Have a lesson là gì

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Bạn đang xem: Lesson là gì


lesson /"lesn/ danh từ bài họckhổng lồ learn one"s lesson by heart: học trực thuộc lòng bài xích học lời dạy dỗ, lời khuyênnever forget the lesson of Lenin: ko khi nào được quên mọi lời dạy bảo của Lê-nin lời quở mắng trách; sự trừng pphân tử, sự chình ảnh cáokhổng lồ read someone a lesson: mắng mỏ trách rưới fan nàolớn give lessons in dạy [môn gì]khổng lồ take lessons in học [môn gì] nước ngoài động từ quở mắng trách, chình ảnh cáo, lên lớp [ai]; trừng phạt [từ bỏ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ] dạy, ra bài mang đến [ai]

Xem thêm: Phương Pháp đào Tạo Theo Hệ Thống Tín Chỉ Là Gì


Từ điển Collocation

lesson noun

1 period of teaching or learning

ADJ. good, interesting | boring | individual | private | driving, English, geography, maths, piano, swimming, etc.

VERB + LESSON attover, go khổng lồ, have sầu, take I go lớn Italian lessons at the local college. We had a history lesson followed by a double maths lesson. I"m taking driving lessons at the moment. | give [sb], offer [sb], provide, take, teach She gives singing lessons. They"re offering miễn phí lessons in computing. I had khổng lồ take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away. He doesn"t teach very many lessons these days. | get Pupils get lessons on how khổng lồ organize their study time. | prepare The trouble is that teachers don"t prepare their lessons carefully enough. | skip He got into trouble for skipping lessons.

PREP. during a/the ~ No talking was allowed during the lesson. | in a/the ~ You can"t expect khổng lồ learn all there is lớn know about the subject in a 45-minute lesson. | ~ about a lesson about the Civil War | ~ in He took lessons in Tnhị cookery. | ~ on a lesson on the Roman Empire | ~ with They"ve sầu got a lesson with Mrs Evans at two o"cloông xã.

2 sth learnt through experience

ADJ. important, salutary, useful, valuable | bitter, hard, painful It"s a hard lesson to learn. | clear

VERB + LESSON draw, learn What lessons can we draw from this unfortunate experience? | teach sb It taught me some valuable lessons about working with other people.

PREPhường. ~ from There are important lessons khổng lồ be learnt from this mistake. | ~ in I learned a lesson in harsh economics when I was made redundant.

Từ điển WordNet

n.a unit of instruction

he took driving lessonsa task assigned for individual study

he did the lesson for today

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English Synonym & Antonym Dictionarylessons|lessoned|lessoningsyn.: assignment course exercise instruction study teaching

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