People born between 1946 and 1964 are called the ___________________ generation.

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Age Range by Generation

Age Range by GenerationKathy Brunjes2022-10-26T20:46:41-04:00

Generations defined by name, birth year, and ages in 2022

What are the ages of the generations in 2022? If you do some research, you’ll find that dates overlap and names vary. While we hear generational terms all the time, the definitions are not official. However, based on widespread consensus as well as new Gen Z analysis by the Pew Research Center, and the one generation defined by the U.S. Census Bureau [Baby Boomers], these are the birth years and ages of the generations you’ll want to use in 2022.

Note: Generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults [18-21].

GenerationsBornCurrent Ages
Gen Z 1997 – 2012 10 – 25
Millennials 1981 – 1996 26 – 41
Gen X 1965 – 1980 42 – 57
Boomers II [a/k/a Generation Jones]* 1955 – 1964 58 – 67
Boomers I* 1946 – 1954 68 – 76
Post War 1928 – 1945 77 – 94
WWII 1922 – 1927 95 – 100

*We increasingly break up Boomers into two different cohorts because the span is so large, and the oldest of the generation have different sensibilities than the younger. In the U.S., Generation Jones [Boomers II] are just young enough to have missed being drafted into war.

Thinking we’ve got it all wrong? Many people are confused by the labels demographers assign to the generations, and some tell us we’ve made a mistake. We haven’t. In fact, this page has been cited in newspapers including USA Today.

For more background on how the generations are defined, check out these references: Wikipedia, Kasasa, GenHQ and NetDNA. Generation Jones has its own website.

In short, the generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults [18-21].

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Posted on 07-Aug-17

It's easy to get lost in jargon, but knowing your Gen X, Y and its younger sibling, Gen Z, is crucial if you want to join the party. Check out my quick guide to the who, what and why of Gen X, Y & Z. P.S

Age brackets according to Harvard Business School, who state that, "Five generations are about to be working side by side for the first time:

  • Traditionalists, born prior to 1946
  • Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964
  • Gen X, born between 1965 and 1976
  • Millennials, born between 1977 and 1997
  • Gen 2020, born after 1997

Generation X
Born: 1965-1976 [or 1979 according to some sources].  
Coming of Age: 1988-1994
Current Population: 41 million Gen-Xers are often referred to as the first latchkey or daycare kids.

As divorce became more acceptable and rates rose in the 1970s, and the number of working mothers increased, Gen-Xers were left to look after themselves while both parents entered the workforce. As a result, many Gen-Xers developed independence and self-reliance, resilience and the drive to give back.

Gen Xers prefer to do things their own way and thrive in casual, friendly work environments:

74% of Gen Xers agreed with the statement “hard work is the key to getting ahead.” [Reader's Digest].  Gen X respondents ranked workplace flexibility as the most important perk [21%] and are more likely to walk away from their current job if flexibility isn’t available. [Ernst and Young].  74% use the Internet for banking, 72% use it to research products or companies, and 81% have made purchases online.[Forrester Research. Just to bust that myth, not all tech dev is Millennial driven. Think of some of the most influential Web sites of today - YouTube, Amazon, Google, My Space- all products of Gen X. That said, Xers are still multi-platform users. The demographic 35-54 has the highest % of multi-platform users [82%], so optimization is key.

Generation Y or Millennials
Born: 1977-1997
Coming of Age: 1998-2006
Current Population: 71 million

Gen Y is tech-savvy, greatly ambitious, in love with change; they're multi-taskers and globally connected - mainly due to being immersed in the digital world from a young age. Gen Y members are much more racially and ethnically diverse due to their online approach to life. They are more

participative by nature and embrace diversity, and are strong advocates of giving back to the community. Armed with smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets, this generation is plugged in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches. They've been exposed to it all since early childhood, been there, seen that and so have less brand loyalty. Their strong mindset constitutes the roots of the generation's entrepreneurial motivations, such as creating a social network that connected a billion people around the world, building startups such as Groupon, Mozilla Firefox, Foursquare and WordPress in less than a decade in their late 20s, a reach that took corporates like Walmart and Amazon several decades. Think Facebook, youTube stars such as Justin Bieber... It's not uncommon for a millennial to stay with a firm for only two to three years before moving on to a position he thinks is better, craving meaningful work and life/work balance to suit their social and family family-oriented lifestyle.

Generation Z
Born: After 1998
Coming of Age: 2013-2020 Current
Population: 23 million and growing rapidly

The Millennials' little siblings are growing up and growing up fast. This June, the very first Generation Z kids will finish college and enter the workforce. Born in 1995 or later with a very different outlook from their Millennial siblings, Gen Z is a smart, savvy, globally-minded force that’s already transforming how brands interact with consumers. Gen Z kids and teens are immersed in a highly sophisticated media and computer environment, and will be more Internet savvy and expert than even their Gen Y forerunners, the typical profile of the second child. By 2020, they’ll make up a staggering 40% of all consumers. Like their older siblings, they are incredibly diverse. Not only do they embrace diversity, they expect it and see it as the norm. Growing up in an education system focused on inclusivity and, they approach problems as a team and see everyone as equals. Gen Z will not simply sit back and watch, they expect honesty and diversity, and to be active participants, from the next family holiday to which brand of pasta they eat. This is the generation that is all about collaboration and loves digital video on platforms like YouTube and Facebook more than TV and cinema. Think Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook Live, Celebrity YouTubers... What's fascinating is the Millennial filling for the generational sandwich, where Gen Y face off to Gen X parents and Gen Z kids at the same time. Good job they are such great multi-taskers!


Sue Brett is an education re-inventor who believes everyone has the right to do more and be more through accessible, affordable learning. She is the CEO of, an online edTech ecosystem set up to deliver affordable, globally relevant learning initiatives that connect and create opportunities. 

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What is the generation born in 1946 called?

Baby boomers are anyone born from 1946 to 1964. Millennials are anyone born from 1981 to 1996. Generation Z is anyone born from 1997 to 2012.

Is the term given to the group of people born between 1946 and 1964?

Baby boomers are a designated group of people born between 1946 and 1964. By the end of 1964, when the trend started to decline, 76.4 million people were born during that 22-year period, which comprised about one-quarter of the U.S. population.

What is the birth cohort born between 1945 and 1964 called?

They are the Baby boomers — born between 1945 and 1964 — and they are called this because they were born during the baby boom, the period in which the birth rate shot up in a number of Anglo-Saxon countries, above all the United States, Canada and New Zealand, after the end of the Second World War.

What are boomers II?

There are actually two groups of baby boomers. The first, boomers I, were born between 1946 and 1954, while boomers II, aka Generation Jones, were born between 1955 and 1964. 4. If you haven't heard of Generation Jones [Jonesers], you're not alone. The term was coined in 1999 by author Jonathan Pontell.

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