Score a brace FIFA MOBILE là gì

When the Word “Brace” Is Used in Soccer

You will hear players, coaches, commentators, và reporters use this word all the time in soccer.To give an example of how this phrase is used firstly let’s look at a recent game report from one point in an article reporting on a game between Atlanta United và Philadelphia Union, the reporter says:“The Five Stripes had their stars on full display, asPity Martinezregistered a brace…”

Apart from being a prime example of soccer using terminology that can be hard khổng lồ understand unless you’ve been around the game for a while, the author of the article is referring to lớn the fact that the Altlanta United player Pity Martinez scored two goals in that game.

Bạn đang xem: Score a brace là gì

If you are struggling lớn underst& the meanings of different terms and phrases in soccer cliông chồng here lớn go to a complete glossary of terms và meanings in soccer I’ve created. It should have the definition of every word used in soccer that you want lớn know the meaning of.Another example can be found in the title of a recent article on article title says:“Ronalvì chưng sets record with brace in Juventus win over Parma”

Again, in this game, Portuguese soccer player Christiano Ronalvì chưng scored two goals in one game against the Italian team Parma.These are just two examples of the type of situations that you will regularly hear the word “brace” used in soccer.

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Why do they use the term 'brace' in soccer?

To score a 'brace' means that you have scored two goals in a game.

It precedes a hat-trick, where a single player scores three goals during a game.

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If Lionel Messi, for example, were to score two goals against Real Madrid, he has scored a brace.

Likewise, Cristiano Ronaldo netted a brace in a UEFA Nations League match against Sweden in September 2020 to take his international goals tally for Portugal to 101.

It does not matter if the brace was scored in either half of the game - as long as two goals were netted before the full-time whistle and by the same player, any two goals is considered a brace.

The term is used commonly in English soccer, particularly by British commentators and is widely popular amongst the Premier League and Championship.

The word 'brace' has roots in the Old English language, and a brace can also signify a 'pair' of something that was killed or shot down.

It also goes furtherto the Anglo-French language, where it meant a'pair of arms'.

In hunting speak, one might hunt down a brace of birds or rabbits, which means two of such creatures were killed.

This translates to soccer and English football, where players attempt to 'hunt' for goals and goal-scoring opportunities.

The term dates back to the 19th century, where the phrase'scoring a brace of goals' started to gain popularity.

Over time, the phrase was then shortened with just the word 'brace' implying the pair of goals scored.

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A 'brace' and a 'hat-trick' are the most commonly used phrases to describe a player scoring multiple goals. However, less-used and less official terms also exist the more goals a player nets.

Four goals scored by a single player in a match can be described as a 'haul', while five goals is unofficially a'glut'.

Football terms explained: Why is it called a hat-trick?

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