Reddit switch to desktop

I seem to have accidentally switched to the desktop version Reddit on my phone, how do I switch back? from help

its easy on mobile but i don't know how on desktop, can anyone help?

In another move to try and cripple the mobile browser so that we all move to the app. Well, two things about that:

1: I'm not moving to the app. Ever.

2: Going to the search bar and changing the url so that it reads 'old.reddit' instead of 'www . reddit' still brings me to the actual desktop mode I want, even though it is, by design, more work.

This new mobile layout is complete garbage and I like the desktop version waaay more for browsing. And in this mobile version you can’t even save images.

I understand how I can default to desktop from mobile, but I can't seem to figure out how to switch back to mobile again.

I have been trying this for a long time and I have searched through every button on mobile.I have recollection of seeing a button on my phone to switch to desktop.Has it been removed?

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I always use desktop but now it's all mobile site. Previously if it accidentally loaded as mobile there was an option to change it back to desktop, but now that option is gone? How can I force desktop mode?

Question, how do I switch to the desktop view? I'm still new to using reddit, so I don't know how everything works just yet from redditmobile

With recent changes on Reddit there appears to be no option to switch to desktop version of On top of that mobile version became completely unusable to me [it was terrible before, but at least it worked, now it got worse], there are no icons/buttons just lots of white space. Here's how it looks on my phone when using standard android browser: // // //

Edit1: On Chrome it works fine. But i can't justify installing, keeping and using it for just one website. Also Chrome is slower than standard browser and sites look different [for example titles on the front page of reddit are too large while the comments links are too small and hard to click on]. I'll try to report this bug, maybe someday they'll fix it. As for now i will have to give up using Reddit on my phone.

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