Corner the market là gì

Nhanh lên cửa hàng bên cũng đang giảm Black Friday đấy Photo by Borko Manigoda from Pexels
'Corner the market on something' = mua hết hàng từng ngõ ngách ngoài thị trường -> đầu cơ tích trữ, mua hết hàng nhằm mục đích xấu hoặc lũng loạn thị trường.
Ví dụAs major retailers [người bán lẻ] corner the market on Black Friday, many small local businesses put a lot of stock into people coming out for Small Business Saturday.
Malicious bots [mạng lưới/phần mềm gây hại] account for nearly 18% of traffic to online retail sites, according to a recent Imperva study. Not only do these automated programs capture competitive data, they can slow down ecommerce sites and corner the market on limited-availability inventory [hàng hóa tồn kho], leading to frustrated customers and lost sales.
Apart from ads on YouTube, I think Google is trying to corner the market on ads in video games, too. They already have the infrastructure and experience needed to create the client-side ad platform. Now, they need users. They need to prove they can get the eyeballs. Just like Googles search engine came before Google AdWords, so must Google Stadia come before in-game ads.
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