Hướng dẫn python play sound async

I have a while loop for my cameras[with opencv] to take a photos when something moves. I would like to call a function to play a sound as well. But when I call and play it, it will stop looping for that execution time. I tried ThreadPoolExecutor but had no idea how could I blend it with my code, because I'm not passing anything to the function. Just calling it from loop. Btw. I would like to be able to play it multiple times [multiple executions in time of execution] if multiple something in code appears from loop

camera script

from play_it import alert

while True:
    #do something in cv2
    if "something":
        alert[] # Here it slowing the loop

and my play_it script

from playsound import playsound
import concurrent.futures

def alert[]:

def PlayIt[]:
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor[] as exe:
        exe.map[alert, ???] # not sure what to insert here

asked Nov 26, 2019 at 1:23


I don't know what requirements playsound has for the thread it runs on, but the simplest and easiest thing to do is probably just to spawn off a thread to play the sound:

import threading
def alert[]:
    threading.Thread[target=playsound, args=['ss.mp3',], daemon=True].start[]

daemon=True here starts the thread as a daemon thread, meaning that it won't block the program from exiting. [On Python 2, you have do t = threading.Thread[...]; t.daemon = True; t.start[] instead.]

answered Nov 26, 2019 at 3:19


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In this article, we will see how to play sound in Python using some of the most popular audio libraries. We will learn about the various methods for playing sound.

Method 1: Using playsound module

Run the following command to install the packages:

pip install playsound
  • The playsound module contains only a single function named playsound[].
  • It requires one argument: the path to the file with the sound we have to play. It can be a local file, or a URL.
  • There’s an optional second argument, block, which is set to True by default. We can set it to False for making the function run asynchronously.
  • It works with both WAV and MP3 files.

Example: For WAV format


from playsound import playsound


print['playing sound using  playsound']



Example: For mp3 format


from playsound import playsound


print['playing sound using  playsound']



Method 2: Using pydub module

Run the following commands to install the packages:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra
pip install pydub

Note: You can open WAV files with python. For opening mp3, you’ll need ffmpeg or libav.

This module uses the from_wav[] method for playing wav file and from_mp3[] method for playing an mp3 file.  The play[] method is used to play the wav and mp3 file:

Example 1: For WAV format


from pydub import AudioSegment

from pydub.playback import play

song = AudioSegment.from_wav["note.wav"]

print['playing sound using  pydub']




Example 2: For mp3 format


from pydub import AudioSegment

from pydub.playback import play

song = AudioSegment.from_mp3["note.mp3"]

print['playing sound using  pydub']




Method 3: Using tksnack module

The tksnack module depends upon a module named tkinter to activate a tk object in the python script. You must install tkinker and tksnack packages for Python. Run the following commands to install the packages:

sudo apt-get install python3-tk
sudo apt-get install python3-tksnack

The play[] method is used to play the audio files. The blocking argument states that the sound will play asynchronously.



from Tkinter import *

import tkSnack

root = Tk[]


snd = tkSnack.Sound[]


print['playing sound using tkSnack']




Method 4: Using Native Player

In this method, we play sounds natively on our system. This method plays the audio file with an external player installed on your terminal.

Example 1: For Mac OS X


import os

file = "note.wav"

print['playing sound using native player']

os.system["afplay " + file]



Example 2: For Linux


import os

file = "note.mp3"

print['playing sound using native player']

os.system["mpg123 " + file]



Method 5: Using simpleaudio module

This is mainly designed to play WAV files and NumPy arrays. Run the following command to install the packages:

$ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
$ pip3 install simpleaudio

The play[] method is used to play the audio files.



import simpleaudio as sa

wave_object = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file['note.wav]

print['playing sound using simpleaudio']

play_object = wave_object.play[]




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