Viết một bức thư bằng tiếng anh cho một người bạn

Sau đây là một số lá thư tiếng Anh mẫu về chủ đề cho trước dành cho các bạn tham khảo. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh, đặc biệt là kỹ năng viết thư tiếng Anh của mình, đồng thời bổ sung thêm vốn từ vựng trong các bài mẫu này.

20 Bài mẫu viết lá thư bằng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề

  • I. Cách viết một bức thư bằng tiếng Anh cho bạn
  • II. Các mẫu thư tiếng Anh theo chủ đề
    • Topic 1. Viết thư đưa ra lời khuyên bằng tiếng Anh
    • Topic 2: I went to the concert last night with my friends...
    • Topic 3: We had dinner at a new restaurant yesterday....
    • Topic 4: Tell me about a teacher from your past.
    • Topic 5: Tell me about that party last week.
    • Topic 6: Can you describe the weather in your country?
    • Topic 7: Tell about your job.
    • Topic 8: Give me some advice on how to spend my next summer holiday in your country?
    • Topic 9: Tell about your house.
    • Topic 10: Tell about the film you like.
    • Topic 11: Tell me how you keep fit and healthy.
    • Topic 12: I know you've just come back from holiday. Tell me about the holiday.
    • Topic 13: Tell me about your favorite sport.
    • Topic 14: Tell me about one of your close friends.
    • Topic 15: Tell about your last vacation
    • Topic 16: Tell your friend about your family
    • Topic 17: Write a letter about 150 – 200 words to a pen friend about your neighborhood
    • Topic 18: Write a letter to your friend about a restaurant
    • Topic 19: Write a letter to invite your friend to your birthday party
    • Topic 20: Write a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft village

I. Cách viết một bức thư bằng tiếng Anh cho bạn

1. Các bước viết lá thư tiếng Anh cơ bản

- Heading - Phần tiêu đề hay còn gọi là tên của bức thư

- Inside address - Phần địa chỉ bên trong thư -Bao gồm thông tin người viết, ngày tháng, tên và địa chỉ người nhận.​

- Body - Phần thân của bức thư - Trình bày rõ ràng, mạch lạc thông tin mà bạn muốn chuyển tới người đọc.​

- Complimentary close - Phần cuối thư - Thường sử dụng những cụm từ như: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly, kèm theo chữ ký và họ tên đầy đủ của người viết.

1.1. Heading

Heading hay còn gọi là tiêu đề. Phần này sẽ là tên của bức thư mà bạn muốn gửi. Viết về chủ đề nào thì tên tiêu đề theo chủ đề đó.

1.2. Inside address

- Thông tin người viết: Địa chỉ, điện thoại, fax hay địa chỉ hòm thư [e-mail] được đặt đầu thư, ở chính giữa hoặc bên phải bức thư.Tránh dùng tên riêng của bạn trừ khi đây là thư từ cá nhân vì khi viết thư giao dịch, người viết thường dùng tên công ty.

- Ngày tháng: Trong tiếng Anh bạn nên chú ý khi viết ngày tháng. Người Anh sẽ viết ngày trước tháng sau [04/ 02/ 2000] còn người Mỹ lại viết tháng trước ngày sau [02/ 04/ 2000]. Để tránh hiểu nhầm bạn nên viết đầy đủ thứ ngày tháng năm như: 4 February 2000 hoặc February 2nd, 2000]. Cách viết này không chỉ tránh nhầm lẫn mà còn lịch sự hơn cách chỉ dùng số.

- Tên và địa chỉ người nhận: Cách trình bày tên, chức danh, tên công ty, và địa chỉ giao dịch của đối tác [người nhận] giống như cách bạn trình bầy tên công ty của bạn và các thông tin liên quan ở đầu thư. Chỉ có một điểm khác là những thông tin về người nhận được đặt ở bên trái thư hay vì bên phải hay chính giữa.

- Cách xưng hô đầu thư: Ví dụ: Dear Mr. Smith Dear Mrs. Smith Dear Miss Smith Dear Ms. Smith Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sirs Dear Gentlemen

1.3. Body

- Phần thân của bức thư được trình bày thành khối với những đoạn văn mạch lạc , rõ ràng trình bày thông tin mà bạn muốn chuyển tới người đọc. Đầu dòng sẽ bắt đầu từ lề trái, không thụt vào như cách viết thư trước đây.

- Đây là phần nội dung chính, nói chi tiết theo chủ đề mà bạn viết.

1.4. Complimentary close

- Phần cuối thư nếu giao dịch với những người bạn không quen, người Anh thường dùng những cụm như: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly.

- Kèm thêm chữ ký và họ tên đầy đủ của người viết.

- Trong trường hợp có tài liệu gửi kèm theo thư, bạn có thể viết cuối thư ghi chú về số lượng tài liệu gửi kèm. Ví dụ: Enc: 2..

2. Một số lưu ý khi viết thư bằng tiếng Anh

- Không viết tắt: Phải viết đầy đủ I am, I will, I have seen, I do not, … không được viết I’am, I’ll, I don’t, I’ve seen.

- Không sử dụng từ thông tục, tiếng lóng, các từ thân mật ví dụ như: wanna, kid, dad, mate… trừ các bức thư đã quá thân mật.

- Hãy lễ độ dù cho đang bực tức: dùng Dear ở đầu thư, và dùng please khi muốn yêu cầu.

- Hãy viết cho ngắn gọn, nhưng đủ ý. Câu văn cũng vậy, ngắn, không dùng câu phức với 3, 4 mệnh đề [complex sentense]. Câu phải có đầy đủ subject, verb, direct object và indirect object nếu có.

- Hãy nhớ dùng và dùng chính xác các dấu chấm câu: chấm, chấm phẩy, phẩy, dấu hai chấm. nếu 1 ý chính có nhiều ý phụ, dùng dấu gạch đầu dòng. Hạn chế dùng hoặc tuyệt đối không dùng dấu chấm than [!].

- Cuối thư: Regards, Best Regards, Hai cách này dùng thông dụng trong nhiều tình huống. Sincerely Yours, Dùng trong thư xin việc, thư khiếu nại, thư mời vì mang nghĩa “chân thành”. Faithfully Yours, Dùng trong thư trả lời của nhà cung cấp cho khách hàng, vì mang nghĩa “trung thành”.

II. Các mẫu thư tiếng Anh theo chủ đề

Topic 1. Viết thư đưa ra lời khuyên bằng tiếng Anh

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear all your news. I was very happy to read that you wanted to visit Portugal this summer.

If you want to have a relaxing holiday by the sea, I would recommend my favourite place, Lagos. It’s a traditional fishing village on the south coast, and not many tourist go there. It has many reasonably-priced hotels, and excellent beaches nearby. The sea is very clean and wonderful for diving and snorkelling.

You asked me about what clothes and equipment to bring. If I were you, I would pack very little – a swimsuit, some T-shirts, and shorts for the beach. My advice is to travel light, so you can fill your suitcase with souvenirs to remind you of Portugal!

I hope that you’ll enjoy yourself in Lagos. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Best wishes,


Topic 2: I went to the concert last night with my friends...

Dear Oanh,

Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago. It was lovely to hear from you. I am sorry, I haven't written for you such a long time because I studied hard to pass the final exam. However, I had a great weekend more than every when I went to live concerts last night with my friends. Now, I am writing to tell you how the wonderful concert is.

It is the beautiful concert I have ever taken part in with many people and the miracle of sound of piano. As you know, my pianist is Yiruma and in last concert I couldn't believe that he appeared in my eyes and gave me a big hug after his performance. I also listen a soothing music which is played by him and other professional musicians. Only when I heard his song from the stage I feel anythings around me seem to disappear and I can fly with many stars on the sky to forget all my fears which I suffered before. That is amazing.

Let's come back to my live concert. It is so cool and until now I can't forget my feeling about it. Do you often to go live concerts? What kind of music do you like listening to? Who is your favorite singer?

I am glad if you tell me about it in the next letter.

I look forward to your reply.

Your sincerely,

Topic 3: We had dinner at a new restaurant yesterday....

Dear Oanh,

Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago. It was lovely to hear from you.

I think the restaurant which you told me in the letter is very interesting. I also like to eat out and I usually go to a restaurant for dinner with my family twice a month. Our favorite restaurant is a traditional restaurant in Hang Bong street. It is not big but it is always busy. There are only a few tables in the restaurant and on each table is a vase with lovely flowers. There are plants in the room corners. I usually order the traditional dishes and eat them with rice. For example, fish cooked with sauce, spring roll,...and vegetable and so on. The food is delicious so we enjoy it very much. The service is also quick and friendly . My family always have pleasant evening at our favorite restaurant.

Shall we go there when you come to visit my family next time?

See you next time.


Topic 4: Tell me about a teacher from your past.

Thank you for our class' photo you sent me a few days ago. I was so glad to write for you and tell you about my feeling after I receive it.

That photograph made me remember my old teacher who taught us high school. She is slim with along hair and blue eyes. Do you remember her? Our English teacher, her name is Sara. I can't forget that days when she played game with us in each class and we sang Animal songs together. I also remember that She was very sad when our class didn't do homework and we felt so guilty with her. Then we studied English hard to fix our mistakes and she was so happy. But now she doesn't still teach English in Vietnam. Ha, our classmates said she came back England with her husband. I hope she would come to Vietnam, I will meet her because I miss her so much. What about you? What do you think about her? Have you ever had the old teacher who made you unforgettable?

Please tell me in next letter. I look forward to your reply.


Topic 5: Tell me about that party last week.

Dear Linh,

How are you? I hear that you are going to travel with your family next week. I wish you will have a good time. Last weekend I went to the party arranged to congratulate Lan. She won competition in her office. That night we had a good time. The party was arranged at Lan's house. Her mother and sister helped to us to prepare interesting dinner. We want to make her surprised. There were many people to join this party and maybe you know some of them. After good meal, we talked and listened romantic songs and danced together. We had interesting and unforgettable night with friends. Are you going to next Friday? Don't forget to send me some postcards from places where you will come.

Goodbye and see you after you com back.

Topic 6: Can you describe the weather in your country?

Dear Oanh,

It is so wet here. I am writing to tell you about the weather in my country. In my country, it is in spring with high humidity. My country is a tropical monsoon climate. Broadly speaking, the weather in Vietnam is featured by two monsoon seasons the southwest monsoon from April to September and the northeast monsoon from October to late March or early April. Moreover, the northeast monsoon effects bring lower temperatures to my city, Hanoi and all days in Hanoi is in rain. In fact, I am fed up with rainy day because I can't go out to shopping with my friend. Only thing I can do in these days is writing letter for you and tell you about the terrible weather here. All my clothes can't be dry and the way I go to school every day is daubed with mud.



Topic 7: Tell about your job.

Dear Oanh,

How are you? Thanks for your letter. I am so happy because you always miss and think of me. Now, I am working as a teacher in the military academy logistics. I start my working day at 7 pm every morning and finish it at 5 pm. You know I love this job, right? It has been my dream to become a good teacher for such a long time. I like my job because I can use my ability and knowledge to finish my work the best. Moreover, I can study valuable experience from colleagues not only about work but also about life. Now every day is wonderful day with me. And you, your job is very interesting, isn't it? Let you tell me about it in the next letter.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Topic 8: Give me some advice on how to spend my next summer holiday in your country?

Dear Oanh,

How are you? I hope you are fine. I have received your letter asking for my advice for your next summer holiday in Vietnam. I am glad to give you some. As you are living in temperature climate It's a great ideal to have a holiday in tropical country like Vietnam. You can experience sunny and windy days here. So, why do you go to Nha Trang beach? It is one of our most beautiful beaches and is in recognition of the world as the most attractive destination in Vietnam. I am sure you enjoy bathing in the sunshine and swimming in freshwater and surfing. If you like, I can help you book a tour for you to know more about other interesting places in Nha Trang such as temples, pagodas, etc. Nha Trang is also famous for seafood. Therefore, It is a paradise of food for you to enjoy. I think this place is good one for you to relax and enjoy yourself and get rid of worries as well as stress.

Let me know your decision. I hope to see you in Vietnam as soon as possible.



Topic 9: Tell about your house.

Dear Oanh,

Thanks for your letter so much. My family moved to this house 3 weeks ago. My husband is going to arrange a small party to welcome to our new house this week. We will be happy if you come. And about our new house, This is a three floors house with a neat little garden. I will plant some flowers in this garden to make the house more beautifully. All members of family want to live in a house near nature, thus we decide to choose this house. It is not bigger but I like because of its simple beauty. There are 1 sitting room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 1 kitchen in the house. My room is already lovely room in the 2nd floor. I like it so much and next weekend if you come, I will show you some little interest of my room. My husband want it to be a beautiful house full of joy and wonder so he chose pink to paint it. Do you like pink, Oanh? And best of all, it will never get dirty so we do not have to spend time just to clean up the mess. In our house, there is not very a lot of furniture but I think that everything is harmonious with other things. My husband want to decorate it more before the party and I will help him. Don't forget to come here this weekend, Oanh.



Topic 10: Tell about the film you like.

Dear Oanh,

How are you? I hope you are fine. Don't worry about me. I am fine. Pass my greetings to yours parents. Now I'm in my summer holiday so that I have a lot of time to do what I want. You can't believe that last week I had a wonderful visit to Vincom tower where I saw Titanic in 3D. It was such an interesting experience that I could see that film in 3D. Everything seemed to real. I was also moved by the content of the film. It is an epic romantic disaster film. It is fictionalized based on the account of the sinking of the Titanic. Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet stars in this film as members of different social classes who fall in love abroad the ship during its ill – fated maiden voyage.

It's a little bit silly when I cried a lots in the end of film, because the female actor was dead. It's worth watching so you should see film soon. Let me know your feeling when seeing this film.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Topic 11: Tell me how you keep fit and healthy.

Dear Oanh,

I was very happy after receiving your letter. Thanks for your praise. Are you putting on weight? Don't worry. I will help you not only to lose weight but also to have a fit and healthy body. I think the first you had better avoid foods high in fats like cookies, fries,.. You also try to limit amount of animal protein consume. I really little eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables, fresh fruit which are full of fiber and vitamin and drink enough water daily.

The second effective measure is to do exercise frequently. You can walk or jog in the morning or afternoon everyday. Moreover, playing sports is also very good for health, especially it is very efficient to lose weight. In addition, you can join some clubs for examples as dance sport or aerobic clubs. If you want to have a fit and healthy body, you should have regular daily routine. I think losing weight will be difficult if you use suitable measures. I hope that these experience are helpful for you.

Good luck,


Topic 12: I know you've just come back from holiday. Tell me about the holiday.

Dear Linh,

How are you? Thanks for your letter. I am so happy because you always miss and think of me. I have just come back home from Hue. In this trip, I went to by train because it is cheap and safe . That was a really interesting trip. Hue is known for its beautiful imperial architecture and wonderful natural beauty, especially the length of history of Nguyen dynasty. I think that Hue is the only city in Vietnam that still has restored historic beauties with of walls, places, and royal tombs. Everything in Hue city make me impressed and surprised. Perfume rives is very poetic and peaceful. It always make me feel comfortable and relaxing. In this trip, my father and I were on a boat in this river to listen to hue songs every night. The melody of Hue songs is always very special. I love Hue songs very much. The trips lasted 2 days. In the first day, we went to visit Tu Duc tombs. It is a large and bulky structure. We spent all day to discover this historical Structure. There are a lot of famous tomb in Hue but because os limited time we only visited Tu Duc tombs. The following day, we came to Thien Mu pagoda. This pagoda was built in the 14th century and is placed on Ha Khe hillock area near the perfume river. It is also known as Linh Mu pagoda. This is one of the most beautiful and acient architectural structures for reverence in Hue. After that, we went around the city by cyclo and enjoined some special food of hue. I had a lot of memories in this trip and I hope I will have more times to visit Hue in the future. And you? Have you ever visited Hue city? Let me about your impression about Hue.



Topic 13: Tell me about your favorite sport.

Dear Linh,

Thanks for your letter. I'm glad to know that you and your family are always healthy and happy. Now I feel healthier and more comfortable, too. I think that is the result of doing exercise frequently. These days, I usually jog around the park near my house every afternoon. Most of time, I work in the office. It will be not good to sit a fixed place. Thus I determined to do exercise more frequently to keep the body healthy and the sport which choose is jogging.

I enjoy jogging a lot because jogging helps me to be fitter and more enduring. I think jogging gives us a lot of benefits not only for body but for mind. It is the most efficient way of achieving fitness through exercise and burns more calories because it is a high impact exercise. Jogging is also very good for your heart, improves the muscle tone and strength, and relieves stress, beside also deal with heart disease.

I usually spend 2 hours to jog every afternoon with my friends. We often make appointment each other at Thong Nhat Park to do exercise together. It is much happier than doing alone.

And you, what is your favorite sports? Can you share you thinking about it?



Topic 14: Tell me about one of your close friends.

Hi Linh,

Thanks for your letter. I'm very nice to make friend with you. This is the first letter I write to you and I hope we will get in touch together frequently. In the last letter you asked me about my closest friend and you wanted to get familiar with him so I want to share you something about him,too

That's Hieu, one of my friends at university. We studied in the same major but different classes. He is a kind and intelligent guy. Moreover, he always studied hard so his studying result was very good. In addition, he is an active person and usually joins a lot of social actions, for examples, teaching for poor children, helping alone old people who have difficulties, etc.

I think he is the most wonderful friend I have ever had. And with me, he is always very understanding, mature, fun, smart, and kind. He sticks by me even during the hardest times, something only a true friend does. Now he is working at the same office as me. We is more and more close and I hope our friendship will be never stop. Do you want to meet and talk to him. I'm sure you will like him as me.

Best regards,


Topic 15: Tell about your last vacation

Viết thư cho một người bạn kể về kỉ nghỉ của bản thân.

Dear Linh,

How are you? I was very happy when I got a letter from you. I am really happy that you spent a wonderful summer holiday in Sa Pa. And now, I would like to tell you about my summer holiday. Last summer I visited Cua Lo beach with my parents. We went there by car. We stayed in Binh Minh hotel for a week.

In Cua Lo, we visited a lot of interesting places: Hon Ngu island, Nguyen Su Hoi temple. But the most exciting for me was visiting Hon Ngu island. It was fantastic and romantic.. Food in Cua Lo is extremely delicious. I especially felt excited with the courses from seafood such as "cua rang me, chao ngao or mam ruoc"

Cua Lo's people are very friendly and warm. So, my parents and I felt happy very comfortable like at home. Well, I told you everything about my holiday. Trang, what places do you want to visit on your next holiday? Why?

I hope to get the answer from you soon.

Best wishes,


Topic 16: Tell your friend about your family

Dear Linh,

I am so glad when I received your letter. I am sorry because I am so busy that I haven’t written to you all this time. Today, I want to tell you about my tiny family. There are four members: my parents, my older sister and me. My father is 45 years old named Hung. He works at the factory. My mom is a teacher and she is 40 years old. Her name is Van and she is a pretty woman. My sister is 3 years older than me named Phuong. My family is always very happy and willing to help together. At the weekend, my family often goes picnic or visit our grandparents in Hai Phong. In my free time, I always help my parents clean the house and wash the clothes. However, I’m preparing for my final – term examination. I hope to pass it easily and I will bring result you notice.

And you? Could you tell me about your life family? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



Topic 17: Write a letter about 150 – 200 words to a pen friend about your neighborhood

Dear Dung,

I'll tell you about my neighborhood.

I live in a house in the countryside. It's big and very beautiful. From my bedroom window, I can see the meadow, the river and also my garden too. It's one kilometer from my house to school, so I go to school on foot. Near my house is the library, supermarket, hospital,... But I like the library most because I always read book there.

I hope you will tell about your neighborhood next letter.



Topic 18: Write a letter to your friend about a restaurant

Dear Ann,

I'm glad to receive your letter today. I am writing this letter to tell you about one of my favorite restaurants. Katty House is a popular restaurant in my neighborhood. It is located in Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi. It is a small American restaurant. Its menu has many delicious dishes such as fried chicken, pizza, hamburger and soft drink. I go to this restaurant with my family and friends twice a week. The best dish is pizza which is served with special sauces. The restaurant's staffs are very friendly and thoughtful. I also have an unforgettable experience at this restaurant. Last year, I lost a mobile phone after having dinner at Katty House. The manager of the restaurant encouraged me and gave me a new mobile phone. I felt very grateful to him. I love this restaurant so much. I hope you will have a chance to go to this restaurant with me.

Best wishes,


Topic 19: Write a letter to invite your friend to your birthday party

Dear Mana,

I am excited to write this invitation to you to formally invite you to my next birthday party, which will be held on 28/02/2022 at my 6:00 PM at my house.

We will have plenty of pizza, soda, chips and other snack foods, as well as an awesome laser tag tournament. In addition, we will have some incredibly delicious ice cream cake and tiramisu at the end.

All expenses are paid -- just come to the party and have a great time celebrating my birthday with me.

It'll be a lot of fun; I hope you make it!


Topic 20: Write a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft village

Dear Jennie,

How are you going? I’m writing to tell you about my interesting trip to a craft village last Sunday.

Last Sunday, I visited Bat Trang village, an old traditional craft village, with my brother. The village is about 20 kilometers south east of Hanoi center. It is considers as the oldest and most famous pottery village in Vietnam. When visiting here, I had chance to make pottery by myself. I also understand how to make a completed product with three main steps. My brother bought many pottery items to decorate my house. It was really exciting trip.

If you come to Hanoi, you should visit here. How was your last weekend?

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Trên đây là Cách viết + Bài mẫu viết email bằng tiếng Anh. Ngoài ra, đã đăng tải nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh cơ bản tại đây: Luyện viết Tiếng Anh, Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh, Luyện đọc Tiếng Anh, Luyện nói Tiếng Anh,.... Mời bạn đọc tham khảo, download phục vụ việc học tập và giảng dạy.

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