tweeting là gì - Nghĩa của từ tweeting

tweeting có nghĩa là

Kẹo! trên Twitter. Used instead of 'Sweet!' whenever talking about something to do with Twitter.

Ví dụ

Marty: I just got twibed!
Scott: Tweet! Who's in your twibe?

tweeting có nghĩa là

1. A post on Twitter
2. To post a writing on Twitter
3. A weak chirping sound [such as that of a small bird]
4. To make a weak chirping sound
5. To suck your own cock

Ví dụ

Marty: I just got twibed!
Scott: Tweet! Who's in your twibe? 1. A post on Twitter
2. To post a writing on Twitter
3. A weak chirping sound [such as that of a small bird]
4. To make a weak chirping sound
5. To suck your own cock

tweeting có nghĩa là

1. & 2. Sara - "Lol that fat kid is eating cotton candy on a paddle boat"

Ví dụ

Marty: I just got twibed!
Scott: Tweet! Who's in your twibe? 1. A post on Twitter

tweeting có nghĩa là

2. To post a writing on Twitter

Ví dụ

Marty: I just got twibed!
Scott: Tweet! Who's in your twibe? 1. A post on Twitter

tweeting có nghĩa là

2. To post a writing on Twitter

Ví dụ

3. A weak chirping sound [such as that of a small bird]

tweeting có nghĩa là

4. To make a weak chirping sound

Ví dụ

5. To suck your own cock

tweeting có nghĩa là

1. & 2. Sara - "Lol that fat kid is eating cotton candy on a paddle boat"
Jessica- "OMG!!!! I'm going to go on twitter and tweet a tweet so all my friends can join in on the laughter

Ví dụ

Claudia tweeted from her iphone.

tweeting có nghĩa là

3. & 4. Eric - "Do you hear that tweet?"
Brett - "Yeah that bird is tweeting?

Ví dụ

5. Luther - "Fuck man I'm mad horny, I can't get any pussy and I broke both my arms so I can't even wack off. Oh how I wish I had the ability to tweet..."

tweeting có nghĩa là

[v.] To suck your own cock

Ví dụ

Sean: "Hey Kevin, did you know there is no word for sucking your own cock?"

tweeting có nghĩa là

In an automobile, turnig the audio bass completely down, the treble and volume all the way up, riding around playing your favorite song.

Ví dụ

Kevin: "Nah bro, it's called tweeting" A post on Twitter, a real-time social messaging system. I think I must be following too many people - I'm getting like a thousand tweets per hour.

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