Remove element from multidimensional array php

I'm trying to delete elements from a multidimensional-array based on a value. In this case if a sub-array's key 'year' has the value 2011 I want that sub-array out.

Just for the record: i'm running PHP 5.2.

My array looks like this:

    [0] => Array
            [filmId] => 61359
            [url] => //
            [title] => Unstoppable
            [alternative_title] => 
            [year] => 2011
            [thumbnail] => //
            [average] => 0
            [votes_count] => 0
            [similarity] => 100.00
            [directors_text] => geregisseerd door Richard Harrison
            [actors_text] => met Chen Shilony, Ruben Crow en David Powell
            [genres_text] => Drama / Komedie
            [duration] => 90
    [1] => Array
            [filmId] => 87923
            [url] => //
            [title] => Unstoppable
            [alternative_title] => 
            [year] => 2011
            [thumbnail] => //
            [average] => 0
            [votes_count] => 0
            [similarity] => 100.00
            [directors_text] => geregisseerd door Example Director
            [actors_text] => met Actor 1, Actor 2 en Actor 3
            [genres_text] => Drama / Komedie
            [duration] => 90
    [2] => Array
            [filmId] => 68593
            [url] => //
            [title] => Unstoppable
            [alternative_title] => 
            [year] => 2010
            [thumbnail] => //
            [average] => 3.3
            [votes_count] => 191
            [similarity] => 100.00
            [directors_text] => geregisseerd door Tony Scott
            [actors_text] => met Denzel Washington, Chris Pine en Rosario Dawson
            [genres_text] => Actie / Thriller
            [duration] => 98
    [3] => Array
            [filmId] => 17931
            [url] => //
            [title] => Unstoppable
            [alternative_title] => Nine Lives
            [year] => 2004
            [thumbnail] => //
            [average] => 2.64
            [votes_count] => 237
            [similarity] => 100.00
            [directors_text] => geregisseerd door David Carson
            [actors_text] => met Wesley Snipes, Jacqueline Obradors en Mark Sheppard
            [genres_text] => Actie / Thriller
            [duration] => 96


674k155 gold badges1361 silver badges1333 bronze badges

asked Dec 16, 2010 at 22:52

Try this:

function removeElementWithValue[$array, $key, $value]{
     foreach[$array as $subKey => $subArray]{
          if[$subArray[$key] == $value]{
     return $array;

Then you would call it like this:

$array = removeElementWithValue[$array, "year", 2011];

answered Dec 16, 2010 at 23:40


11.5k4 gold badges45 silver badges51 bronze badges


Try this:

function remove_element_by_value[$arr, $val] {
   $return = array[]; 
   foreach[$arr as $k => $v] {
      if[is_array[$v]] {
         $return[$k] = remove_element_by_value[$v, $val]; //recursion
      if[$v == $val] continue;
      $return[$k] = $v;
   return $return;

answered Dec 16, 2010 at 22:54

Jacob RelkinJacob Relkin

158k32 gold badges341 silver badges318 bronze badges


$array[] = array['year' => 2010, "genres_text" => "Drama / Komedie"];
$array[] = array['year' => 2011, "genres_text" => "Actie / Thriller"];
$array[] = array['year' => "2010", "genres_text" => "Drama / Komedie"];
$array[] = array['year' => 2011, "genres_text" => "Romance"];

print_r[remove_elm[$array, "year", 2010]]; // removes the first sub-array only
print_r[remove_elm[$array, "year", 201]]; // will not remove anything
print_r[remove_elm[$array, "genres_text", "drama", TRUE]]; // removes all Drama
print_r[remove_elm[$array, "year", 2011, TRUE]]; // removes all 2011

function remove_elm[$arr, $key, $val, $within = FALSE] {
    foreach [$arr as $i => $array]
            if [$within && stripos[$array[$key], $val] !== FALSE && [gettype[$val] === gettype[$array[$key]]]]
            elseif [$array[$key] === $val]

    return array_values[$arr];

answered Dec 17, 2010 at 0:08


37.9k12 gold badges71 silver badges79 bronze badges


For a single, known value, put this in beginning of iteration through the multidimensional array:

foreach [ $array as $subarray ] {
  //beginning of the loop where you do things with your array
  if [ $subarray->$key == '$valueToRemoveArrayBy' ] continue;
  //iterate your stuff

Simply skips that entire iteration if your criteria are true.

Alternately you could do the reverse. Might be easier to read, depending on taste:

foreach [ $array as $subarray ] {
  if [ $subarray->$key != $valueToRemoveArrayBy ] {
    //do stuff 

I dunno. Maybe this looks hacky to some. I like it, though. Short, quick and simple.

Looked like the purpose of filtering in this case was to print out some contents and skip some, based on certain criteria. If you do the filtering before the loop, you'll have to loop through the entire thing twice - once to filter and once to print the contents.

If you do it like this, inside the loop, that is not required. You also won't alter your array except for inside of the loop, which can be helpful if you don't always want to filter by these criteria in particular.

answered Sep 18, 2013 at 9:02

function removeElementWithValue[$array, $value]{
    $temp=array[]; //Create temp array variable.
    foreach[$array as $item]{ //access array elements.
        if[$item['year'] != $value]{ //Skip the value, Which is equal.
        array_push[$temp,$item];  //Push the array element into $temp var.
     return $temp; // Return the $temp array variable.

//Simple code to delete element of multidimensional array.
$array = removeElementWithValue[$array, "year"];

answered Aug 31, 2018 at 4:39

Here is my approach to this problem: use array_udiff with custom function to [un-]match 'year' from one array's elements to the elements of the "filter" array.

function fn_year_filter[$a, $b] {
    return [is_array[$a] ? $a['year'] : $a] != [is_array[$b] ? $b['year'] : $b];
$array = array_udiff[$array, array['2011', '2020'], 'fn_year_filter'];

And even simpler with the anonymous functions of PHP > 5.3

$array = array_udiff[$array, array[2011, 2020], function[$a, $b] {
    return [is_array[$a] ? $a['year'] : $a] != [is_array[$b] ? $b['year'] : $b];

* Note the use of loose comparison, hence it works with integers too.

answered Jan 8, 2020 at 10:00


1521 silver badge7 bronze badges

This is how I achieved it:

Note: How is my answer different than answer sent by driangle? As the answer by NiDBiLD and Abdulrazzak Jakati, the solution is quite similar to the one chosen by the asker by best answer. However, there are differences in the customized implementations that can be useful for readers to fully understand solution. My solution was applied to a real project and it is guaranteed to work properly. It is not only a prototype, but something that works correctly for sure. Please also review NiDBiLD and Abdulrazzak Jakati solutions that are quite similar to the one in the best answer and still add value to readers.

answered Feb 11 at 18:01

Jaime MontoyaJaime Montoya

6,1667 gold badges61 silver badges87 bronze badges

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