summit là gì - Nghĩa của từ summit

summit có nghĩa là

I am from Summit. I know "the city" as nothing else but New York. I don't go to the beach, I go to the shore. I started drinking at 13 and have been going strong since. I know drinking doesnt have to wait until the weekend. I know I will probably end up at Broadway Diner after every party. Beirut is called Beirut; Beer Pong is played with a fucking PADDLE. I know The Office isnt a work place, its great food; and I cant wait for the day to be able to go, "on the other side" there. A night of drinking is 10-15 beers not 3-6 like other towns. I know we always have and always will, own the sport of lacrosse. When someone refers to, The Twins, Im thinkin Dwayne and Dwight, not Coors Light, and Im not the only one. I know exactly where, the flag pole is and cops come by all public parks at 10 pm. We all drink and drive, simply becausewe would never be able to drive. Hot dog people are Asian, no exceptions. I cringe at the thought that we have to drive into New Prov to get to Joses. I know when someone asks me for a solo, they mean a red cup to drink beer from not a fucking song. And no matter how hard I try, I just cant seem to park my car any closer to a housethan around the corner. and across the street. If its not an AP class, its sped. My goal in life is to FBC [and I know what those letters stand for]. I know that the best black and white milkshakes come directly from Magic Fountain. I know that Tatlock parking lot is the unofficial meeting spot when we have nothing to do. I know that a 30 minute lunch period is JUST enough to make a deli run and get back with a sub and a half-and-half. When someone says, money, they arent referring to currency. Ive sat in detention, for morning lates. Going on a run, involves a trip to Springfield, a fake ID from the city and a 30 packnot running shoes. I know Summit is the best town in the US, and even though I have no idea what a Hilltopper is, I am proud to call it home.


Welcome to Summit Bitches

summit có nghĩa là

the home of magic fountain.


i only go to summit for magic fountain.

summit có nghĩa là

the epitome of the 70's, sex, drugs and rock and roll. This town breeds athletes and weed. The money that passes through this town is more than some chatham kid is worth. This town is definetly the at the top, hence the name.


Check the scoreboard of every lacrosse game

summit có nghĩa là

tiny little city in New Jersey that is the ultimate epitome of coolness. An affluent white suburb of New York that specializes in snobbery, country clubbing, and discrimination. Also in close proxmity to Short Hills [location of one of the most prestigious malls on the planet.]

Random person: I'm from Summit

Other random person: OMG!!! I MUST WORSHIP YOU!!!!


Omg lets go to summit we can meet a CEO
who works on wal street marry him bang him and free load

summit có nghĩa là

tiny little city in New Jersey that is the ultimate epitome of coolness.


Random person: I'm from Summit

Other random person: OMG!!! I MUST WORSHIP YOU!!!!

summit có nghĩa là

summit it the best town/city in north jersey...summit has got the best sports teams around...and dont you chatham bitches say ne thing about that!...ya well the town's got lots of drugs going around and a lot of parties with drinking...that's kinda how most the town is...most of the girls are all real preppy bitches and most of the guys are ass holes and then there's the people who think they r ghetto but they r not...and then there's also the small percentage of us who r just normal people...


summit's at the top just like the name says

summit có nghĩa là

affluent community in northern/central nj...a small portion of it is sort of ghetto but for the most part it's super wealthy. its direct train service to the city, upscale downtown, and sprawling mansions bring summit all the way to the top, which is conveniently implied by its name. the location is prime...about 5 minutes to the short hills mall, 30 minutes to nyc, and an hour to the shore. and by the way, if you drive a mercedes or a bmw don't expect to feel too special in summit. in fact, don't feel special in any sense unless you're lucky enough to be a resident of summit, new jersey.


kid 1 : where do you live?

kid 2: summit.

kid 1: can i have $1000?

summit có nghĩa là

Yeah, my town. Yes, there are lots of rich people. But no, the town sucks. Nothing to do most of the time except hang out by starbucks and play hackeysack. And get drunk. A lot. Weed is also available [ps-don't go to summit promenade anymore: narc haven]. However, most of the teenagers there are idiots with no future [as in-NO future outside of burger king]. Live off of daddy's money, can't do shit on their own. The town itself has about 50 extremely overpriced restaurants, and a crappy little movie theater which plays terrible movies.


What are they playing at the theater?
Matrix, Little Kid's House, Lion King: Sleeping around

summit có nghĩa là

A place that people don't like because because it has a bunch of rich people. Hell, I only lived there for a year...There's nothing wrong with money unless you use it the wrong way....YOU MUST WORSHIP ME!!!!!


I'm still kick-ass....

summit có nghĩa là

A town in central NJ where an ever increasing number of illegal immigrants and vagrants live who teens murder to the alarm of the snobby, rich white residents. Destined for a major turn for the worse, this town is probably the next Plainfield. It's only good for Magic Fountain runs by kids from neighboring towns with more intelligent, athletic, good looking, but less conceited progeny who will fiddle as the town is burned down by its immigrant underclass.


Immigrant: Si tu estas en Summit.
Teen: *Beats to death*

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