ellipsis là gì - Nghĩa của từ ellipsis

ellipsis có nghĩa là

An ellipsis is a series of three or more periods [...] inserted into a sentence to indicate a pause or silence. Ellipses are usually used in dialogue. Ellipses are used today in lieu of other proper punctuation.

An ellipsis can also be used to indicate the ommission or suppression of a word or phrase.

Latin ellpsis, from Greek elleipsis, from elleipein, to fall short.

Plural: ellipses

Ví dụ

"I was thinking... well... maybe we could... ummmm.... go out sometime Sally."

"Why don't you just .... off!"

ellipsis có nghĩa là

An ellipsis [...] is used at the end of a sentence in stead of calling the person an outright dumb-ass or retard.

Ví dụ

"I was thinking... well... maybe we could... ummmm.... go out sometime Sally."

"Why don't you just .... off!" An ellipsis [...] is used at the end of a sentence in stead of calling the person an outright dumb-ass or retard. ellipsis = Instead of asking me the questions you can just google it...

ellipsis có nghĩa là

công việc tốt... well that was really smart...

Ví dụ

"I was thinking... well... maybe we could... ummmm.... go out sometime Sally."

"Why don't you just .... off!" An ellipsis [...] is used at the end of a sentence in stead of calling the person an outright dumb-ass or retard. ellipsis = Instead of asking me the questions you can just google it...

ellipsis có nghĩa là

When someone repeatedly, indeed excessively, uses the ellipsis [...] in written text to give an impression of the flow of spoken conversation. Mostly just looks more artificial; usually indicates poor knowledge of internet etiquette on the part of an older generation. Commonly found by old people trying to communicate on Facebook.

Ví dụ

"I was thinking... well... maybe we could... ummmm.... go out sometime Sally."

"Why don't you just .... off!" An ellipsis [...] is used at the end of a sentence in stead of calling the person an outright dumb-ass or retard. ellipsis =

ellipsis có nghĩa là

Instead of asking me the questions you can just google it...

Ví dụ

công việc tốt... well that was really smart...

ellipsis có nghĩa là

An ellipsis is a kind of 'super-period' which makes a female exponentially more emotional and bitchy than her regular period. Easily demonstrated graphically: Giai đoạn = Stage: .

Ví dụ

Ellipsis: .................................. Girl: WAHH WAHH WAAHHHHHH CRY BITCH BITCH FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!

ellipsis có nghĩa là

Guy 1: Whoa, what's her problem?

Ví dụ

Guy 2: She's being a megabitch because she's on her ellipsis. Girl: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY? *starts bawling uncontrollably*

ellipsis có nghĩa là

When someone repeatedly, indeed excessively, uses the ellipsis [...] in written text to give an impression of the flow of spoken conversation. Mostly just looks more artificial; usually indicates poor knowledge of internet etiquette on the part of an older generation. Commonly found by old people trying to communicate on Facebook.

Ví dụ

Person 1: *insert humorous Facebook status obviously intended for appreciation by friends*
Person 2: *commenting* Hey... how is it going... just checking in... everything's good here... see you later.
Person 1: Wow. Not only did you hijack my status for an irrelevant personal conversation, but you employed serious ellipsis abuse. Cảm ơn bố.

ellipsis có nghĩa là

Person 2: Don't forget the milk... can you call me when you get here... thanks... see you soon.

Ví dụ

Ellipsis: THE PAIN! Plural: ellipses

ellipsis có nghĩa là

A series of three or more periods. This usually indicates a pause or silence, or is used when a sentence is left incomplete. Common in text-based conversations.

Ví dụ

Example of an ellipsis:

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