How do you add last digit of two numbers in python?

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    Given a positive integer N[at least contain two digits]. The task is to write a Python program to add the first and last digit of the given number N.


    Input: N = 1247
    Output: 8
    Explanation: First digit is 1 and Last digit is 7. 
    So, addition of these two [1 + 7] is equal to 8.
    Input: N = 73
    Output: 10

    Method 1: String implementation

    • Take input in the form of String or typecast given input in String.
    • Now pick the 0th index of the String and typecast it into Integer and store it in a variable.
    • The same thing with the -1st index and also store in another variable.
    • Now add these two variables and
    • print them as an Output.

    Note:  We can access the first element of String using string[0] and the last element of String using string[-1].

    String Representation


    number = 1247

    number = str[number]

    first_digit = int[number[0]]

    last_digit = int[number[-1]]

    addition = first_digit + last_digit

    print['Addition of first and last digit of the number is',



    Addition of first and last digit of the number is 8

    Time complexity: O[1] since performing constant operations

    Auxiliary Space: O[1] since using constant space for variables

    Method 2: Solve it using an integer

    • We have given a positive Integer.
    • After dividing by 10, store the remainder in a result variable.
    • Continue the loop until the number becomes less than 9.
    • Each time in the loop, divide the number by 10[integer division].
    • After the end of the loop.
    • Add the number in the result variable.
    • Display the result variable as the output.

    Note: Whenever we divide any number with 10, we get the last digit as the remainder. If we divide any number with 100, we get the last two-digit as the remainder.


    number = 1247

    res = number % 10

    while number > 9:

        number = number // 10

    res += number

    print['Addition of first and last digit of number is', res]


    Addition of first and last digit of the number is 8

    Time Complexity: O[n], where n is how many digits are there in the given number.

    Auxiliary Space: O[1] since using constant space for variables

    Python program to get an number n from user and display the last digit of n

    Sample Input 1:


    Sample Output 1:


    Sample Input 2:


    Sample Output 2:


    Program or Solution

    num=int[input["enter the number:"]]
    print["last digit: {}".format[ldigit]]

    Program Explanation

    Get a number num [using input[] method] Seprate the last digit of number num by "digit = num%10".

    [% by 10 always gives last digit of a number] print the digit [using print[] method]

    This Python program calculates sum of first and last digit of a given number.

    In this program, we first read number from user. Then we reverse it using [::-1]. After reversing, we convert both number & reverse to integer using int[] function. first_digit is obtained by reverse%10 and last_digit is obtained by number%10. Finally we calculate sum of first & last digit to get final result.

    Python Source Code: Sum of First & Last Digit

    # Sum of first & last digit
    # Reading number
    number  = input["Enter number: "]
    # Reversing number
    reverse = number[::-1]
    # Converting number and its reverse to integer
    number = int[number]
    reverse = int[reverse]
    # Finding first digit
    first_digit = reverse % 10
    # Finding last digit
    last_digit = number % 10
    # Finding sum
    total_sum = first_digit + last_digit
    # Displaying sum
    print["Sum of first & last digit of %d is %d" %[number, total_sum]]


    Enter number: 99975
    Sum of first & last digit of 99975 is 14

    How do you take the last digit of a number in Python?

    How to Get the Last Digit of a Decimal in Python.
    pi = 3.141..
    last_digit = int[repr[pi][-1]].
    print[f"The last digit of {pi} is {last_digit}"].

    How do you sum a digit in Python?

    The sum[] method is used to compute the sum of digits of a number in python in a list. Convert the number to a string using str[], then strip the string and convert it to a list of numbers with the strip[] and map[] methods, respectively. Then, compute the total using the sum[] method.

    How do I get the last 3 digits of a number in Python?

    Use the modulo operator to get the last 3 digits of a number, e.g. last_three = number % 1000 . The modulo operator will return the last 3 digits of the number by calculating the remainder of dividing the number by 1000. Copied!

    How do you find the last two digits of a number?

    Last two digits of a number is basically the tens place and units place digit of that number. So given a number say 1439, the last two digits of this number are 3 and 9, which is pretty straight forward.

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