the suburbs là gì - Nghĩa của từ the suburbs

the suburbs có nghĩa là

a place where the houses are newer than the houses in the inner city. Also it's a less crowded, more spread out and usually predominated by mid to upper income whites


the suburbs có nghĩa là

A place on the outskirts of the city, this way more people can live in a city. It is often confused with the rich suburbs, such as Beverly Hills, California, and Ladue, Missouri. Many races live here, not just whites.


Bob: Dude, the suburbs suck!
Frank: Meh, depends on which one.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

A Neighborhood where the entire area is clean or quiet.


Example: My friend lives somewhere in the Suburbs out of town.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

Suburbs are generally located in metropolitan areas and are for strange reasons, considered to be the worst places in the United States. Many people [especially from the Inner City] think of suburbs as places populated by soccer moms and such, when that isn't entirely true. Other people that live in suburbs will think of them as worthless places with houses that look exactly the same. The media also portrays suburbs with houses that look exactly the same, but that isn't true. There are plenty of nice places in the suburbs, and these are all stereotypes given by ignorant people and spoiled brats that continue to explain suburbs as being boring. Saying such about suburbs is equal to saying that rural areas are filled with rednecks or urban areas are filled with ghettos and thugs. Not all suburbs contain the same looking houses or monotonous mcmansions and ranch houses. I personally live in a suburb that has old but large and unique houses that are at a good distance and the neighbors are friendly. Sure there are many faults with suburbs, but there are also many in urban areas.


A Conversation about the Suburbs Spoiled suburban brat: "Man these suburbs are so boring, there's nothing to do. This is the worst place in the world." Someone from an urban area after seeing a movie: "How can anyone live in the suburbs, there are soccer moms driving SUV's and houses that look exactly the same." Moderately Intelligent Person actually from suburbs: "I live in the suburbs and the houses don't look exactly the same. Infact they would be easier to find than a specific apartment. Stop coming up with stereotypes. Also, there is plenty to do if you aren't lazy, just hangout with friends or find a hobby and quit whining you simpleton."

the suburbs có nghĩa là

an area that is somewhat in between the rural areas and the cities. It is a typical neighborhood, with usually no apartments. watch the movie "over the hedge" and you will get a vague idea of what it is. contrary to what all the other dumb asses are saying on this site about suburbs, the suburbs are pretty freakin' much the best type of area to live in. They are not hellholes or places where white people steal and do drugs. If anything, I think that would be called the ghetto? just maybe? [sarcasm]. They are perfect in virtually every way. they also have sidewalks. the houses don't all look alike either. I know, i live in one.


hey man, i live in the suburbs. oh yeah? yeah man, it's like a cross between the country and the city.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

Despite what some people who aren't from the suburbs claim, the presence of "wiggers" in the suburbs is about as likely as the presence of ginger-haired leprechauns in Ireland. As a lifelong suburbanite I can say from my experiences that anyone close to a "wigger" tends to lower class and it's something they actually can identify with. However the suburbs may be partly responsible for the consumption of a lot of shitty pop rap and the commercialization of gangster rap, but few white suburbans actually end up trying to emulate these pop icons. People in the suburbs actually have jobs, and the people who are constantly buying things probably don't actually have the money to pay for them and are probably putting themselves in debt. The suburbs are only boring if you're boring. People in the suburbs have more time and access for a broader range of musical taste, so it's great if you're a real music enthusiast, if you're not there's the accessible top 40 crap for you. Some suburban kids may waste their time with pointless parties and drug use but there's plenty of other things to do in the comfort of the suburbs like starting your own band, writing a novel, preforming Shakespeare's plays in your backyard, skateboarding, etc. Boredom necessitates creativity. The cliques only matter if you're a stupid superficial person. At the end of the day though, the suburbs are really just bigger houses relatively far apart though, nothing inherently good or bad about them.


Non-suburban: The suburbs are full of wiggers, it must be hell living in the suburbs, everyone there wants to kill themselves.
Suburban: What's a wigger?
Non-suburban: They're all over the place in the suburbs!
Suburban: Whatever, I'm off to go watch my leprechauns preform Shakespeare in my backyard while the neighbor kids smoke weed and listen to Lil' Wayne. Non-suburban: White kids listening to little Wayne and smoking weed? They must be wiggers!
Suburban: Not really, they're just, whatever, Hamlet is almost starting!

the suburbs có nghĩa là

In the cases I know of, it has: a neighborhood with mostly two-story houses, a place to hang out within walking distance[[Consists of a movie theater, food place, etc.], and schools within bike-riding distance. Unlike cities, it isn't loud and noisy at night. Usually has middle-class people because the houses are nice. A police station is just a mile away, so crime rate is lower than in most cities even.



Person 1: I bet living in the suburbs sucks, with it being so boring, and filled with crime!

Person 2: Where'd you get that idea? We don't need cars honking outside our windows for life to be interesting, and the crime rate is very low.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

The suburbs is where most americans want to make a living. It is where successful individuals or couples who have made it somewhere in life through determination live. Whether or not the same can be said about their children is up for debate, but it is a HAVEN from the noise-ridden, polluted, and often crime / poverty infested city. People living in a suburb ADVANCED in life, and made it out of the city, or were lucky enough to have educated parents who raised them here. Whether or not those privileged appreciate it or not is also up for debate, but as one of those privileged individuals myself, I can honestly say that after 30 years of living in a New Jersey suburb, I have WISENED up enough to say that I am THANKFUL to live in a suburb. Sure, it can get boring, and there are downsides to living in a suburb, but as with anything in life, there are solutions, like earning your own car to get places, as I did [which I must say most 'urbanites' at my job are jealous of]. And I must add its nice to come home from a 12 hour shift in the middle of summer to a very suburban SWIMMING POOL, rather than cooling off to a very urban FIRE HYDRANT.
There are mostly negative definitions of suburbanites here, and they are most likely coming from biased and jealous urban folks, who will NEVER make it out of the city, due to their child support issues, or their little record.


"Hello and welcome to my home. If for any reason you don't like it, then by all means leave my PALACE in the suburbs, and return to your urban HOVEL, peasant.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

See also Winter Park.


Winter Park, home of multimillionaires and Carrot Top.

the suburbs có nghĩa là

If you ain't ever been to the suburbs, don't you ever come to the suburbs, because you wouldn't understand the suburbs


Yo, have you been to the honkey-town suburbs

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