How do you split a file into chunks in python?

Here is a python script you can use for splitting large files using subprocess:

Splits the file into the same directory and
deletes the original file

import subprocess
import sys
import os

SPLIT_PREFIX_LENGTH = '2'  # subprocess expects a string, i.e. 2 = aa, ab, ac etc..

if __name__ == "__main__":

    file_path = sys.argv[1]
    # i.e. split -a 2 -l 5000 t/some_file.txt ~/tmp/t/[["split", "-a", SPLIT_PREFIX_LENGTH, "-l", SPLIT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, file_path,
                     os.path.dirname[file_path] + '/']]

    # Remove the original file once done splitting
    except OSError:

You can call it externally:

import os
fs_result = os.system["python {}".format[local_file_path]]

You can also import subprocess and run it directly in your program.

The issue with this approach is high memory usage: subprocess creates a fork with a memory footprint same size as your process and if your process memory is already heavy, it doubles it for the time that it runs. The same thing with os.system.

Here is another pure python way of doing this, although I haven't tested it on huge files, it's going to be slower but be leaner on memory:


def yield_csv_rows[reader, chunk_size]:
    Opens file to ingest, reads each line to return list of rows
    Expects the header is already removed
    Replacement for ingest_csv
    :param reader: dictReader
    :param chunk_size: int, chunk size
    chunk = []
    for i, row in enumerate[reader]:
        if i % chunk_size == 0 and i > 0:
            yield chunk
            del chunk[:]
    yield chunk

with open[local_file_path, 'rb'] as f:
    f.readline[].strip[].replace['"', '']
    reader = unicodecsv.DictReader[f, fieldnames=header.split[','], delimiter=',', quotechar='"']
    chunks = yield_csv_rows[reader, CHUNK_SIZE]
    for chunk in chunks:
        if not chunk:
        # Do something with your chunk here

Here is another example using readlines[]:

Simple example using readlines[]
where the 'file' is generated via:
seq 10000 > file

def yield_rows[reader, chunk_size]:
    Yield row chunks
    chunk = []
    for i, row in enumerate[reader]:
        if i % chunk_size == 0 and i > 0:
            yield chunk
            del chunk[:]
    yield chunk

def batch_operation[data]:
    for item in data:

with open['file', 'r'] as f:
    chunks = yield_rows[f.readlines[], CHUNK_SIZE]
    for _chunk in chunks:

The readlines example demonstrates how to chunk your data to pass chunks to function that expects chunks. Unfortunately readlines opens the whole file in memory, its better to use the reader example for performance. Although if you can easily fit what you need into memory and need to process it in chunks this should suffice.

Splitting and Joining Files

Like most kids, mine spend a lot of time on the Internet. As far as I can tell, it’s the thing to do these days. Among this latest generation, computer geeks and gurus seem to be held with the same sort of esteem that rock stars once were by mine. When kids disappear into their rooms, chances are good that they are hacking on computers, not mastering guitar riffs. It’s probably healthier than some of the diversions of my own misspent youth, but that’s a topic for another kind of book.

But if you have teenage kids and computers, or know someone who does, you probably know that it’s not a bad idea to keep tabs on what those kids do on the Web. Type your favorite four-letter word in almost any web search engine and you’ll understand the concern -- it’s much better stuff than I could get during my teenage career. To sidestep the issue, only a few of the machines in my house have Internet feeds.

Now, while they’re on one of these machines, my kids download lots of games. To avoid infecting our Very Important Computers with viruses from public-domain games, though, my kids usually have to download games on a computer with an Internet feed, and transfer them to their own computers to install. The problem is that game files are not small; they are usually much too big to fit on a floppy [and burning a CD takes away valuable game playing time].

If all the machines in my house ran Linux, this would be a nonissue. There are standard command-line programs on Unix for chopping a file into pieces small enough to fit on a floppy [split], and others for putting the pieces back together to recreate the original file [cat]. Because we have all sorts of different machines in the house, though, we needed a more portable solution.

Splitting Files Portably

Since all the computers in my house run Python, a simple portable Python script came to the rescue. The Python program in Example 4-1 distributes a single file’s contents among a set of part files, and stores those part files in a directory.

Example 4-1. PP2E\System\Filetools\

# split a file into a set of portions; puts them
# back together; this is a customizable version of the 
# standard unix split command-line utility; because it
# is written in Python, it also works on Windows and can
# be easily tweaked; because it exports a function, it 
# can also be imported and reused in other applications;

import sys, os
kilobytes = 1024
megabytes = kilobytes * 1000
chunksize = int[1.4 * megabytes]                   # default: roughly a floppy

def split[fromfile, todir, chunksize=chunksize]: 
    if not os.path.exists[todir]:                  # caller handles errors
        os.mkdir[todir]                            # make dir, read/write parts
        for fname in os.listdir[todir]:            # delete any existing files
            os.remove[os.path.join[todir, fname]] 
    partnum = 0
    input = open[fromfile, 'rb']                   # use binary mode on Windows
    while 1:                                       # eof=empty string from read
        chunk =[chunksize]              # get next part ls -l py152.exe
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        5028339 Apr 16  1999 py152.exe

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ -help
Use: [file-to-split target-dir [chunksize]]

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ py152.exe pysplit
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\pysplit by 1433600
Split finished: 4 parts are in C:\temp\pysplit

C:\temp>ls -l pysplit
total 9821
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        1433600 Sep 12 06:03 part0001
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        1433600 Sep 12 06:03 part0002
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        1433600 Sep 12 06:03 part0003
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         727539 Sep 12 06:03 part0004

Each of these four generated part files represent one binary chunk of file py152.exe, small enough to fit comfortably on a floppy disk. In fact, if you add the sizes of the generated part files given by the ls command, you’ll come up with 5,028,339 bytes -- exactly the same as the original file’s size. Before we see how to put these files back together again, let’s explore a few of the splitter script’s finer points.

Operation modes

This script is designed to input its parameters in either interactive or command-line modes; it checks the number of command-line arguments to know in which mode it is being used. In command-line mode, you list the file to be split and the output directory on the command line, and can optionally override the default part file size with a third command-line argument.

In interactive mode, the script asks for a filename and output directory at the console window with raw_input, and pauses for a keypress at the end before exiting. This mode is nice when the program file is started by clicking on its icon -- on Windows, parameters are typed into a pop-up DOS box that doesn’t automatically disappear. The script also shows the absolute paths of its parameters [by running them through os.path.abspath] because they may not be obvious in interactive mode. We’ll see examples of other split modes at work in a moment.

Binary file access

This code is careful to open both input and output files in binary mode [rb, wb], because it needs to portably handle things like executables and audio files, not just text. In Chapter 2, we learned that on Windows, text-mode files automatically map \r\n end-of-line sequences to \n on input, and map \n to \r\n on output. For true binary data, we really don’t want any \r characters in the data to go away when read, and we don’t want any superfluous \r characters to be added on output. Binary-mode files suppress this \r mapping when the script is run on Windows, and so avoid data corruption.

Manually closing files

This script also goes out of its way to manually close its files. For instance:

 fileobj  = open[partname, 'wb']
 fileobj.close[  ]

As we also saw in Chapter 2, these three lines can usually be replaced with this single line:

open[partname, 'wb'].write[chunk]

This shorter form relies on the fact that the current Python implementation automatically closes files for you when file objects are reclaimed [i.e., when they are garbage collected, because there are no more references to the file object]. In this line, the file object would be reclaimed immediately, because the open result is temporary in an expression, and is never referenced by a longer-lived name. The input file similarly is reclaimed when the split function exits.

As I was writing this chapter, though, there was some possibility that this automatic-close behavior may go away in the future.[32] Moreover, the JPython Java-based Python implementation does not reclaim unreferenced objects as immediately as the standard Python. If you care about the Java port [or one possible future], your script may potentially create many files in a short amount of time, and your script may run on a machine that has a limit on the number of open files per program, then close manually. The close calls in this script have never been necessary for my purposes, but because the split function in this module is intended to be a general-purpose tool, it accommodates such worst-case scenarios.

Joining Files Portably

Back to moving big files around the house. After downloading a big game program file, my kids generally run the previous splitter script by clicking on its name in Windows Explorer and typing filenames. After a split, they simply copy each part file onto its own floppy, walk the floppies upstairs, and recreate the split output directory on their target computer by copying files off the floppies. Finally, the script in Example 4-2 is clicked or otherwise run to put the parts back together.

Example 4-2. PP2E\System\Filetools\

# join all part files in a dir created by  
# This is roughly like a 'cat fromdir/* > tofile' command
# on unix, but is a bit more portable and configurable,
# and exports the join operation as a reusable function.
# Relies on sort order of file names: must be same length.
# Could extend split/join to popup Tkinter file selectors.

import os, sys
readsize = 1024

def join[fromdir, tofile]:
    output = open[tofile, 'wb']
    parts  = os.listdir[fromdir]
    parts.sort[  ]
    for filename in parts:
        filepath = os.path.join[fromdir, filename]
        fileobj  = open[filepath, 'rb']
        while 1:
            filebytes =[readsize]
            if not filebytes: break
        fileobj.close[  ]
    output.close[  ]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len[sys.argv] == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-help':
        print 'Use: [from-dir-name to-file-name]'
        if len[sys.argv] != 3:
            interactive = 1
            fromdir = raw_input['Directory containing part files? ']
            tofile  = raw_input['Name of file to be recreated? ']
            interactive = 0
            fromdir, tofile = sys.argv[1:]
        absfrom, absto = map[os.path.abspath, [fromdir, tofile]]
        print 'Joining', absfrom, 'to make', absto

            join[fromdir, tofile]
            print 'Error joining files:'
            print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
           print 'Join complete: see', absto
        if interactive: raw_input['Press Enter key'] # pause if clicked

After running the join script, they still may need to run something like zip, gzip, or tar to unpack an archive file, unless it’s shipped as an executable;[33] but at least they’re much closer to seeing the Starship Enterprise spring into action. Here is a join in progress on Windows, combining the split files we made a moment ago:

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ -help
Use: [from-dir-name to-file-name]

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ pysplit mypy152.exe
Joining C:\temp\pysplit to make C:\temp\mypy152.exe
Join complete: see C:\temp\mypy152.exe

C:\temp>ls -l mypy152.exe py152.exe
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        5028339 Sep 12 06:05 mypy152.exe
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0        5028339 Apr 16  1999 py152.exe

C:\temp>fc /b mypy152.exe py152.exe
Comparing files mypy152.exe and py152.exe
FC: no differences encountered

The join script simply uses os.listdir to collect all the part files in a directory created by split, and sorts the filename list to put the parts back together in the correct order. We get back an exact byte-for-byte copy of the original file [proved by the DOS fc command above; use cmp on Unix].

Some of this process is still manual, of course [I haven’t quite figured out how to script the “walk the floppies upstairs” bit yet], but the split and join scripts make it both quick and simple to move big files around. Because this script is also portable Python code, it runs on any platform we care to move split files to. For instance, it’s typical for my kids to download both Windows and Linux games; since this script runs on either platform, they’re covered.

Reading by blocks or files

Before we move on, there are a couple of details worth underscoring in the join script’s code. First of all, notice that this script deals with files in binary mode, but also reads each part file in blocks of 1K bytes each. In fact, the readsize setting here [the size of each block read from an input part file] has no relation to chunksize in [the total size of each output part file]. As we learned in Chapter 2, this script could instead read each part file all at once:

filebytes = open[filepath, 'rb'].read[  ]

The downside to this scheme is that it really does load all of a file into memory at once. For example, reading a 1.4M part file into memory all at once with the file object read method generates a 1.4M string in memory to hold the file’s bytes. Since split allows users to specify even larger chunk sizes, the join script plans for the worst and reads in terms of limited-size blocks. To be completely robust, the split script could read its input data in smaller chunks too, but this hasn’t become a concern in practice.

Sorting filenames

If you study this script’s code closely, you may also notice that the join scheme it uses relies completely on the sort order of filenames in the parts directory. Because it simply calls the list sort method on the filenames list returned by os.listdir, it implicitly requires that filenames have the same length and format when created by split. The splitter uses zero-padding notation in a string formatting expression ['part%04d'] to make sure that filenames all have the same number of digits at the end [four], much like this list:

>>> list = ['xx008', 'xx010', 'xx006', 'xx009', 'xx011', 'xx111']
>>> list.sort[  ]
>>> list
['xx006', 'xx008', 'xx009', 'xx010', 'xx011', 'xx111']

When sorted, the leading zero characters in small numbers guarantee that part files are ordered for joining correctly. Without the leading zeroes, join would fail whenever there were more than nine part files, because the first digit would dominate:

>>> list = ['xx8', 'xx10', 'xx6', 'xx9', 'xx11', 'xx111']
>>> list.sort[  ]
>>> list
['xx10', 'xx11', 'xx111', 'xx6', 'xx8', 'xx9']

Because the list sort method accepts a comparison function as an argument, we could in principle strip off digits in filenames and sort numerically:

>>> list = ['xx8', 'xx10', 'xx6', 'xx9', 'xx11', 'xx111']
>>> list.sort[lambda x, y: cmp[int[x[2:]], int[y[2:]]]]
>>> list
['xx6', 'xx8', 'xx9', 'xx10', 'xx11', 'xx111']

But that still implies that filenames all must start with the same length substring, so this doesn’t quite remove the file naming dependency between the split and join scripts. Because these scripts are designed to be two steps of the same process, though, some dependencies between them seem reasonable.

Usage Variations

Let’s run a few more experiments with these Python system utilities to demonstrate other usage modes. When run without full command-line arguments, both split and join are smart enough to input their parameters interactively. Here they are chopping and gluing the Python self-installer file on Windows again, with parameters typed in the DOS console window:

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\
File to be split? py152.exe
Directory to store part files? splitout
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\splitout by 1433600
Split finished: 4 parts are in C:\temp\splitout
Press Enter key

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\
Directory containing part files? splitout
Name of file to be recreated? newpy152.exe
Joining C:\temp\splitout to make C:\temp\newpy152.exe
Join complete: see C:\temp\newpy152.exe
Press Enter key

C:\temp>fc /B py152.exe newpy152.exe
Comparing files py152.exe and newpy152.exe
FC: no differences encountered

When these program files are double-clicked in a file explorer GUI, they work the same way [there usually are no command-line arguments when launched this way]. In this mode, absolute path displays help clarify where files are really at. Remember, the current working directory is the script’s home directory when clicked like this, so the name tempsplit actually maps to a source code directory; type a full path to make the split files show up somewhere else:

                  [in a popup DOS console box when split is clicked]
File to be split? c:\temp\py152.exe
Directory to store part files? tempsplit
Splitting c:\temp\py152.exe to C:\PP2ndEd\examples\PP2E\System\Filetools\
tempsplit by 1433600
Split finished: 4 parts are in C:\PP2ndEd\examples\PP2E\System\Filetools\
Press Enter key

[in a popup DOS console box when join is clicked]
Directory containing part files? tempsplit
Name of file to be recreated? c:\temp\morepy152.exe
Joining C:\PP2ndEd\examples\PP2E\System\Filetools\tempsplit to make 
Join complete: see c:\temp\morepy152.exe
Press Enter key

Because these scripts package their core logic up in functions, though, it’s just as easy to reuse their code by importing and calling from another Python component:

>>> from PP2E.System.Filetools.split import split
>>> from PP2E.System.Filetools.join  import join
>>> numparts = split['py152.exe', 'calldir']
>>> numparts
>>> join['calldir', 'callpy152.exe']
>>> import os
>>> os.system[r'fc /B py152.exe callpy152.exe']
Comparing files py152.exe and callpy152.exe
FC: no differences encountered

A word about performance: All the split and join tests shown so far process a 5M file, but take at most one second of real wall-clock time to finish on my Win- dows 98 300 and 650 MHz laptop computers -- plenty fast for just about any use I could imagine. [They run even faster after Windows has cached information about the files involved.] Both scripts run just as fast for other reasonable part file sizes too; here is the splitter chopping up the file into 500,000- and 50,000-byte parts:

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ py152.exe tempsplit 500000
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\tempsplit by 500000
Split finished: 11 parts are in C:\temp\tempsplit

C:\temp>ls -l tempsplit
total 9826
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0001
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0002
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0003
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0004
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0005
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0006
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0007
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0008
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0009
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         500000 Sep 12 06:29 part0010
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0          28339 Sep 12 06:29 part0011

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ py152.exe tempsplit 50000
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\tempsplit by 50000
Split finished: 101 parts are in C:\temp\tempsplit

C:\temp>ls tempsplit
part0001  part0014  part0027  part0040  part0053  part0066  part0079  part0092
part0002  part0015  part0028  part0041  part0054  part0067  part0080  part0093
part0003  part0016  part0029  part0042  part0055  part0068  part0081  part0094
part0004  part0017  part0030  part0043  part0056  part0069  part0082  part0095
part0005  part0018  part0031  part0044  part0057  part0070  part0083  part0096
part0006  part0019  part0032  part0045  part0058  part0071  part0084  part0097
part0007  part0020  part0033  part0046  part0059  part0072  part0085  part0098
part0008  part0021  part0034  part0047  part0060  part0073  part0086  part0099
part0009  part0022  part0035  part0048  part0061  part0074  part0087  part0100
part0010  part0023  part0036  part0049  part0062  part0075  part0088  part0101
part0011  part0024  part0037  part0050  part0063  part0076  part0089
part0012  part0025  part0038  part0051  part0064  part0077  part0090
part0013  part0026  part0039  part0052  part0065  part0078  part0091

Split can take longer to finish, but only if the part file’s size is set small enough to generate thousands of part files -- splitting into 1006 parts works, but runs slower [on my computer this split and join take about five and two seconds, respectively, depending on what other programs are open]:

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ py152.exe tempsplit 5000
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\tempsplit by 5000
Split finished: 1006 parts are in C:\temp\tempsplit

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ tempsplit mypy152.exe
Joining C:\temp\tempsplit to make C:\temp\py152.exe
Join complete: see C:\temp\py152.exe

C:\temp>fc /B py152.exe mypy152.exe
Comparing files py152.exe and mypy152.exe
FC: no differences encountered

C:\temp>ls -l tempsplit
                  ...1000 lines deleted...
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           5000 Sep 12 06:30 part1001
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           5000 Sep 12 06:30 part1002
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           5000 Sep 12 06:30 part1003
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           5000 Sep 12 06:30 part1004
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           5000 Sep 12 06:30 part1005
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0           3339 Sep 12 06:30 part1006

Finally, the splitter is also smart enough to create the output directory if it doesn’t yet exist, or clear out any old files there if it does exist. Because the joiner combines whatever files exist in the output directory, this is a nice ergonomic touch -- if the output directory was not cleared before each split, it would be too easy to forget that a prior run’s files are still there. Given that my kids are running these scripts, they need to be as forgiving as possible; your user base may vary, but probably not by much.

C:\temp>python %X%\System\Filetools\ py152.exe tempsplit 700000
Splitting C:\temp\py152.exe to C:\temp\tempsplit by 700000
Split finished: 8 parts are in C:\temp\tempsplit

C:\temp>ls -l tempsplit
total 9827
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         700000 Sep 12 06:32 part0001
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         700000 Sep 12 06:32 part0002
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         700000 Sep 12 06:32 part0003
...only new files here...
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         700000 Sep 12 06:32 part0006
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         700000 Sep 12 06:32 part0007
-rwxrwxrwa   1 0        0         128339 Sep 12 06:32 part0008

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How do I split a file into chunks?

To split a file into pieces, you simply use the split command. By default, the split command uses a very simple naming scheme. The file chunks will be named xaa, xab, xac, etc., and, presumably, if you break up a file that is sufficiently large, you might even get chunks named xza and xzz.

How do I split a large file into multiple smaller pieces?

Open the Zip file. Open the Tools tab. Click the Split Size dropdown button and select the appropriate size for each of the parts of the split Zip file. If you choose Custom Size in the Split Size dropdown list, another small window will open and allow you to enter in a custom size specified in megabytes.

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