Cách sử dụng blackberry 8700

Pin Blackberry 8700, 8707, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8520Điện áp ổn địnhTương thích tốtMã: C-S2Dòng máy sử dụng: Blackberry 8700, 8707, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8520Hướng dẫn sử dụng:1.Ba lần sạc đầu tiên dùng hết sạc đầy 100% để đảm bảo dung lượng thực của pin lớn nhất.2.Không nên sạc pin qua đêm khiến tuổi thọ pin giảm3.Nên dùng khi nào gần hết pin còn khoảng 15-20% máy báo sạc thì sạc pin cho máy. Như vậy pin sẽ đượckéo dài tuổi thọ hơn.

4.Hạn chế để máysập nguồn,Không nên treo nhiều ứng dụng ngầm gây hao pin không cần thiết, …Thực hiện xả – nạp pin định kỳ 3 tháng 1 lần [ theo quy tắc 1 ]

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Đây là một trong những dòng BlackBerry đời đầu và được ưa chuộng rất nhiều tại Việt Nam. Với những dòng máy điện thoại cổ của BlackBerry, thì BlackBerry 8700 đã trở thành một sản phẩm không thể thiếu đối với nhiều người với khả năng nghe gọi rất tốt, độ bền rất cao. Đôi khi hoài cổ lại và sử dụng cũng thấy rất nhiều điều thú vị của dòng máy này. Ngoài đặc trưng là con lăn 'track wheel' độc đáo thì cũng có rất nhiều phần mềm hỗ trợ tốt trên dòng máy này xin phép gửi đến các bạn những ứng dụng vô cùng thú vị, và nhiều bạn đang dùng rồi thì chia sẻ cho mọi người biết : Một số phần mềm hoạt động tốt như: 1. Berry Buzz 2.0 - phần mềm rung và nháy led cho cuộc gọi trên BlackBerry 8700:

Phần mềm này dường như anh em ai cũng biết và sử dụng để tùy chỉnh thông báo cuộc gọi trên BlackBerry 8700 của mình. Do đó mình chỉ giới thiệu sơ qua các tính năng đó là nháy đèn led cho cuộc gọi đến [có thể chỉnh 7 màu], tin nhắn văn bản, email, bbm, nháy led khi sạc... và Rung đồng thời với chuông khi có cuộc gọi đến mặc định tính năng này BlackBerry không hỗ trợ. 2. QuickWheel - Phần mềm gán chức năng cho phím giữa 8700:
Phần mềm khá hay bạn có thể gán phím chọn cho phím chức năng ở giữa bàn phím 8700, thay vì nhấn TrackWheel vào thì bạn có thể tùy chỉnh phím giữa làm thay nhiệm vụ của phím đó và giảm thiểu tần suất sử dụng TrackWheel khi nhấn vào. Giúp bạn dễ dàng thao tác hơn cũng như giữ gìn phím TrackWheel lâu hơn khi sử dụng. 3. AddOnls - Phần mềm hỗ trợ hệ thống đa chức năng:
AddOnls chắc hẳn ai cũng đã từng sử dụng qua từ những dòng máy BBOS cũ trong đó có 8700. Mình có sử dụng một số app rung khi kết nối cuộc gọi nhưng chưa thực sự chuẩn và tìm đến phần mềm này, khá hay và hoạt động ổn định trên BlackBerry 8700. Bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm Tại Đây 4. Show Event Log - Dọn dẹp Log hệ thống:
​ Thông thường thì mỗi hành động của chúng ta khi sử dụng trên BB đều được lưu vào EventLog, điều này vừa lợi mà cũng vừa hại, lợi là chúng ta có thể theo dõi được mọi quá trình diễn ra của máy, hại là càng ghi nhìu nhật kí thì sẽ càng tốn bộ nhớ ram, dẫn đến tình trạng máy chạy chậm, ko mượt mà. Giải pháp thông thường thì sau vài ngày thì chúng ta sẽ tháo pin BB ra và khởi động lại máy, hoặc sẽ bấm tổ hợp phím Alt + LGLG để vào EventLog và xoá log đi, nhưng ko phải ai cũng biết và nhớ dc tổ hợp phím đó. Và bây giờ pm ShowEventLog xuất hiện, giúp đỡ cho những người ko muốn tháo pin [ vì hao pin ] hoặc ko nhớ, ko biết tổ hợp phím Alt+ LGLG 5. iBerry Black & White list: ​ Phần mềm này dường như ai cũng biết và trang bị cho các dòng máy BBOS cũ. Berry Black & Whitelist cho phép bạn chặn những ai đang gọi điện tới. Người dùng có thể chặn và cho vào danh sách blacklist ai đó nếu bạn không muốn nhận cuộc gọi hay cho vào danh sách whitelist nếu muốn nghe điện.
Tạo những danh sách này trong iBerry Black & amp; Whitelist là tác vụ rất đơn giản, có thể hoàn thành với nhiều cách khác nhau. Bạn có thể thêm các số vào danh sách từ các liên lạc trong điện thoại, hoặc vào bản ghi cuộc gọi và đánh dấu chúng là đen hoặc trắng bằng các nút tương ứng. Người dùng còn có thể chọn vào danh sách đen với những ai ẩn số khi gọi cho bạn. iBerry Black & Whitelist hoạt động hiệu quả và ngắt kết nối với điện thoại rất nhanh chóng đối với cuộc gọi đến, khiến người gọi không thể biết được rằng họ đã bị đưa vào danh sách đen ngoài việc nghĩ rằng điện thoại của bạn bị hết nguồn. Chiếc điện thoại Blackberry của bạn cũng không có chuông hoặc rung, bạn cũng không biết được về cuộc gọi này cho tới khi kiểm tra danh sách cuộc gọi đến.

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34 Email and PIN messages — frequently asked questions How do I compose an email or PIN message from the To screen? Why were some of my messages deleted from the device? Why can’t I send messages? How do I change how long messages and phone call logs remain in a messages list? Why can’t I receive messages? Why is the menu item for sending a message not available? Why does the letter D appear beside sent PIN messages? Can I stop a message from being sent? Why are some messages already on my device? How do I create and use links in messages? Why is “More available” appearing at the end of my message? Can I file messages? How do I restrict the types of email messages that are sent to my device? How do I create a generic filter? Why are some messages sent to my device even though I have created a filter? Why can’t I specify some folders from which email messages are redirected? How do I make changes to the folders on my device? How do I stop email messages from being sent to my device? Can I hide sent messages? How do I stop messages that are sent from my desktop email program from appearing on my device? Why can’t I see a new message in a messages list even though I received notification? Can I change the default email account that is used when I send messages from the main messages list? Why is there a different icon beside some items in a messages list? What do the [Disclaimer On] and [Disclaimer Off] headers mean? Why are call logs appearing in a messages list? How do I show more of a subject line for my messages? How do I compose an email or PIN message from the To screen? How do I identify received PIN messages as high priority? To compose a message from the To screen, click [Use Once]. Click Email or PIN. Type an email address or a PIN. Click the trackwheel. Click Continue. Can I remove the prompt that appears before I delete messages? To add multiple recipients to your message, click the trackwheel. Click Add To, Add Cc, or Add Bcc. User Guide Why can’t I send messages? Verify that you are in a wireless coverage area and that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. See the printed documentation that accompanied your device for more information about wireless coverage levels. Why does the letter D appear beside sent PIN messages? When a PIN message has been delivered to a BlackBerry® device, a D appears beside the check mark in a messages list. If you send a message and you are not in a wireless coverage area, the device sends the message when you return to a wireless coverage area. Can I stop a message from being sent? Why can’t I receive messages? Yes, provided that you are not in a wireless coverage area or that your BlackBerry® device is not connected to the wireless network. If a clock icon appears beside the message, delete the message to stop it from being sent. Verify that you are in a wireless coverage area and that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. See the printed documentation that accompanied your device for more information about wireless coverage levels. Verify that email redirection to your device is turned on. If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, in the Redirector Settings tool, verify that the Redirect incoming messages to your handheld check box is selected. If your device is integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ version 4.0 or later, in the messages options, click Email Settings. Verify that the Send Email To Handheld field is set to Yes. If you have configured specific folders to redirect email messages to your device, on the Folder Redirection screen, verify that the correct folders from which email is redirected are selected. Verify that filters, which restrict the email messages that are sent to your device, are not enabled. See “Manage filters” on page 15 for more information. Why is the menu item for sending a message not available? If you do not have an email address or PIN saved for your contact, the option to send a message to that contact does not appear. In the address book, add an email address or a PIN number for your contact. 112 If you are in a wireless coverage area and your device is connected to the wireless network, messages should be sent automatically, so you cannot stop the message from being sent. Why are some messages already on my device? When you first receive your BlackBerry® device and every time that you update the BlackBerry Handheld Software, several welcome messages appear. These messages provide information and tips for using the device. If your device is integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ version 4.0 or later, recent messages might also appear on your device when you connect to the wireless network for the first time. Contact your system administrator for more information. 34: Email and PIN messages — frequently asked questions How do I create and use links in messages? Links appear in your messages as underlined text. Messages can contain links to various items such as phone numbers, web sites, and email addresses. When you receive a message that contains a link, click the link. In the menu, click the menu items that apply to the type of link selected. The BlackBerry® device should automatically recognize most linkable items as links. To create a link for a PIN, type pin: before typing the PIN number. If your device is not enabled for wireless email reconciliation, your device must be integrated with an account that uses the BlackBerry Desktop Redirector or the BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ to file messages. You must perform an initial email reconciliation with the BlackBerry Desktop Software so that the folders in your desktop email program appear on your device. See the BlackBerry Desktop Software Online Help for more information about configuring email reconciliation manually. Can I hide sent messages? Why is “More available” appearing at the end of my message? Yes. In the messages options, click General Options. Set the Hide Sent Messages field to Yes. Long messages are sent to your BlackBerry® device in sections. As you read the first section, the next section should be sent to your device automatically, if you are in a wireless coverage area. However, it might take several seconds before your device receives the next section. Note: To view sent messages, in a messages list, click the trackwheel. Click View Folder. Click Sent Items. Click Select Folder. To send only the first section of long messages to your device, in the messages options, click General Options. Set the Auto More field to No. The next time that you receive a long message, “More available” appears at the bottom. To request more of the message, click the trackwheel. Click More. To view the rest of the message, click More All. Why can’t I see a new message in a messages list even though I received notification? Can I file messages? If email messages are sent to your BlackBerry® device from specific desktop email program folders and, in the general messages options, you set the Hide Filed Messages option to Yes, new messages that are sent to your device should be filed automatically, and might not appear in a messages list. To view all your messages, set the Hide Filed Messages field to No. Yes. If you have turned on wireless email reconciliation for your BlackBerry® device, any messages that you file on your device are also filed in your desktop email program. Why is there a different icon beside some items in a messages list? Different icons are used in a messages list to indicate message status, saved web pages, call logs, messages with attachments, and so on. See the printed documentation that accompanied your BlackBerry® device for more information about message status indicators. 113 User Guide Why are call logs appearing in a messages list? When you make or receive a call, the BlackBerry® device creates a call log that contains information about the call. To stop call logs from appearing in a messages list, in the phone options, click Call Logging. Set the Show These Call Log Types In Message List field to None. How do I show more of a subject line for my messages? To show more of the subject line for your messages, you can hide the time that the message was received and the name of the sender or recipient of the message. In the messages options, click General Options. Set the Display Time and Display Name fields to No. If you have turned on wireless email reconciliation, messages that you delete in your desktop email program are also deleted on your device. Messages that you delete on your device are also deleted in your desktop email program. If you deleted multiple messages using Delete Prior, the messages are only deleted from your device. How do I change how long messages and phone call logs remain in a messages list? To change the number of days that your BlackBerry® device keeps messages and call logs in a messages list, in the message options, click General Options. Set the Keep Messages field. In the messages options, click General Options. Set the Make PIN Messages Level 1 field to Yes. Messages that are sent to your device that are older than the number of days that you specify in the Keep Messages field are deleted from your device. The messages can be restored, however, if you set the Keep Messages field to a longer period of time. When you increase the amount of time in this field, any messages that are sent to your device during that period of time appear in a messages list. Can I remove the prompt that appears before I delete messages? How do I restrict the types of email messages that are sent to my device? Yes. In the messages options, click General Options. Set the Confirm Delete option to No. You can create filters to send only specific email messages to your BlackBerry® device. How do I identify received PIN messages as high priority? See “Create filters” on page 14 for more information. Why were some of my messages deleted from the device? If your BlackBerry® device memory is full, your device deletes the oldest messages from the messages list to accommodate new ones. It does not delete saved messages. 114 To stop messages that do not meet any filter criteria from being sent to your device, in the message options, click Email Filters. Set the If no filters apply, send email to handheld field to No. 34: Email and PIN messages — frequently asked questions How do I create a generic filter? To create a generic filter, use an asterisk [*] when specifying the contacts to which the filter applies. In the messages options, click Email Filters. In the From field, specify part of the sender's address and use an asterisk [*] in place of the remaining part. Why are some messages sent to my device even though I have created a filter? Filters must be enabled before they apply to your messages. In the messages options, click Email Filters. Verify that the check boxes beside all the filters that you want to apply to your messages are enabled. Verify that the filters are in the correct order so they can be applied to your messages properly. Why can’t I specify some folders from which email messages are redirected? On the Folder Redirection screen, folders with check boxes that have broken borders are not enabled for redirection. If your BlackBerry® device is integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ version 4.0 or later, the folders should be enabled automatically after a short period of time. To enable all folders manually for redirection, in the messages options, click Email Settings. Click the trackwheel. Click Folder Redirection. On the Email Reconciliation screen, set the Wireless Reconcile field to Off. Save your changes. Open the Email Reconciliation screen again and set the Wireless Reconcile field to On. Save your changes. How do I make changes to the folders on my device? You cannot add, edit, or delete folders from your BlackBerry® device. To add, edit, or delete a folder, change it in your desktop email program and reconcile your email messages with your device. If your device is enabled for wireless email reconciliation, changes that you make to the folders in your desktop email program should be synchronized with your device over the wireless network. If your device is not enabled for wireless email reconciliation, reconcile your email manually using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. See the BlackBerry Desktop Software Intellisync Online Help for more information. How do I stop email messages from being sent to my device? If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software, in the Redirector Settings tool, clear the Redirect incoming messages to your handheld check box. If your BlackBerry® device is integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ version 4.0 or later, in the messages options, click Email Settings. Set the Send Email To Handheld field to No. How do I stop messages that are sent from my desktop email program from appearing on my device? In the messages options, click Email Settings. Click the trackwheel. Click Folder Redirection. Clear the check box beside the Sent Items folder. Can I change the default email account that is used when I send 115 User Guide messages from the main messages list? Yes. If your BlackBerry® device is integrated with more than one email account, you might be able to set which email account is used by default when you send messages from the main messages list. In the device options, click Advanced Options. Click Message Services. Set the Messaging [CMIME] field. What do the [Disclaimer On] and [Disclaimer Off] headers mean? If your BlackBerry® device is integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server® version 4.0 or later, your system administrator might have assigned an IT policy to your device that adds a disclaimer to your email messages after you send them. You cannot edit this disclaimer. The [Disclaimer On] and [Disclaimer Off] headers indicate whether or not the BlackBerry Enterprise Server adds a disclaimer to messages that you send. To remove the disclaimer, click the trackwheel. Click Remove Disclaimer. To add the disclaimer again, click the trackwheel. Click Add Disclaimer. 116 35 SMS messages — frequently asked questions Why can’t I send SMS messages? Can I verify that my SMS message has reached its recipients? How do I display more items in an SMS message thread? Can I hide sent messages? Can I remove the prompt that appears before I delete messages? Why were some of my messages deleted from the device? Why aren’t all the SMS options described appearing on my device? What are the Validity Period, Sent As, and Network to Send Over fields in the SMS options? How do I change how long messages and phone call logs remain in a messages list? Why can’t I send SMS messages? Verify that you are in a wireless coverage area and that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network. See the printed documentation that accompanied your device for more information about wireless coverage levels. If you send a message and you are not in a wireless coverage area, the device sends the message when you return to a wireless coverage area. Verify that fixed dialing number mode is not enabled. In the phone options, click FDN Phone List. Click the trackwheel. Click Disable FDN mode. If you still cannot send SMS messages, verify that your plan supports sending and receiving SMS messages. Contact your service provider for more information. Can I verify that my SMS message has reached its recipients? Yes. In the device options, click SMS. Set the Delivery Reports field to On. When your SMS message reaches its recipient, a D appears beside the check mark in a messages list. How do I display more items in an SMS message thread? In the device options, click SMS. In the Number Of Previous Items field, set the number of SMS messages to display. Can I hide sent messages? Yes. In the messages options, click General Options. Set the Hide Sent Messages field to Yes. Notes: If you set the Hide Sent Messages field to Yes, and you open an SMS message that is part of a thread, the sent messages appear in the thread. To view all sent SMS messages, in a messages list, click the trackwheel. Click View Folder. Click SMS Outbox. Click Select Folder. User Guide Why were some of my messages deleted from the device? If your BlackBerry® device memory is full, your device deletes the oldest messages from the messages list to accommodate new ones. It does not delete saved messages. Why aren’t all the SMS options described appearing on my device? Depending on your service provider plan, some SMS message options might not be available on your BlackBerry® device. Contact your service provider for more information. What are the Validity Period, Sent As, and Network to Send Over fields in the SMS options? The Validity Period field specifies how long the service center should keep your SMS messages if they cannot be delivered to your contacts immediately. The Sent As field specifies how to send your SMS messages. The Network to Send Over field specifies the type of network through which your SMS messages are sent. 118 36 MMS messages — frequently asked questions Can I send and receive MMS messages? Can I specify when my device should receive MMS messages? Can I hide sent messages? Can I filter unwanted MMS messages? Can I filter unwanted MMS messages? Yes. In the device options, click MMS. In the Message Filtering section, select the Reject Anonymous Messages check box or the Reject Advertisements check box. Can I configure notification for all MMS messages? Can I pause, resume, or restart a slideshow presentation? Can I configure notification for all MMS messages? Can I view the size of my MMS messages before I send them? Yes. You can set delivery reports, which notify you and a sender when an MMS message has been received or read. To set delivery reports, in the device options, click MMS. In the Notifications section, set the notification options. How do I change how long messages and phone call logs remain in a messages list? Can I send and receive MMS messages? To set whether delivery reports are sent when they are requested by a sender, set the Allow Delivery Confirmation and Allow Read Confirmation options. Yes, if your service provider plan includes MMS messages and your BlackBerry® device is provisioned for the service. Contact your service provider for more information. To set whether you request delivery reports when you send MMS messages, set the Confirm Delivery and Confirm Read options. Can I specify when my device should receive MMS messages? Yes. In the device options, click MMS. To set when your BlackBerry® device communicates with the Multimedia Messaging Service Centre [MMSC], set the Multimedia Reception field. To set when your BlackBerry device receives MMS messages, set the Automatic Retrieval field. Can I pause, resume, or restart a slideshow presentation? Yes. In an open message, click the trackwheel. Click Pause, Resume, or Restart. Can I view the size of my MMS messages before I send them? Yes. In the open message, click the trackwheel. Click Options. User Guide 120

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