New employee file checklist template

When you get hired in a company, one of the basic requirements that your employer or the Human Resource department would be requiring from you is your personal data information. Such as basic personal information, academic background, employment history and achievements among others. And through the course of your stay in the company, more additional information are to be collected and documented in what we call an employee file. To get more information about this, do continue to read this article and check out below our free employee file checklist samples.

10+ Employee File Checklist Samples

1. Employee File Checklist


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Size: 126 KB


2. Employee Personnel File Checklist


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Size: 95 KB


3. Departmental Employee File Checklist


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Size: 6 KB


4. Sample Employee File Checklist


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Size: 196 KB


5. Standard Employee File Checklist


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Size: 107 KB


6. Employee Master File Checklist


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Size: 86 KB


7. New Employee File Checklist


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Size: 305 KB


8. Printable Employee File Checklist


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Size: 73 KB


9. New Hire Employee File Paperwork Checklist


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Size: 119 KB


10. Community Waiver Employee File Checklist


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Size: 106 KB


11. Staff Employee File Checklist


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Size: 7 KB


What Is an Employee File?

An Employee File or Personnel Record are documents that contain all relevant information about an employee’s time in the company starting from the job application till the resignation or separation from the company. Keeping an employee’s personal file is important for documentation process, since these data may protect the company should any lawsuit occur. Or should an employee have any relevant complaints, the HR department can pull out the file anytime for reference. Most importantly should any emergency occur, the management can quickly refer to the file for any information.

How to Set Up an Employee File Checklist?

Aside from the an employee’s basic personal data, contents of the personnel file provide a historical overview of the important happenings during his or her career. They support the decisions that are made about the employee during the time spent in the company. This should demonstrate the employer’s rationale behind hiring, promotions, transfer, rewards and recognition, and firing decisions. Here are some key information you should consider to include in the checklist.

I. Personal File

As mentioned, these are the basic employee information such a current address, personal contact number, emergency contact information, academic background, employment history and other relevant information which would depend on the company’s policy.

Employment related files pertaining to the start of the employee onboarding till the offboarding that is important to any given employer.

  • Curriculum Vitae which is a document usually given to the employer during a job application process.
  • Government Related I.D numbers for tax or identity confirmation or proof
  • Job Order, Employment Contract or Job Description: a document which contains the company salary structure, designation & confirmed joining date. This are usually signed by an employee once he or she agrees to the terms.
  • Employee Manual confirmation receipt or acknowledgement

III. Employee Performance and Career Development

During the employee’s course of stay in the company, employees get to experience employee training session, career development programs, receive awards and benefits, disciplinary order among others. So these are some of the files to include in an employee file checklist:

  • Records of attendance or completion of employee training and developmental programs
  • Performance evaluations or appraisals
  • Awards and Benefits accumulated over the years
  • Disciplinary action reports
  • Any contract, written agreement, receipt, or acknowledgment between the employee and the employer such as company issued mobile phones, company car or laptop and insurance.

IV. Employee’s Departure

When an employee decides to resign or separate from the company, there are several documents that still has to go one file such as Resignation Letter, Exit Interview and  Turnover documents file.

Also, the HR department should conduct an annual review of their employee’s personal file to make sure that all information are accurate, up to date, and complete.


Employee Onboarding is the process of introducing new employees to the organization’s environment and culture. This is to help employees adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly, and learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

This is the reviewing of employee files to ensure that they are in order or it can involve reviewing the effectiveness of corporate HR policies, which can help identify gaps or inconsistencies with HR processes.

This would actually depend on what kind of files should be kept and based on company policy. Some would keep employee files for a year to seven years.

It is good business practice that employers keep records in order to comply with specific provisions mandated by the government. Not only that employee files are important references in a lot of aspects that can not only help the employer but the employees themselves. Since documentation of these records can help evaluate a company’s way of running their business and handling their employees. And employees have a reference on record on how they developed in the company they have worked with.

Employee checklists are one of the most popular tools used by management in order to carry out certain procedures. These employee checklists help supervisors keep a tab on the key details and avoid negligence regarding the processes of onboarding of new employees, employee orientation, and existing employees, as well as task distribution and turnovers. Instead of drafting your own checklist templates, check out these templates we have gathered for you. You can then tailor it to match your requirements. You may also see Checklist Samples.

31+ Employee Checklist Templates - Download Now Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word [DOC], Google Docs, Apple [MAC] Pages

Employee Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


New Employee Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


Employee Pre-Termination Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


Restaurant Employee Onboarding Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


Restaurant Employee Termination Meeting Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


Restaurant Employee Termination Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


New Employers Checklist Template


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Size: A4, US


Employee Onboarding Checklist Template


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New Employee Onboarding Checklist Template


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Employee Separation Checklist Template


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New Employee Training Checklist Template


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Employee Training Checklist Template


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Employee Safety Training Checklist Template


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New Employee Checklist Template


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Size: 244.7KB


This checklist template is used as a guide for new employees in an organization. It details the things you have to do and be aware of from the first few days before actual onboarding up to the first 90 days of working in the company.

Exiting Employee Checklist Template


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Size: 198.1KB


This template is to be used by the conducting supervisor. The supervisor interviews the employee regarding the details of his or her exit from the organization and records the responses in the few checklist templates.

Employee Checklist Template


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Size: 25.1kB


This checklist template is specially built to assess the safety of the venue of the work. It is a detailed overview of what the employee should expect and deliver in terms of the work.

Employee Task Distribution Checklist Template


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Size: 351.7kB


This template aims to specifically identify and designate within a team who will be held accountable and responsible for various key tasks and activities regarding a definite objective. The checklist has detailed entries that allows for a clear setup of individual roles and tasks.

Employee Onboarding checklist Template


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Size: 439.4kB


This checklist is used for staff appraisals. Various distinct guidelines are noted with measurable criteria that can be used for accurate performance appraisals within definite intervals in the department or in the company. You can also see Project Checklist Templates.

Employee Induction Checklist Template


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Size: 58.9KB


New Employee Supervisor Checklist Template


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Size: 45.2kB


Employee Termination Checklist


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Size: 44.5KB


Employee File Checklist Template


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Size: 140.1kB


> How do you Provide Feedback to the Employee about Issues not on the Checklist?

There are cases where some issues and concerns that are crucial to the operation and objectives of the department which might not be included in the teacher checklist. In these situations, supervisors and the employee can set up a short personal meeting to discuss the issues. This allows for free communication between the parties and for faster and easier resolution of an action plan to address the concerns raised.

By making the meeting a private appointment, privacy and character integrity is preserved. In cases where personal meetings are not applicable, formal written letters can suffice to get the message across to the employee.

To avoid negligence of key areas that may prove to be crucial in future endeavors of a company, it is best to use checklist templates as guides. This also assures that a definite system is used as a basis and valuable time is also conserved in the process. The saved time can then be devoted to expound the template and create more effective checklists.

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