Lesson four: phonics - unit 5 - family & friends special edition grade 3 - Listen, point, and repeat

3. Read the chant again. Circle the counds cl, gl, and sl.

1. Listen, point, and repeat.

Click here to listen


cloud: mây

clock: đồng hồ

gloves: găng tay

glue: keo dán

slide: trượt

slippers: dép

2. Listen and chant.

Click here to listen

I take off my slippers,

I go outside.

I put on my gloves,

And I play on the slide.

I took at the clock,

I see clouds in the sky.

Time to take off my gloves,

Time to say, "goodbye"


Tôi cởi dép của tôi

Tôi đi ra ngoài

Tôi đeo găng tay

Và tôi chơi cầu trượt

Tôi đeo đồng hồ

Tôi ngắm những đám mây

Thời gian qua trên găng tay của tôi

Thời gian nói, "tạm biệt"

3. Read the chant again. Circle the counds cl, gl, and sl.

4. Listen to the sounds and connect the letters.

Click here to listen

What does the girl have?

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