How do i run a python game?

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame

When I started learning computer programming late in the last millennium, it was driven by my desire to write computer games. I tried to figure out how to write games in every language and on every platform I learned, including Python. That’s how I discovered pygame and learned how to use it to write games and other graphical programs. At the time, I really wanted a primer on pygame.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Draw items on your screen
  • Play sound effects and music
  • Handle user input
  • Implement event loops
  • Describe how game programming differs from standard procedural Python programming

This primer assumes you have a basic understanding of writing Python programs, including user-defined functions, imports, loops, and conditionals. You should also be familiar with how to open files on your platform. A basic understanding of object-oriented Python is helpful as well. pygame works with most versions of Python, but Python 3.6 is recommended and used throughout this article.

You can get all of the code in this article to follow along:

Background and Setup

pygame is a Python wrapper for the SDL library, which stands for Simple DirectMedia Layer. SDL provides cross-platform access to your system’s underlying multimedia hardware components, such as sound, video, mouse, keyboard, and joystick. pygame started life as a replacement for the stalled PySDL project. The cross-platform nature of both SDL and pygame means you can write games and rich multimedia Python programs for every platform that supports them!

To install pygame on your platform, use the appropriate pip command:

You can verify the install by loading one of the examples that comes with the library:

$ python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens

If a game window appears, then pygame is installed properly! If you run into problems, then the Getting Started guide outlines some known issues and caveats for all platforms.

Basic PyGame Program

Before getting down to specifics, let’s take a look at a basic pygame program. This program creates a window, fills the background with white, and draws a blue circle in the middle of it:

 1# Simple pygame program
 3# Import and initialize the pygame library
 4import pygame
 7# Set up the drawing window
 8screen = pygame.display.set_mode[[500, 500]]
10# Run until the user asks to quit
11running = True
12while running:
14    # Did the user click the window close button?
15    for event in pygame.event.get[]:
16        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
17            running = False
19    # Fill the background with white
20    screen.fill[[255, 255, 255]]
22    # Draw a solid blue circle in the center
23[screen, [0, 0, 255], [250, 250], 75]
25    # Flip the display
26    pygame.display.flip[]
28# Done! Time to quit.

When you run this program, you’ll see a window that looks like this:

Let’s break this code down, section by section:

  • Lines 4 and 5 import and initialize the pygame library. Without these lines, there is no pygame.

  • Line 8 sets up your program’s display window. You provide either a list or a tuple that specifies the width and height of the window to create. This program uses a list to create a square window with 500 pixels on each side.

  • Lines 11 and 12 set up a game loop to control when the program ends. You’ll cover game loops later on in this tutorial.

  • Lines 15 to 17 scan and handle events within the game loop. You’ll get to events a bit later as well. In this case, the only event handled is pygame.QUIT, which occurs when the user clicks the window close button.

  • Line 20 fills the window with a solid color. screen.fill[] accepts either a list or tuple specifying the RGB values for the color. Since [255, 255, 255] was provided, the window is filled with white.

  • Line 23 draws a circle in the window, using the following parameters:

    • screen: the window on which to draw
    • [0, 0, 255]: a tuple containing RGB color values
    • [250, 250]: a tuple specifying the center coordinates of the circle
    • 75: the radius of the circle to draw in pixels
  • Line 26 updates the contents of the display to the screen. Without this call, nothing appears in the window!

  • Line 29 exits pygame. This only happens once the loop finishes.

That’s the pygame version of “Hello, World.” Now let’s dig a little deeper into the concepts behind this code.

PyGame Concepts

As pygame and the SDL library are portable across different platforms and devices, they both need to define and work with abstractions for various hardware realities. Understanding those concepts and abstractions will help you design and develop your own games.

Initialization and Modules

The pygame library is composed of a number of Python constructs, which include several different modules. These modules provide abstract access to specific hardware on your system, as well as uniform methods to work with that hardware. For example, display allows uniform access to your video display, while joystick allows abstract control of your joystick.

After importing the pygame library in the example above, the first thing you did was initialize PyGame using pygame.init[]. This function calls the separate init[] functions of all the included pygame modules. Since these modules are abstractions for specific hardware, this initialization step is required so that you can work with the same code on Linux, Windows, and Mac.

Displays and Surfaces

In addition to the modules, pygame also includes several Python classes, which encapsulate non-hardware dependent concepts. One of these is the Surface which, at its most basic, defines a rectangular area on which you can draw. Surface objects are used in many contexts in pygame. Later you’ll see how to load an image into a Surface and display it on the screen.

In pygame, everything is viewed on a single user-created display, which can be a window or a full screen. The display is created using .set_mode[], which returns a Surface representing the visible part of the window. It is this Surface that you pass into drawing functions like[], and the contents of that Surface are pushed to the display when you call pygame.display.flip[].

Images and Rects

Your basic pygame program drew a shape directly onto the display’s Surface, but you can also work with images on the disk. The image module allows you to load and save images in a variety of popular formats. Images are loaded into Surface objects, which can then be manipulated and displayed in numerous ways.

As mentioned above, Surface objects are represented by rectangles, as are many other objects in pygame, such as images and windows. Rectangles are so heavily used that there is a special Rect class just to handle them. You’ll be using Rect objects and images in your game to draw players and enemies, and to manage collisions between them.

Okay, that’s enough theory. Let’s design and write a game!

Basic Game Design

Before you start writing any code, it’s always a good idea to have some design in place. Since this is a tutorial game, let’s design some basic gameplay for it as well:

  • The goal of the game is to avoid incoming obstacles:
    • The player starts on the left side of the screen.
    • The obstacles enter randomly from the right and move left in a straight line.
  • The player can move left, right, up, or down to avoid the obstacles.
  • The player cannot move off the screen.
  • The game ends either when the player is hit by an obstacle or when the user closes the window.

When he was describing software projects, a former colleague of mine used to say, “You don’t know what you do until you know what you don’t do.” With that in mind, here are some things that won’t be covered in this tutorial:

  • No multiple lives
  • No scorekeeping
  • No player attack capabilities
  • No advancing levels
  • No boss characters

You’re free to try your hand at adding these and other features to your own program.

Let’s get started!

Importing and Initializing PyGame

After you import pygame, you’ll also need to initialize it. This allows pygame to connect its abstractions to your specific hardware:

 1# Import the pygame module
 2import pygame
 4# Import pygame.locals for easier access to key coordinates
 5# Updated to conform to flake8 and black standards
 6from pygame.locals import [
 7    K_UP,
 8    K_DOWN,
 9    K_LEFT,
10    K_RIGHT,
11    K_ESCAPE,
12    KEYDOWN,
13    QUIT,
16# Initialize pygame

The pygame library defines many things besides modules and classes. It also defines some local constants for things like keystrokes, mouse movements, and display attributes. You reference these constants using the syntax pygame.. By importing specific constants from pygame.locals, you can use the syntax instead. This will save you some keystrokes and improve overall readability.

Setting Up the Display

Now you need something to draw on! Create a screen to be the overall canvas:

 1# Import the pygame module
 2import pygame
 4# Import pygame.locals for easier access to key coordinates
 5# Updated to conform to flake8 and black standards
 6from pygame.locals import [
 7    K_UP,
 8    K_DOWN,
 9    K_LEFT,
10    K_RIGHT,
11    K_ESCAPE,
12    KEYDOWN,
13    QUIT,
16# Initialize pygame
19# Define constants for the screen width and height
23# Create the screen object
24# The size is determined by the constant SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT
25screen = pygame.display.set_mode[[SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT]]

You create the screen to use by calling pygame.display.set_mode[] and passing a tuple or list with the desired width and height. In this case, the window is 800x600, as defined by the constants SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT on lines 20 and 21. This returns a Surface which represents the inside dimensions of the window. This is the portion of the window you can control, while the OS controls the window borders and title bar.

If you run this program now, then you’ll see a window pop up briefly and then immediately disappear as the program exits. Don’t blink or you might miss it! In the next section, you’ll focus on the main game loop to ensure that your program exits only when given the correct input.

Setting Up the Game Loop

Every game from Pong to Fortnite uses a game loop to control gameplay. The game loop does four very important things:

  1. Processes user input
  2. Updates the state of all game objects
  3. Updates the display and audio output
  4. Maintains the speed of the game

Every cycle of the game loop is called a frame, and the quicker you can do things each cycle, the faster your game will run. Frames continue to occur until some condition to exit the game is met. In your design, there are two conditions that can end the game loop:

  1. The player collides with an obstacle. [You’ll cover collision detection later.]
  2. The player closes the window.

The first thing the game loop does is process user input to allow the player to move around the screen. Therefore, you need some way to capture and process a variety of input. You do this using the pygame event system.

Processing Events

Key presses, mouse movements, and even joystick movements are some of the ways in which a user can provide input. All user input results in an event being generated. Events can happen at any time and often [but not always] originate outside the program. All events in pygame are placed in the event queue, which can then be accessed and manipulated. Dealing with events is referred to as handling them, and the code to do so is called an event handler.

Every event in pygame has an event type associated with it. For your game, the event types you’ll focus on are keypresses and window closure. Keypress events have the event type KEYDOWN, and the window closure event has the type QUIT. Different event types may also have other data associated with them. For example, the KEYDOWN event type also has a variable called key to indicate which key was pressed.

You access the list of all active events in the queue by calling pygame.event.get[]. You then loop through this list, inspect each event type, and respond accordingly:

27# Variable to keep the main loop running
28running = True
30# Main loop
31while running:
32    # Look at every event in the queue
33    for event in pygame.event.get[]:
34        # Did the user hit a key?
35        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
36            # Was it the Escape key? If so, stop the loop.
37            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
38                running = False
40        # Did the user click the window close button? If so, stop the loop.
41        elif event.type == QUIT:
42            running = False

Let’s take a closer look at this game loop:

  • Line 28 sets up a control variable for the game loop. To exit the loop and the game, you set running = False. The game loop starts on line 29.

  • Line 31 starts the event handler, walking through every event currently in the event queue. If there are no events, then the list is empty, and the handler won’t do anything.

  • Lines 35 to 38 check if the current event.type is a KEYDOWN event. If it is, then the program checks which key was pressed by looking at the event.key attribute. If the key is the Esc key, indicated by K_ESCAPE, then it exits the game loop by setting running = False.

  • Lines 41 and 42 do a similar check for the event type called QUIT. This event only occurs when the user clicks the window close button. The user may also use any other operating system action to close the window.

When you add these lines to the previous code and run it, you’ll see a window with a blank or black screen:

The window won’t disappear until you press the Esc key, or otherwise trigger a QUIT event by closing the window.

Drawing on the Screen

In the sample program, you drew on the screen using two commands:

  1. screen.fill[] to fill the background
  2.[] to draw a circle

Now you’ll learn about a third way to draw to the screen: using a Surface.

Recall that a Surface is a rectangular object on which you can draw, like a blank sheet of paper. The screen object is a Surface, and you can create your own Surface objects separate from the display screen. Let’s see how that works:

44# Fill the screen with white
45screen.fill[[255, 255, 255]]
47# Create a surface and pass in a tuple containing its length and width
48surf = pygame.Surface[[50, 50]]
50# Give the surface a color to separate it from the background
51surf.fill[[0, 0, 0]]
52rect = surf.get_rect[]

After the screen is filled with white on line 45, a new Surface is created on line 48. This Surface is 50 pixels wide, 50 pixels tall, and assigned to surf. At this point, you treat it just like the screen. So on line, 51 you fill it with black. You can also access its underlying Rect using .get_rect[]. This is stored as rect for later use.

Using .blit[] and .flip[]

Just creating a new Surface isn’t enough to see it on the screen. To do that, you need to blit the Surface onto another Surface. The term blit stands for Block Transfer, and .blit[] is how you copy the contents of one Surface to another. You can only .blit[] from one Surface to another, but since the screen is just another Surface, that’s not a problem. Here’s how you draw surf on the screen:

54# This line says "Draw surf onto the screen at the center"
55screen.blit[surf, [SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2]]

The .blit[] call on line 55 takes two arguments:

  1. The Surface to draw
  2. The location at which to draw it on the source Surface

The coordinates [SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2] tell your program to place surf in the exact center of the screen, but it doesn’t quite look that way:

The reason why the image looks off-center is that .blit[] puts the top-left corner of surf at the location given. If you want surf to be centered, then you’ll have to do some math to shift it up and to the left. You can do this by subtracting the width and height of surf from the width and height of the screen, dividing each by 2 to locate the center, and then passing those numbers as arguments to screen.blit[]:

54# Put the center of surf at the center of the display
55surf_center = [
56    [SCREEN_WIDTH-surf.get_width[]]/2,
57    [SCREEN_HEIGHT-surf.get_height[]]/2
60# Draw surf at the new coordinates
61screen.blit[surf, surf_center]

Notice the call to pygame.display.flip[] after the call to blit[]. This updates the entire screen with everything that’s been drawn since the last flip. Without the call to .flip[], nothing is shown.


In your game design, the player starts on the left, and obstacles come in from the right. You can represent all the obstacles with Surface objects to make drawing everything easier, but how do you know where to draw them? How do you know if an obstacle has collided with the player? What happens when the obstacle flies off the screen? What if you want to draw background images that also move? What if you want your images to be animated? You can handle all these situations and more with sprites.

In programming terms, a sprite is a 2D representation of something on the screen. Essentially, it’s a picture. pygame provides a Sprite class, which is designed to hold one or several graphical representations of any game object that you want to display on the screen. To use it, you create a new class that extends Sprite. This allows you to use its built-in methods.


Here’s how you use Sprite objects with the current game to define the player. Insert this code after line 18:

20# Define a Player object by extending pygame.sprite.Sprite
21# The surface drawn on the screen is now an attribute of 'player'
22class Player[pygame.sprite.Sprite]:
23    def __init__[self]:
24        super[Player, self].__init__[]
25 = pygame.Surface[[75, 25]]
26[[255, 255, 255]]
27        self.rect =[]

You first define Player by extending pygame.sprite.Sprite on line 22. Then .__init__[] uses .super[] to call the .__init__[] method of Sprite. For more info on why this is necessary, you can read Supercharge Your Classes With Python super[].

Next, you define and initialize .surf to hold the image to display, which is currently a white box. You also define and initialize .rect, which you’ll use to draw the player later. To use this new class, you need to create a new object and change the drawing code as well. Expand the code block below to see it all together:

 1# Import the pygame module
 2import pygame
 4# Import pygame.locals for easier access to key coordinates
 5# Updated to conform to flake8 and black standards
 6from pygame.locals import [
 7    K_UP,
 8    K_DOWN,
 9    K_LEFT,
10    K_RIGHT,
11    K_ESCAPE,
12    KEYDOWN,
13    QUIT,
16# Define constants for the screen width and height
20# Define a player object by extending pygame.sprite.Sprite
21# The surface drawn on the screen is now an attribute of 'player'
22class Player[pygame.sprite.Sprite]:
23    def __init__[self]:
24        super[Player, self].__init__[]
25 = pygame.Surface[[75, 25]]
26[[255, 255, 255]]
27        self.rect =[]
29# Initialize pygame
32# Create the screen object
33# The size is determined by the constant SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT
34screen = pygame.display.set_mode[[SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT]]
36# Instantiate player. Right now, this is just a rectangle.
37player = Player[]
39# Variable to keep the main loop running
40running = True
42# Main loop
43while running:
44    # for loop through the event queue
45    for event in pygame.event.get[]:
46        # Check for KEYDOWN event
47        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
48            # If the Esc key is pressed, then exit the main loop
49            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
50                running = False
51        # Check for QUIT event. If QUIT, then set running to false.
52        elif event.type == QUIT:
53            running = False
55    # Fill the screen with black
56    screen.fill[[0, 0, 0]]
58    # Draw the player on the screen
59    screen.blit[, [SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2]]
61    # Update the display
62    pygame.display.flip[]

Run this code. You’ll see a white rectangle at roughly the middle of the screen:

What do you think would happen if you changed line 59 to screen.blit[, player.rect]? Try it and see:

55# Fill the screen with black
56screen.fill[[0, 0, 0]]
58# Draw the player on the screen
59screen.blit[, player.rect]
61# Update the display

When you pass a Rect to .blit[], it uses the coordinates of the top left corner to draw the surface. You’ll use this later to make your player move!

User Input

So far, you’ve learned how to set up pygame and draw objects on the screen. Now, the real fun starts! You’ll make the player controllable using the keyboard.

Earlier, you saw that pygame.event.get[] returns a list of the events in the event queue, which you scan for KEYDOWN event types. Well, that’s not the only way to read keypresses. pygame also provides pygame.event.get_pressed[], which returns a dictionary containing all the current KEYDOWN events in the queue.

Put this in your game loop right after the event handling loop. This returns a dictionary containing the keys pressed at the beginning of every frame:

54# Get the set of keys pressed and check for user input
55pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed[]

Next, you write a method in Player to accepts that dictionary. This will define the behavior of the sprite based off the keys that are pressed. Here’s what that might look like:

29# Move the sprite based on user keypresses
30def update[self, pressed_keys]:
31    if pressed_keys[K_UP]:
32        self.rect.move_ip[0, -5]
33    if pressed_keys[K_DOWN]:
34        self.rect.move_ip[0, 5]
35    if pressed_keys[K_LEFT]:
36        self.rect.move_ip[-5, 0]
37    if pressed_keys[K_RIGHT]:
38        self.rect.move_ip[5, 0]

K_UP, K_DOWN, K_LEFT, and K_RIGHT correspond to the arrow keys on the keyboard. If the dictionary entry for that key is True, then that key is down, and you move the player .rect in the proper direction. Here you use .move_ip[], which stands for move in place, to move the current Rect.

Then you can call .update[] every frame to move the player sprite in response to keypresses. Add this call right after the call to .get_pressed[]:

52# Main loop
53while running:
54    # for loop through the event queue
55    for event in pygame.event.get[]:
56        # Check for KEYDOWN event
57        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
58            # If the Esc key is pressed, then exit the main loop
59            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
60                running = False
61        # Check for QUIT event. If QUIT, then set running to false.
62        elif event.type == QUIT:
63            running = False
65    # Get all the keys currently pressed
66    pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed[]
68    # Update the player sprite based on user keypresses
69    player.update[pressed_keys]
71    # Fill the screen with black
72    screen.fill[[0, 0, 0]]

Now you can move your player rectangle around the screen with the arrow keys:

You may notice two small problems:

  1. The player rectangle can move very fast if a key is held down. You’ll work on that later.
  2. The player rectangle can move off the screen. Let’s solve that one now.

To keep the player on the screen, you need to add some logic to detect if the rect is going to move off screen. To do that, you check whether the rect coordinates have moved beyond the screen’s boundary. If so, then you instruct the program to move it back to the edge:

25# Move the sprite based on user keypresses
26def update[self, pressed_keys]:
27    if pressed_keys[K_UP]:
28        self.rect.move_ip[0, -5]
29    if pressed_keys[K_DOWN]:
30        self.rect.move_ip[0, 5]
31    if pressed_keys[K_LEFT]:
32        self.rect.move_ip[-5, 0]
33    if pressed_keys[K_RIGHT]:
34        self.rect.move_ip[5, 0]
36    # Keep player on the screen
37    if self.rect.left  SCREEN_WIDTH:
40        self.rect.right = SCREEN_WIDTH
41    if = SCREEN_HEIGHT:
44        self.rect.bottom = SCREEN_HEIGHT

Here, instead of using .move[], you just change the corresponding coordinates of .top, .bottom, .left, or .right directly. Test this, and you’ll find the player rectangle can no longer move off the screen.

Now let’s add some enemies!


What’s a game without enemies? You’ll use the techniques you’ve already learned to create a basic enemy class, then create a lot of them for your player to avoid. First, import the random library:

 4# Import random for random numbers
 5import random

Then create a new sprite class called Enemy, following the same pattern you used for Player:

55# Define the enemy object by extending pygame.sprite.Sprite
56# The surface you draw on the screen is now an attribute of 'enemy'
57class Enemy[pygame.sprite.Sprite]:
58    def __init__[self]:
59        super[Enemy, self].__init__[]
60 = pygame.Surface[[20, 10]]
61[[255, 255, 255]]
62        self.rect =[
63            center=[
64                random.randint[SCREEN_WIDTH + 20, SCREEN_WIDTH + 100],
65                random.randint[0, SCREEN_HEIGHT],
66            ]
67        ]
68        self.speed = random.randint[5, 20]
70    # Move the sprite based on speed
71    # Remove the sprite when it passes the left edge of the screen
72    def update[self]:
73        self.rect.move_ip[-self.speed, 0]
74        if self.rect.right 

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