Back on track nghĩa là gì

Everyday English Speaking CourseHello students, its Shayna, your teacher at and todays phrase of the day is on the right trachồng. If you are on the right track, it means that you are going in the right direction, but this means the right direction in terms of progress, not physical movement.

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Let me show you what I mean. Lets say Im teaching a class and I ask the class a question. A student answers the question và his answer is cchiến bại but not exactly what I was looking for, I could say, Thats not quite correct, but youre on the right trachồng, meaning that his thinking process was going in the right direction.

The opposite of on the right track is on the wrong track, & this means going in the wrong direction. Again, in terms of progress, not in terms of physical movement, like driving a car or walking.

For example, lets imagine that in your country a new law is passed saying that politicians dont have sầu khổng lồ obey the law, they can vày whatever they want. Well, you could say, Hmm. This countrys really on the wrong traông xã, meaning that the progress and development of the country is moving in a bad or wrong direction.

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One final expression for today is to lớn get baông chồng on trachồng, and this means khổng lồ return to lớn the right path, or the right direction.

For example, imagine youre in a meeting at work và the meeting is focusing on a specific topic. However, during the discussion, your co-workers start talking about different topics that are not the main focus of the meeting, until one person finally reminds everytoàn thân of the main topic, & then the discussion returns khổng lồ that main topic.

Then you could say, The discussion went off on a tangent for a while [Off on a tangent means the conversation went in a different direction outside the main topic] but then it got baông chồng on traông xã.

Another example is, if your New Years resolution was lớn go to lớn the gym three times a week, but last week you were very busy and you didnt go to the thể hình. You could say, I skipped a couple of workouts last week but this week Im going to lớn get bachồng on trachồng.

Now you know three expressions with the word track. On the right track, meaning to move or progress in the right direction; on the wrong trachồng, meaning lớn move or progress in the wrong direction; và get baông chồng on trachồng, for returning lớn making good progress in the right direction.

Thats all for today. Tune in tomorrow khổng lồ learn more English phrases và expressions.

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