Balloon shooting game in python

import pygame as pg import sys from os import path from person import Person from movingitems import Rock, Balloon from pygame.locals import Color, KEYUP, KEYDOWN, K_ESCAPE, K_s,\ K_LEFT, K_RIGHT, K_UP, K_DOWN, K_SPACE, K_RETURN class Game[object]: """Primary class of the application. """ def __init__[self]: """Constructor class. This is executed when an instance of the class is created """ self.screen_width = 800 self.screen_height = 480 self.initial_angle = 30 self.frames_per_second = 60 self.wind = 0 self.white = Color["white"] = Color["red"] = Color["green"] self.background = pg.image.load[path.join['images','bg_cropped.png']] self.show_instructions = True self.sound_on = True self.game_over = False def load_sounds[self]: """Method that loads the background and sound files. The sound_supported property is also initialized. """ if not pg.mixer or not pg.mixer.get_init[]: print "load mixer failed" self.sound_supported = False return False try: self.sound_pop = pg.mixer.Sound[path.join['sounds','pop.ogg']] self.music_background =[path.join['sounds','carnivalrides.ogg']] self.sound_supported = True except pg.error as er: print "load_sounds crashed: %s" % er self.sound_supported = False return self.sound_supported def play_music[self]: """Starts playing the background music """ if self.sound_supported and self.sound_on and not [self.game_over or self.show_instructions]:[-1] def stop_music[self]: """Stops the background music """ if self.sound_supported:[] def play_pop_sound[self]: """Plays the sound of a balloon being popped """ if self.sound_supported and self.sound_on:[] def toggle_sound[self]: """Turns all sounds and music in the app on or off Toggles the sound_on property """ if self.sound_on: self.sound_on = False self.stop_music[] else: self.sound_on = True self.play_music[] def new_game[self]: """Starts a new game. Balloons and Rocks from the previous game are discarded. A new Person object is created. Score is reset. New balllons for level 1 are created """ = [] self.balloons = [] self.game_over = False self.show_instructions = False self.person = Person[self.screen, [self.screen_width / 3, self.screen_height - 65], self.initial_angle] self.score = 0 self.new_balloon_count = 2 self.generate_balloons[self.new_balloon_count] self.play_music[] def write_text[self, text, x, y, color]: """Convenience method for writing text to the screen """ label = self.font.render[text, 0, color] self.screen.blit[label, [x, y]] def write_instructions[self]: """Write the instructions to the screen """ x = 80 indent = 20 y = 100 lf = 30 self.write_text["Instructions:", x-indent, y,] y+=lf self.write_text["Left/right arrow keys to move", x, y,] y+=lf self.write_text["Space to shoot, press longer for further", x, y,] y+=lf self.write_text["Up/down keys to change angle", x, y,] y+=lf self.write_text["Press S to toggle sound", x, y,] y+=lf self.write_text["Press enter when ready", x-indent, y,] def update_text[self]: """Updates all text on the screen. This is called once at the bottom of the program loop. """ if self.show_instructions: self.write_instructions[] else: self.write_text["Angle %s" % self.person.angle, 50, 80, self.white] self.write_text["Score: %s" % self.score, 50, 120, self.white] if self.game_over: self.write_text["Game Over - Press enter to play again", 100, 200,] if not self.sound_on: self.write_text["sound off", self.screen_width / 2 - 4, 50 , Color["blue"]] def generate_balloons[self,num]: """Generates a new set of balloons. This is called at the beginning of a new game, and when all previous balloons have been popped """ xLow = self.screen_width / 2 xHigh = self.screen_width - 20 yLow = self.screen_height - 100 yHigh = self.screen_height - 50 for i in range[num]: self.balloons.append[Balloon[self.screen, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh]] def add_rock[self, velocity]: """Throw a rock """ rock_x = self.person.x + 32 rock_y = self.person.y + 3[Rock[ self.screen, [rock_x, rock_y], self.person.angle, velocity]] def run_game[self]: """The method that contains the main event loop """ # Initialize and set up screen. pg.init[] self.font = pg.font.SysFont[None, 30] clock = pg.time.Clock[] self.screen = pg.display.set_mode[[self.screen_width, self.screen_height]] pg.display.set_caption["Balloon Pop"] self.load_sounds[] new_rock_velocity = 0 release_slingshot = False release_slingshot_completed = False is_playing = False # Start main loop. while True: clock.tick[self.frames_per_second] keys = pg.key.get_pressed[] # Start event loop. for e in pg.event.get[]: # Window was closed, clean up if e.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit[] if e.type == KEYDOWN: # Esc key was pressed, quit the app if e.key == K_ESCAPE: sys.exit[] # Enter key was pressed, start a new game if not in a game if e.key == K_RETURN: if self.show_instructions or self.game_over: is_playing = True self.new_game[] # Space bar pressed down, start the slingshot sequence if e.key == K_SPACE and is_playing: new_rock_velocity = 0 self.person.aim[] # s key was pressed, toggle the sound if e.key == K_s: self.toggle_sound[] if e.type == KEYUP: # Space bar was released # Complete the throwing sequence if e.key == K_SPACE and is_playing: release_slingshot = True # draw background first # this will overwrite everything that was previously on the screen # all other items and text will need to be redrawn after this self.screen.blit[self.background, [0,0]] if is_playing: # Begin the slingshot release sequence if release_slingshot: # There are multiple images to release the rock release_slingshot_completed =[] if release_slingshot_completed: release_slingshot = False # Release the rock to begin it's journey self.add_rock[new_rock_velocity] new_rock_velocity = 0 # holding keys down is outside of event loop if keys[K_LEFT]: self.person.move_left[4] if keys[K_RIGHT]: self.person.move_right[4] if keys[K_UP]: self.person.increase_angle[2] if keys[K_DOWN]: self.person.decrease_angle[2] if keys[K_SPACE]: # longer the space bar is held, the faster the rock will be thrown new_rock_velocity += 1.5 # Loop through the list of balloons for balloon in self.balloons: if not self.game_over: # Update the balloon's coordinates balloon.update[self.wind] # Game ends when balloon reaches top of screen if balloon.is_offscreen[]: self.game_over = True is_playing = False self.stop_music[] if is_playing: # Loop through the list of thrown rocks on the screen for rock in # Update the rock's coordinates rock.update[self.wind] # remove rocks that fall off the bottom or sides of the screen # rocks that go straight up [less than 0] are not removed, since they will come down if rock.x > self.screen_width or rock.y > self.screen_height:[rock] else: # Get the balloon that was hit [hopefully] or get None temp_balloon = rock.hit_balloon[self.balloons] if temp_balloon == None: # Rock is still on the screen and did not hit a balloon # Add it to the screen rock.draw[] else: # Rock hit a balloon # Remove the rock from the Rocks list[rock] # Remove the popped balloon from the Balloons list self.balloons.remove[temp_balloon] # Play the pop sound and increase the score self.play_pop_sound[] self.score += 1 # Level ends when there are no balloons left to display if len[self.balloons] == 0: # Generate a new set of balloons # One more balloon than the last level self.new_balloon_count += 1 self.generate_balloons[self.new_balloon_count] # Add the balloons to the screen for balloon in self.balloons: balloon.draw[] # Add the person to the screen self.person.draw[] # Add all text to the screen self.update_text[] # Redraw the screen to reflect all changes pg.display.flip[] game = Game[] game.run_game[]

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