Write a php a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array

Last update on August 19 2022 21:50:29 [UTC/GMT +8 hours]

PHP Array: Exercise-44 with Solution

Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

Sample Output:

    [0] => 4                                                
    [1] => 5                                                
    [2] => 6                                                
    [3] => 7                                                
    [4] => 4                                                
    [6] => 8                                                


PHP Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a PHP script to merge two commas separated lists with unique value only.
Next: Write a PHP script to do a multi-dimensional difference, i.e. returns values of the first array that are not in the second array.

PHP: Tips of the Day

PHP: How to pass an array within a query string?

Submitting multi-value form fields, i.e. submitting arrays through GET/POST vars, can be done several different ways, as a standard is not necessarily spelled out.

Three possible ways to send multi-value fields or arrays would be:

  • ?cars[]=Saab&cars[]=Audi [Best way- PHP reads this into an array]
  • ?cars=Saab&cars=Audi [Bad way- PHP will only register last value]
  • ?cars=Saab,Audi [Haven't tried this]

Form Examples

On a form, multi-valued fields could take the form of a select box set to multiple:


[NOTE: In this case, it would be important to name the select control some_name[], so that the resulting request vars would be registered as an array by PHP]

or as multiple hidden fields with the same name:

NOTE: Using field[] for multiple values is really poorly documented. I don't see any mention of it in the section on multi-valued keys in Query string - Wikipedia, or in the W3C docs dealing with multi-select inputs.


As commenters have pointed out, this is very much framework-specific. Some examples:

Query string:



"list_a": "3", 
"list_c": "1,2,3"


"list_a": [
  "list_b[]": [
  "list_c": "1,2,3"

[Angular discussion]

Maintaining order: One more thing to consider is that if you need to maintain the order of your items [i.e. array as an ordered list], you really only have one option, which is passing a delimited list of values, and explicitly converting it to an array yourself.

Ref : //bit.ly/2FGfPLj

This example is just an alternative.


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