Python practical file pdf class 11

Python practical file pdf of KV Computer Science Class 11 and 12 for free download. Python Project / Programme Question and solutions Practical file. The Python project for beginners, with source code for CBSE class XII students and B Tech students.


This Python Project Practical File Consist following topics with solutions.

1. WAP to input a year and check whether the year is leap year or not.
2. WAP to input 3 numbers and print the greatest number using nested if.
3. WAP to input value of x and n and print the series along with its sum.
4. WAP to input a number and check whether it is prime number or not.
5. WAP to print fibonacci series upto n terms, also find sum of series.
6. WAP to print the given patterns.
7. WAP to print a string and the number of vowels present in it.
8. Write a program to read a file story.txt and print the contents of file along with number of vowels present in it.
9. Write a program to read a file book.txt print the contents of file along with numbers of words and frequency of word computer in it.
10. Write a program to read a file Top.txt and print the contents of file along with the number of lines starting with A.11. 11.WAP to input a list of number and search for a given number using linear search.
12. WAP to input a list of integers and search for a given number using binary search.
13. Write a function DigitSum[] that takes a number and returns its digit sum.
14. Write a function Div3and5[] that takes a 10 elements numeric tuple and return the sum of elements which are divisible by 3 and 5.
15. Write a recursive function ChkPrime[] that checks a number for Prime.
16. Write a function to input a list and arrange the list in ascending order using Bubble sort.
17. Write a menu based program to demonstrate operation on a stack.
18. Write a menu based program to demonstrate operations on queue.
19. MySQL Queries
20. Python –MYSQL Connectivity

Download Python Practical File PDF

Name of PDF -Practical file on Python Programs

Courtesy : Kendrya Vidhyala Sanghatan
Number of Project with Source Code : 20

Number of Pages – 31
Quality for PDF : Very Good
Useful for School and college Python Programs and Project

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for book on python learning professional- click here

In this beautiful article, you will get Important PDF Term 1 CS practical file class 11. If you are looking for a computer science practical file for class 11 pdf download you are landing on the right web page. So let’s start the article, Computer practical file Class 11.

  • The structure of Term 1 CS practical file class 11
  • Programs for Term 1 CS Practical File class 11
  • Preparing Term 1 CS practical file class 11
  • The cover page of Term 1 CS practical file class 11
  • The acknowledgement
  • Certificate for Term 1 CS practical file class 11
  • Index
  • Download the Term 1 CS practical file class 11 pdf

The structure of Term 1 CS practical file class 11

As per the term wise syllabus for 2021-22, the structure of the Computer Science practical assessment for class 11 is as following:

S.No. Component Marks
1 Python program 6
2 Term- 1 : Minimum 10 programs based on Term – 1 syllabus 4
3 Viva Voce 2
4 Term – 1 : Synopsis of the project to be submitted by the students [documentation only] 3

In the next section of Term 1 CS practical file class 11, you will get the program list.

Programs for Term 1 CS Practical File class 11

S.No. Practical Program
1 Write a python program to input a welcome message and display it.
2 Write a python program to input two numbers and display the larger / smaller number.
3 Write a python program to input three numbers and display the largest / smallest number.
4 Generate patterns using a nested loop.
5 Write a program to input the value of x and n and print the sum of the following series:
1] 1 + x² + x³ + … + xⁿ
2] x – x2/2! + x3/3! – x4/4! + x5/5! – x6/6!
6 Write a program to determine whether a number is a perfect number, an Armstrong number or a palindrome.
7 Write a program to input a number and check if the number is a prime or composite number.
8 Write a program to display the n terms of a Fibonacci series.
9 Write a python program to compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two integers.
10 Write a program to count and display the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase, lowercase characters in the string.

Now let’s understand how to prepare Term 1 CS practical file class 11.

As per the standard practices followed by most of the schools, the Term 1 CS practical file class 11 can be handwritten like journal writing or printed copies of the programs with output and some initial pages as given in the pdf file.

The cover page of Term 1 CS practical file class 11

The cover page of Term 1 CS practical file class 11 consists of basic information about the student and the school. You can include the school logo and the computer science department information followed by your roll number, name, class and section.

The acknowledgement

The acknowledgement contains the details about the efforts behind your practical work. You can show gratitude towards your teacher and all who helped directly or indirectly to complete the practical work.

Certificate for Term 1 CS practical file class 11

The certificate for Term 1 CS practical file class 11 contains the details about Term 1 Practical Assessment. The text should be something like this:

This is to certify that   [Name of Student] , student of Class XII, [NAME OF SCHOOL] has completed the Term I – PRACTICAL FILE during the academic year [SESSION] towards partial fulfilment of credit for the Computer Science practical evaluation of CBSE and submitted a satisfactory report, as compiled in the following pages, under my supervision.

Total number of practical certified are : 10.


The index contains the serial number, program details, date and signature. You have to 10 programs in term 1 for Term 1 CS practical file class 11. After that get signed by the teacher.

Download the Term 1 CS practical file class 11 pdf

Follow this link to download the Term 1 CS practical file class 11.

Download Term 1 CS practical file class 11 PDF

Python codes

Follow this link for practical programs:

Practical list of python programs for python print function

Practical list of Python programs of python fundamentals

Python if elese programs

Python for loop programs

Python practical programs on list

Watch this video for more :

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