How would this policy impact the united states’ relationship with the ussr quizlet

communism - an economic and political system based on one-party government and state ownership of property
capitalism - an economic and. political system in which private individuals and corporations control the means of production and use them to earn profits

-> USA developed anti-communism after the 1917 October Revolution in Russia and it reached global dimensions during the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in an intense rivalry.

--self interest of each country--
1. the need to establish. markets and open the door for trade
2. the desire to avoid another economic crisis of magnitude of 1929
3. president Truman and most of the post war US administrations' belief that was good for America was good for the world
1. the need to secure borders
2. the need to recover from the effects of World
War Two
3. the need to regain strength as the 'nursery of communism'
4. Stalin's belief that what was good for the USSR was good for workers of the world

-> for the West, the outcome of WW2 showed that the ideals of capitalism had triumphed over fascism
-> for USSR, communism, over fascism

causes :

-> following Germany's defeat in World War II, the country was divided into four zones that were run by the Allied nations: Britain, France, America, and the U.S.S.R.
-> its capital Berlin, was divided into 4 sectors that were run by the Allies
-> as many East Germans were escaping to west because of economic and political circumstances, Khrushchev had to do something about it
-> in 1958, Khrushchev proposed a peace treaty that would recognize the existence of the two Germanys; on 27 November 1958, he then demanded that Berlin should be demilitarized, Western troops withdrawn, and Berlin changed into a 'free city'. If the West did not agree to these changes within 6 months, Khrushchev threatened that he would turn over control of access routes to the Western sectors of Berlin to the GDR
-> this was a clever diplomacy as it would allow the GDR to interfere at will with traffic using land corridors from the FRG
-> in the face of Western outrage at his proposal, Khrushchev dropped his ultimatum. He was successful, however, in forcing the Allies to discuss the German question. In February 1959, they agreed that a foreign ministers' conference should meet in Geneva in the summer. At Geneva both sides put forward proposals for German unity, but no agreement was secured
-> a follow-up summit to be held in Paris in May 1960 was called off at the last minute after an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union
-> As the numbers of refugees fleeing from East Germany via Berlin continued to grow, Ulbricht grew increasingly frustrated with Khrushchev's failure to solve this problem. He wanted Khrushchev to sort out the Berlin problem immediately - and not in the context of a broader German peace settlement with the West.
-> Khrushchev had no intention of starting a nuclear war over Berlin, and so, following Kennedy's threat to defend Berlin 'by any means' and the growing crisis in East Germany, he bowed to Ulbricht's pressure and agreed to the closure of the East German border in Berlin. On the morning of 13 August 1961, barbed wire was erected between East and West Berlin. This was followed by a more permanent concrete wall.

--What did the wall mean?--
For Khrushchev :
1. defeat in the sense that it was a visible admission that the Communist propaganda message had failed: the Soviets had to create a barrier to keep the people in the East
2. an opportunity to regain control over the situation and free himself from the continuing pressure from Walter Ulbrich
For the Cold War :
1. effect of settling the question of Germany and removing it as a key issue in Cold War negotiations
2. focus of the Cold War moved from Europe, although it is important to note that for the Soviet Union the presence of US missile bases in Turkey, on the eastern fringe of Europe, remained an important issue.


-> Cuba lies only 145km from US so US believed that Cuba was under their sphere of influence
-> After Castro took power over Cuba, US reluctantly recognized his new government
-> initially Castro claimed that he was not a communist
-> US was refusing to give Castro financial aid, that's why Cuba turned to USSR
-> US imposed embargo in all exports except food and medicine and this made Cuba closer to USSR
-> Eisenhower tried to overthrow Castro by launching Bay of Pigs invasion and it turned out as a complete failure
-> the most dramatic Cold War confrontation between the USSR & USA
-> during the 13 days of the crisis, the US and the USSR came close to a direct military showdown for the first time during the Cold War

causes :
-> in 1962, Khrushchev made the decision to put intermediate range ballistic missiles [IRBMs] into Cuba
-> Khrushchev wrote in his memoirs that the reason was to protect Cuba and also because 'it was high time America learned what it feels like to have her own land and her own people threatened'.

-> John Lewis Gaddis, however, believes that Khrushchev put the missiles into Cuba mainly because he feared another invasion of Cuba
-> Soviet historians Zubok and Pleshakov believe that Khrushchev was primarily concerned with preserving revolutionary Cuba and, thereby, Soviet hegemony and the spread of Communism.

--peaceful co-existence--
The practical recognition of the right of individual nations to operate the political and social systems of their choice. Not an ideological retreat.

-> in the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev's leadership from 1955-1964 is remembered as a period of "thaw" during the Cold War; Khrushchev's foreign policy of pursuing peaceful coexistence with the United States and its allies was a dramatic change from previous leaders' attitudes; in 1956, after Khrushchev had succeeded Joseph Stalin and was beginning to consolidate power, Khrushchev began a process of "de-Stalinization" to weaken his enemies in the Communist Party and strengthen his position as leader.
-> this was a move away from the Leninist doctrine of the inevitability of war. 'Peaceful co-existence' meant that Capitalism and Communism should accept the continuing existence of one another rather than use force to destroy each other

reason :
1. avoid nuclear holocaust
2. economic factors
-> In the USSR, approximately one third of the economy was directed towards the military, while consumer goods were scarce and living standards very low. The economy of the United States was in much better shape than that of the Soviet Union, but 12 per cent of the GNP was still spent on the military.
3. as the Korean War ended in 1954, there was a release of tension between US & USSR
3. more progressive leadership.
4. confident that Soviet economy would overtake US one.

despite this :
1. as Khrushchev faced problems in Hungary, the West was involved in the Suez Crisis . Both of these crises helped to dissipate the good feeling achieved at Geneva. The Suez Crisis also raised fears of growing Soviet influence in the Middle East, and this led to the Eisenhower Doctrine in January 1957. This clearly stated that the United States would help any country in the Middle East to fight against Communism.
2. the technology race increased the tension after Soviets launched the world's first artificial satellite in 1957
3. U-2 incident
-> This optimism was short-lived, however, as a few days before the summit meeting convened in Paris, the Soviets announced that an American plane had been shot down over the Soviet Union on 1 May 1960. The Americans tried to claim it was only a weather plane, which had gone off course, but the Soviets were able to reveal that the aircraft was a high-altitude photo-reconnaissance plane
-> Eisenhower refused to apologize

key measures:
1. end of Korean War
2. cuts in Red Army
3. austrian State Treaty [1955]
4. USSR formally recognised West Germany [1955]
5. restored relations with Yugoslavia [1955]
6. Soviet withdrawal from Finland [1956]
7. settled border disputes with Turkey and Iran

● The war in Korea was brought to a close.
● There were positive steps towards a reduction of tension and thus a 'thaw' after 1953. The USA
continued to see the USSR as a threat in such areas as Asia.
● Tension increased dramatically in the late 1950s due to a series of incidents, which makes it clear that
there was in fact no fundamental change in the relationship between the superpowers.
● Austria was finally unified.
● The shooting down of the U-2 spy plane ended any good relations that had been built up during
Khrushchev's visit to the United States.
● Nothing concrete was achieved at the Geneva Summit regarding the arms race or the German question.
● There is much evidence that there was still tension between the USA and the USSR after 1953.
● Sputnik raised new fears of superior Soviet technology and of a 'missile gap'. Khrushchev raised tensions
over Berlin with an ultimatum to the West to leave.
● There was co-operation in cultural and economic areas following the 'spirit of Geneva'. Cuba brought
the Soviet Union and the United States close to a direct nuclear confrontation.

-> Geoffrey Robert = 'peaceful coexistence with a definite competitive edge.'

-> Mao and Stalin had numerous clashes and the key one was ideological as Mao used peasants as the basis of revolution and Stalin felt that it could not be genuine Marxist revolution as it should feature workers leading an urban based class war

1. feared Mao as a rival for the leadership of the communist world
2. did not want the Cold War to spread to Asia
3. knew that Jiang's GMD would recognize Soviet claims to the disputed border territory along frontiers in Manchuria and Xinjiang
4. underestimated the CCP and believed that GMD to be a stronger party; he urged the CCP to unite with the GMD, even in the late 1940s, when CCP victory was looking inevitable
5. Mao became convinced that Stalin wanted divided and weak China to leave the USSR dominant in Asia
-> Stalin told Mao to collaborate with Jiang or else CCP will collapse

-> CCP won the civil war
-> Mao was invited to Moscow
-> fist treaty between USSR & China
-> Stalin did not want to sign the treaty but did after two month of negotiations
-> has been suggested that Stalin deliberately delayed the end of Korean War to exhaust the PRC
-> 'honeymoon period' after Stalin's death

-> gave a secret speech in 1956 in Moscow attacking Stain's purges and his 'cult of personality', however Mao felt attacked as he has developed his own 'cult of personality'
-> developed a 'peaceful 'co-existenece' with the west and Mao saw this as ideological heresy
-> Mao believed that the USSR was initiating dètente [1968] with the west to further isolate China
-> visited Beijing and Mao did everything he could to ensure he is uncomfortable like hotel room with no air conditioner on a hot day, mosquitos in his room, made him swim and he hates that, etc

TAIWAN, 1958
-> PRC wanted reunification with Taiwan
-> without discussing it with the Soviets, Mao ordered a build-up of troop maneuvers in the region, giving the impression that the PRC was preparing for a full-scale attack on Taiwan. The United States responded by preparing for war with the PRC; Mao didn't launch an attack
-> Khrushchev stated that he was not ready to go to a war with the US
-> Khrushchev accused Mao's regime of being 'Trotskyist' [the theory and practice of communism developed by or associated with Trotsky and usually including adherence to the concept of worldwide revolution as opposed to socialism in one country]
-> Soviets saw this action as evidence of Mao's lack of understanding of political reality and his tendency towards fanatism
-> Soviets withdrew their economic advisers & cancelled commercial contacts with the PRC

-> Mao aimed to develop China's agriculture and industrial sectors simultaneously
-> as this failed, chain expected widespread famine [1959]
-> Mao still insisted that China continued to export gain as he did not want to face any more humiliation

-> China got an opportunity to attack the USSR through Albania
-> in 1961, the USSR withdrew aid to Albania
-> Khrushchev attacking Albania in the congress of communist states in Moscow for its 'Stalinist' doctrine and China took this as an offense
-> Khrushchev referred to Mao as the 'Asian Hitler' and a 'living corpse'; Mao called Khrushchev 'a redundant old boot'


Korean War :
-> North invaded South in 1950
-> US believed that it was under the direction of Stalin and Mao
-> Mao was actually not involved, they did get his permission but that was hard
-> Stalin was too busy boycotting UN as US refused to recognize PRC
Impact :
-> war led to open conflict between the US & PRC
-> the hostility between the countries became a key factor in international relations
-> PRC and US's key issues of dispute were
● Taiwan
● Vietnam
● Decolonization movements

Détente [US & PRC]:
-> USA wanted to end the war in Vietnam
-> Nixon wanted to make history
-> public support in US to more constructive strategies following the Vietnam War
-> in 1960-70s PRC saw USSR as the main rival thus wanted to reduce the tension with the US
Impact for China :
-> China got a UN membership [had the power of veto in the UN Security Council. It could be used to block resolutions, an example of which was a PRC veto that prevented the admission of Bangladesh to the UN in 1971]
-> Taiwan
-> signed a friendship treaty with Japan
Impact for the US :
-> Vietnam

In 1950 Stalin gives the green light to North Korea and invades South Korea heightening the tensions between the two powers: America and Russia. Both Truman and Stalin played crucial roles in creating radical and important changes that set the course of the Cold War. Due to Stalin's significant actions in the years 1947 to 1950, Truman saw no choice but to counter the aggressive Soviet leader. By looking at Stalin and Truman, one can see how one action from one leader influenced the other, creating a domino theory of events that made the Cold War what we know it as today.

1. Truman doctrine, 1947
-> was implemented as a means of countering the Soviet geopolitical expansion, by stating America would support the nations threatened by Soviet communism, further pledging to aid Greece and Turkey.
2. Marshall Plan, 1984 march
-> United States invested 13 billion into numerous European countries aimed to help rebuild postwar Europe, which led to Stalin creating Comecon in October of 1948
3. Berlin airlift, 1948
-> campaign that delivered food and supplies to the city in response to the Soviet imposed blockade
[Whilst it ended successfully, it resulted in a significant increase in tensions with the USSR, further developing the cold war on an international level.]
4. Truman's foreign policy of containment
-> leading to the outbreak of Korean War
[Before 1947, the US was isolationist. Truman's radical change of American foreign policy resulted in the US joining the world bank, NATO, UN, and a plethora of other international associations. Without Truman, the United States would not have been involved in rebuilding the European economy, and certainly would not have been able to guarantee the Asian prosperity we see today.]

Transition sentences :
1. "One significant impact on the cold war that Truman was responsible for was America's radical change in foreign policy, which first manifested itself in the form of the Truman Doctrine"

2. "Where Truman's impact on stemmed from his reactions to these cold war crises, Stalin was significant due to being the main perpetrator of said events"

3. "all of which instigated American responses that further increased tensions between the two countries"

4. "The Berlin Blockade developed the cold war tensions from being sheer political disagreements, to opposing pacts that entailed members agreeing to go to war if any of them were to be attacked"

5. "Stalin can even be said to have caused the outbreak of the cold war in the first place, having taken an aggressive stance against the West at Yalta with his sphere of influence and inability to cooperate with the other leaders, along with his rapid Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe"

6. "To understand how important Truman was as a leader, one can look at his elections: To many it seemed unlikely Truman would win, which can be seen in the Chicago Newspaper with the headline 'Dewey defeats Truman' before the president has been announced. Despite this, Truman was elected President in 1948. If Truman hadn't had won the election, there would have been no Marshall plan"

7. "The impact on Korea can still be seen to this day, where there is still a division between North and South."

8. "The actions of both leaders meant that the escalation of tensions of the Cold war was significant"

1. Stalinist regime took control over Czechoslovakia
2. backing the communist forces in the Greek Civil War
3. making territorial claims in Turkey
4. blockade of West Berlin
-> which resulted in Europe becoming divided into two opposing sides - the US-backed NATO in the West, and USSR driven Warsaw Pact in the East
5. Stalin's allowance for North Korea to invade the south
-> allowed Stalin control communist countries

"Stalin embarked straight on to the cold war as soon as the world war was over" - Andrew Roberts

--Wartime Disagreements--
1. second front
-> Stalin demanded that the Allies open a 'second front' in Western Europe to relieve pressure of the Soviet Union. The USSR faced over 80% of all Nazi military resources
-> In 1942 and 1943, the UK and USA decided to invade North Africa and Italy first. These delays made Stalin suspicious
-> He thought that the Allies wanted to USSR to be weakened
-> Second Front opened with D-Day Landings in France in June 1944

2. Ideological suspicion
-> Despite agreeing to the principles of the Atlantic Chatter with the West, Stalin had concerns over Roosevelt's foreign policy
-> Roosevelt's 'Open Door' policy was based on 'free' world trade and 'equal' access to raw materials
-> Stalin feared this would only benefit capitalist countries like the USA
-> Allies attempted to resolve their differences at three wartime conferences
-> The failure of these conferences would lead to the Cold War

1. Tehran, 1943
-> attended by Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt
-> the conference was a fair successRoosevelt and Stalin worked reasonably well together
-> as the war progressed, a gap emerged between Stalin's post-war aims and those of Western powers
-> Stalin still demanded the creation of a Second Front in Western Europe
-> Date was set for Second Front - June 1944

2. Yalta, February 1945
-> decided that Germany would be disarmed, demilitarized, de-Nazified and divided into four zones
-> division would be temporary as Germany was to be run as 'one country'
-> Stalin agreed that Eastern Europe would be able to have 'free elections'

● Stalin was causing tension between the group as he was going back on his word and was supporting communist groups in Eastern Europe
● Relationships improved as the US and the UK were pleased with Stalin's idea of 'free elections'
● Relationship seemed very strong from Russia agreeing to join the war against Japan

3. Postdam, august 1945
-> all agreed to deal with Germany the way they wanted to inside of their own zones
-> USSR would receive 25% of the reparation bills from the Western Zones, Eastern Zone would give food in exchange
-> Treaty of San Francisco 1945 The UN was officially created - 5 permanent members: USA, USSR, France, Britain and Nationalist China

● Truman wanted the Polish government to be 're-organised' with more London Poles and 'free elections'
● Truman wasn't happy with the 'percentages agreement' between the UK and the USSR as he didn't want the USSR to become more popular within Eastern Europe however Stalin was unwilling to change his mind
● Truman didn't exactly want Stalin in the war against Japan and wasn't honest with the story of the atomic bomb
● Truman Threatened Stalin with the Atomic Bomb
● Caused tension between the relationship of Truman and Stalin as their ideologies clashed

1. The Soviet Takeover of Eastern Europe 1945 - 1949
-> Soviets used 'Salami Tactics' to defeat their opposition - Slicing off political parties one by one
-> 1946 Moscow-trained communist leaders returned to Eastern Europe ensuring that post-war government would be dominated by Moscow
-> Communists were actively killing democratic opposition
This :
Increased mutual fears as Stalin was taking over more of Eastern Europe and broadening its empire. Conveys how Stalin wasn't prepared to have an anti-Communist or even a 'free' Eastern Europe and therefore, he had to eliminate all threats. Caused suspicion as the USA and US were more focused on a 'free' more Capitalist Europe with a Democracy.

2. Soviet Pressure on Iran
-> USSR tried to increase its control on Iran
-> Tehran Conference the USSR and UK agreed they would withdraw after the war
-> UK troops left but Stalin left 30,000 troops in the North of Iran claiming that they needed to restore order - Iran complained to the USA and UK
-> March Iran referred a case to the United Nations and under this pressure Russia pulled out under

This :
Increased mutual fears as Russia was trying to gain even more territory and went back on an agreement with the UK to remove all troops from Iran. This shows serious mistrust between the USSR and UK and the USSR refused to complete a deal and it took a case from Iran to the UN to get Russia out.

3. Instability in Greece and Turkey
-> after the war in Greece and Turkey there were anti-imperialist, nationalist and pro-Communist rebellions
-> the British couldn't contain these threats and believed that the USSR was supporting the rebellions
-> Churchill was mainly frustrated with Stalin's disregard of their 'Percentages Agreement' - Greece and Turkey were supposed to be under the West's 'sphere of influence'

This :
Conveys mistrust and suspicion within the Grand Alliance as the UK and USA were unsure to whether the USSR were trying to cause/aid the rebellions in Greece and Turkey that were pro-Communist.

4. Communism in France and Italy :

-> Post-war Europe Communist parties grew stronger in Italy and France and threatened to take-over Western Democracies
-> these countries faced economic hardships
-> the US and UK believed that Moscow was encouraging them
-> Communists were also trying to take over Western Europe as well

This :
Suspicion grew as the USA and the UK were unsure to whether or not the Russians were helping to encourage the increase of Communist parties within Italy and France

Although the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war, it ultimately resulted in temporarily improved relations between the two antagonistic powers. When the crisis ended, President Kennedy and Premier Krushchev began the process of establishing better communications. It was hoped that an open dialogue between the two leaders would prevent such a crisis from happening again in the future.

--Cuban Missile Crisis--
-> the most dramatic Cold War confrontation between USSR and the US
-> after Castro takes over Cuba, US unsuccessfully tried to overthrow Cuba's new communists state which is called 'Bay of Pigs'
-> This convinced Cuba to seek help from USSR
-> Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev was happy to comply by secretly deploying nuclear missiles to Cuba
● to protect the island
● to counteract the threat from the US missiles in Turkey & Italy
-> on October 22nd he announced that the US navy would intercept all shipments to Cuba
-> a naval blockade was considered an act of war, although the president called it 'quarantine' that did not block any basic necessities, the Soviets didn't appreciate the distinction
-> in an outraged letter to Kennedy, Khrushchev wrote "The violation of freedom to use international waters and international airspace is an act of aggression which pushes the mankind towards the abyss of world nuclear missile war"
-> while the US demanded the removal of the missiles, Cuba and USSR insisted they were only defensive.
-> on October 27, a spy plane was shot down by a Soviet missile, Eisenhower refused to apologize despite the fact that he did admit to the USSR that US had been flying spy missions over the USSR for several years.
-> the same day, a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine was hit by a small-depth charge from a US Navy vessel trying to signal it come up, the commanders on the sub, too deep to communicate with the surface, thought war had began and prepared to launch a nuclear torpedo
-> Vasili Arkhipov, second in command, refused; his decision saved the day, and perhaps the world
-> after intense negotiations they reached a proposal
-> the US would remove its missiles from Italy and Turkey and would never invade Cuba in exchange for the Soviet withdrawal from Cuba under UN inspection
-> Kennedy/USA appeared to win - propaganda defeat contributed to Krushchev resigning in 1964
-> Chinese unimpressed with performance of USSR - began to pursue more independent foreign policy & world communism weakened

1. "By the time US intelligence discovered the plan, the materials to create the missiles were already in place"

2. "Thus ensued the most intense six days of Cold War"

-> In the early hours of august 13, 1961 East Germany construction workers began erecting barriers throughout the city of Berlin
-> This night marked the beginning of one of history's most infamous dividing lines, the Berlin Wall
-> During the World War 2, America, Britian and France joined forces with the Soviet Union against the Axis Powers
-> after they defeated Nazi Germany , each of the victorious nations occupied part of the country
-> the division was meant to be temporary, but the former allies found themselves at odds over their visions for post-war Europe
-> while Western powers promoted liberal market economies, the Soviet Union sought to surround itself with obedient Communist nations, including a weakened Germany
-> as their relations deteriorated the Federal Republic of Germany was formed in the West, while the Soviets established the German Democratic Republic in the East
-> the Soviets satellite countries restricted Western trade and movement, as a result, a virtually impassable border formed and it became known as the Iron Curtain
-> With the tension growing over the situation in Berlin, the number of refugees moving from East to West increased
-> For Khrushchev, the Berlin Wall was a defeat in the sense that it was a visible admission that the Communist propaganda message had failed: the Soviets had to create a barrier to keep the people in the East
-> this allowed Krushchev to avoid war with USA while appearing strong
-> also led to period of calm in Europe - both sides accepted no immediate prospect of change

-> the Wall became a symbol of communist oppression and the most visible reminder of the distrust between East and West

The Cuban missile crisis marked the climax of an acutely antagonistic period in U.S.-Soviet relations. The crisis also marked the closest point that the world had ever come to global nuclear war. It is generally believed that the Soviets' humiliation in Cuba played an important part in Khrushchev's fall from power in October 1964 and in the Soviet Union's determination to achieve, at the least, a nuclear parity with the United States.

The end of the second world war marked the beginning of a new war for the United States of American and the Soviet Union. This war, was fought in two major battlegrounds, Europe and Asia. American policy of containment refers to the foreign policy strategy of the US in the early years of the Cold war. The policy was to defeat the Soviet Union by preventing it from expanding the territories under its Communist control or otherwise extending its influence. This, naturally, resulted in strained relations and rivalry between the two superpowers. However, the domino effect had to be avoided at all costs. Despite the many difficulties, American policy of containment during the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War did manage to contain the expansion of Communism to a certain extent.

The Vietnam War is the most controversial war of the 20th century. For the second time in a decade, the United States government sent troops into an Asian country to prevent the spread of communism. Their policy of containment, the prevention of the spread of communism, in this case, was a spectacular disaster. Not only did they lose the war, they lost all public support and gained negative global attention. The American withdrawal from Vietnam led to the formation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. A communist government had control. When the American troops had arrived in Vietnam in 1963, their sole purpose was to prevent that happening. However, when competing against a fanatical, ruthless, and dangerous opposition, their theory of 'clearing out communism' came crashing down. Containment failed in its practical sense

Despite the fact that the policy didn't work in some countries, in Japan for example, they managed to not only prevent the spread of communism, but turn the country into a powerful ally against communism. Originally, after world war two Japan would be demilitarized, weakened and rebuilt as a pacifist, democratic country. However, with such a huge communist threat within Asia, they adapted policy and thought that it would be more beneficial for Japan to be re-strengthened as soon as possible. By reducing the power of the trade unions, and increasing the power of the Zaibatsu [Japan's elite businessmen and companies], Japan rapidly rose from the ashes to become a power again.

1. Most historians argue that this is the perfect case of containment being successful, communism was prevented from spreading, and the US had a new military platform
2. Some historians would argue that the US policy of containment was a permanent failure because it went against their morale values, intial ideas and was actually never used.

What was the relationship between the US and Soviet Union?

During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union fought together as allies against the Axis powers. However, the relationship between the two nations was a tense one. Americans had long been wary of Soviet communism and concerned about Russian leader Joseph Stalin's tyrannical rule of his own country.

What was the policy that caused tension between US and USSR?

By 1947, the United States adopted a policy of containment to restrict Soviet global power. This became a defining element of foreign policy in President Harry Truman's administration.

What was the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945.

Why was the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union difficult after WWII quizlet?

Why did relations between the United States and the Soviet Union deteriorate after World War II? - Absence of a common enemy: Only opposition to a common threat had suppressed conflict between the Soviet Union and the West. After defeat of the Axis powers, ideological and political differences reemerged dramatically.

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