Is The Bucket List Inappropriate?


Rating: PG-13 for language, including a sexual reference.


What it's about: A pair of terminally ill old men set out to have a few peak experiences, things they've always wanted to do, places they've always wanted to visit, before they "kick the bucket."

The Kid Attractor Factor: Curmudgeonly Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman act like overgrown kids as they sky dive, race cars and live it up.


Good lessons/bad lessons: Everybody ought to have a "bucket list," but not everything on it should be indulgent.

Violence: None.

Language: Some profanity, mostly thanks to Nicholson.

Sex: Suggested, referred to.

Drugs: Medicinal only, and some alcohol is consumed.

Parents' advisory: Genial, harmless old-guys-have-one-last-fling comedy with a few laughs, a few tears and not much other than language that would alarm parents of 12-and-ups.


Rating: R for some disturbing content.


What it's about: A former inhabitant of an orphanage wonders if she's going mad when her young son disappears in the place where she grew up.

The Kid Attractor Factor: A scary movie, one with subtitles.

Good lessons/bad lessons: You can't go home again, or shouldn't, if your home was a haunted orphanage.

Violence: A car accident, a death or two.

Language: Quite clean.

Sex: None.


Drugs: Medicinal only.

Parents' advisory: This chilling Spanish thriller is a very soft "R" for a horror movie. Fine for horror fans old enough not to have nightmares about what they see, say 12-and-up.

The Orlando Sentinel

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