scale of 1-10, what would you give her?"
"Hmm, I'll say she's a 7 at least, 9 on a good day."

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

Basically the same as female and male hotness scale but has to do with how big, round, jiggly or fat ur ass is 1- flat ass or silicon 2- pretty much nothing but a little bump
3- a little bigger
4- alittle jiggly
5- sort of round not very fat or jiggly
6- rounder not very big or jiggly
7- very round pretty jiggly
8- round, big and makes guys hard
9- queen of all asses
10- sweet jesus the mf god of all asses no chemicals or nothing


Ashton- Nigga did u see that ass
Jordan-That ass was so fake, only like a 2 on the ass scale [1-10]

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

A scale used to rate someone's attractiveness. 1 being ugly as all hell and 10 being perfectly amazing [ although that's not possible, it's on the scale and whoever you see fit can be placed there ]


On a scale of 1-10 desiigner is a 1. Cuz he looks like a fucking donkey.

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

A slang version of rating the attractiveness of usually a female, but can be used on a male also. 1 being the least attractive number on the scale - 10 being the most attractive number on the scale.


Example: 1." damn! On a scale of 1-10 That girl is a 10! " meaning. The girl is really "hot or sexy" 2. "I would say she is a 7 out of 10. " meaning someone is attractive, but not perfect. 3. "That girl is a 0!" Meaning someone is rudely or jokingly saying that person is so unattractive, they don't belong on the scale as even a 1.

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

The scale of rating a girl 1-10
1= Absoulte disgusting may aswell be a man
2= Bloody wouldn't touch her even if she was the last girl on earth
3= Only thing getting her the 3 is her personality 4= Disghusting af but would get with her when highly intoxicated 5= Nothing about them really
6= Nice but nothing special may have good hair or something 7= Decent gyal normally the nice kind but face ain't the best 8= Either good face and no body or vice versa 9= A penting that you would tap any day of the week
10= A gyal you would dream of getting got the body and face someone you want to bang before the end of the school lifetime


How do you rate that Girls attractiveness [on a scale of 1-10] A solid 8 out of 10 geez

on a scale of 1-10 có nghĩa là

1- You’re not attractive 2- You’re not easy to look at but you have maybe around 1 good feature
3- You’re not too hard to look at, but still not considered to be pretty
4- You’re not too bad and you have a few good things about you
5- You’re on the verge of being pretty
6- You’re pretty but not THAT pretty
7- You’re pretty and not someone that someone would be ashamed to be with 8- You’re beautiful and someone others would chase
9- You’re hella pretty and make others envy you 10- WOAH YOURE A STUNNER NOTE: Remember your number doesn’t defy you and you’re gorgeous in your own way, these are just on a different scale than what some may prefer. Just remember you’re still beautiful even if a number says otherwise.


What am I on a scale of 1-10?

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