Hướng dẫn pure javascript append html

For example,

var newElement = document.createElement['div'];
newElement.innerHTML = "

new content

alert['Hello World!']"; element.appendChild[newElement];​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Result: "new content" is appended in page but there will be no alert saying Hello World!

I have tried innerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML, append, appendChild methods. But the problem is JS and CSS not loading dynamically.

In jQuery, after[] works 👍🏻


new content

alert['Hello World!']"];

is there any equivalent for pure javascript?

Mr. Polywhirl

36.6k12 gold badges76 silver badges124 bronze badges

asked Apr 11 at 16:27

You can use eval to execute your scripts under string formats. jQuery also uses eval in some parts of DOM manipulation under the hood.

const content = "

new contentalert['Hello World!']"; const newElement = document.createElement['div']; newElement.innerHTML = content const scriptRegex = /[? { const el = document.createElement['div']; el.innerHTML = domHTML; document.body.appendChild[el]; document.body.append[document.createRange[].createContextualFragment[scriptHTML]]; }; const domHTML = `

new content`; const scriptHTML = ` alert['Hello World!']; `; insertHTML[domHTML, scriptHTML];

This logic was borrowed from Tilak Maddy's response in a related question.

answered Apr 11 at 16:51

Mr. PolywhirlMr. Polywhirl

36.6k12 gold badges76 silver badges124 bronze badges

If you want to append a script or a stylesheet dynamically into your page, you should:

  1. create a script/link/style tag
  2. edit the tags innerText/innerHTML
  3. append the tag to your page's head element

Here's an example to append a script:

var script = document.createElement['script'];
    script.src = 'some url'; // use this for external scripts
    script.innerHTML = 'your script'; // use this for writing your own script content



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answered Apr 11 at 16:49

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