When saving a file you must provide a valid file name?

Create and save a file by adding the Create a new file task to an automation bot.

Add and configure the Create a new file task by performing the following steps:

  1. Add the Create a new file task to a bot, as described in Add a task to a bot.
  2. Configure the Create a new file task by setting the properties described in the following tables.
  3. When you are done, save the app by selecting one of the following:

    • Save - Save the app
    • Save & verify data - Save the app and verify the data defined.

After you save the app, you can reuse the task in other bots.

Configure the Create a new file task by using the settings described in the following tables.




Enable or disable reuse of this component by expanding the Linking panel and toggling the Linking setting. See Reuse automation components.

Task name

Name of the task. It must be unique within your app.

Table name

Table referenced by the task. Select an existing table in the list. Click View definition to view the structure of the selected table.

See Tables: The Essentials for more information about adding tables.

HTTP Content Type

Content type of the file. Valid content type values include:

  • CSV
  • HTML
  • ICS_Calendar
  • JSON
  • PDF
  • XLSX [Microsoft Excel]
  • XML

Note: A maximum of 2500 PDF files are allowed to be created per day, at a rate of 20 per second.


Template to use for more precise control of the file contents. See Use templates in a bot.

File Store

File system where files are saved.

When set to Default [the default setting], the file is stored on the authentication provider file system. For example, if your authentication provider is Google, the file is saved to Google Drive. If your authentication provider is Dropbox, the attachment file is saved to Dropbox.

Note: If Smartsheet is your authentication provider, AppSheet saves the file to Google Drive as Smartsheet does not have a file system. If you use Smartsheet and wish to save files, you must include Google as a data source, as described in Use multiple data sources.

File Folder Path

Folder path where files are saved relative to the default app folder.

Use the Expression Assistant to specify text, variables, and expressions. For example:

  • Files/MyPurchaseOrders

  • :

In the second example, email attachment files would be stored in a separate folder, based on the month. For example: MyFiles/PurchaseOrdersByMonth_2019_02

By default, the folder path is Files.

File Name Prefix

Prefix to prepend to the filename.

Use the Expression Assistant to specify text, variables, and expressions.

By default, the prefix is AppSheetDoc.

Note: Forward slashes [/] are not supported in filenames. For example, if you are using a date format that uses forward slashes, you will need to convert them to a different character such as a period [.].

Attachment Page Orientation

Page orientation used for PDF files. Valid values include: Portrait [the default] and Landscape

Note: This setting is available only if you set HTTP Content Type to PDF.

Attachment Page Size

Page size for PDF files. Select a standard size or select Custom and enter the Attachment Page Width and Attachment Page Height in millimeters. Defaults to A4.

Note: This setting is available only if you set HTTP Content Type to PDF.

Disable Timestamp?

Toggle to indicate whether to append a timestamp to filenames. Appending the timestamp will ensure the filenames are unique.

The timestamp contains the date and time at which the attachment file was created, formatted as follows: yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff indicating year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. For example:


If you disable the timestamp, you must ensure that every filename is unique. Otherwise, the files may be overwritten. For example, if you are saving files to Google Drive and you disable the timestamp, only the most recent attachment file will be available. Older files with the same name will have been overwritten.

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What is valid file name?

Supported characters for a file name are letters, numbers, spaces, and [ ] _ - , . *Please note file names should be limited to 100 characters. Characters that are NOT supported include, but are not limited to: @ $ % & \ / : * ? " ' < > | ~ ` # ^ + = { } [ ] ; !

Why Does Word keep saying the file name is not valid?

If you have tried to use an unusual character in the file name [as listed in the Cause section of this article], remove it from the file name and then try saving the file. If the file you are trying to open has an invalid character, rename the file and then try to open it again.

What symbols Cannot be used when saving a file?

Do not use any of these common illegal characters or symbols in your filenames or folders:.
# pound. % percent. & ampersand. { left curly bracket. } right curly bracket. ... .
< left angle bracket. > right angle bracket. * asterisk. ? ... .
$ dollar sign. ! exclamation point. ' single quotes. ... .
+ plus sign. ` backtick. | pipe. = equal sign..

What Cannot be used to start the name of a file?

Do not use the following reserved names for the name of a file: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9. Also avoid these names followed immediately by an extension; for example, NUL.

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