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A phonetic alphabet like IPA can be used to represent different speech sounds or segments, along with some of the suprasegmental characteristics like tone, length and stress, each represented by a unique visual symbol. Thus, we can transcribe an English word into a sequence of symbols, with associated sound characteristics, in the order they are to be used to pronounce the word. Our aim was to investigate the feasibility and ease of use of such a phonetic alphabet to teach English pronunciation to Native Bengali Speakers by combining this visual tool with existing audio tools and techniques. The Bengali language does not have the fricative sounds [f], [v], [z], [ʒ], [θ] and [δ] and the approximant [w]. It also does not have the very finely differentiated English vowel sounds like [ə], [ʌ] and [ɜ:] and does not differentiate between long and short vowel sounds. To overcome these problems we designed a Bengali Phonetic Alphabet (BPA) in which we used Bengali characters to represent phonemes common to both English and Bengali, and eight IPA symbols for other English phonemes. We believe that BPA can serve as an aid to teaching consistent English pronunciation to Native Bengali Speakers

As a flexible and effective communication system for Non-Native Speakers of English (NNS), English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is a frequently mentioned concept in the current literature on ELT. This study investigates if the problems encountered in the teaching of English pronunciation to Non-Native English Speakers (NNS) can be alleviated in Bangladesh through the ELF approach. In particular, it develops a simple and easy to teach/learn pronunciation teaching model specifically designed for Native Bengali Speakers (NBS). Furthermore, this study offers a prototype syllabus for English as a Lingua Franca for Bengalis (ELFB) based on the Bengali Lingua Franca Core Model (BLFC) adapted from LFC model of Jenkins.

It will be a nice learning experience for the Bangla language learners if an on-line Bangla education system is supported with a Digital Bangla Pronunciation Dictionary (DBPD), which is accessed in classroom and at home, as the case may be, as one of the most useful reference guides for learning standard and acceptable pronunciation of Bangla words. Keeping this idea at background, in this paper, we have made an attempt to report the design architecture of the proposed digital Bangla pronunciation dictionary, which is being developed with a large lexical database of nearly hundred thousand words that are directly obtained from a digital corpus of Bangla written texts as well as from other digital lexical sources available in the language. This is perhaps the first attempt ever made for any of the Indian languages with a mission for serving the Bangla speakers as well as Bangla language learners with better learning resources and devices for the language across the world. The immediate application of the resource is visualized as a tool for e-governance and on-line language teaching where the learners can access this device to address various linguistic purposes including spelling, pronunciation, part-of-speech, meaning, and usage of words.

The manuscript aimed at delineating the importance of introducing phonetics and phonology in the ESL syllabus of primary and secondary level studies in Bangladesh so that learners of all levels could reduce Bengali's impact on English pronunciation. In terms of English as Lingua Franca (ELF), every mother tongue plays interference with English as a Second Language (ESL) pronunciation in each geographical community. In this respect, pronouncing English like the natives is a big challenge for non-native speakers around the world. The scenarios seem all alike in Bangladesh, where a major part of its teachers and learners of the English language cannot pronounce English with IPA standard like the native English speakers. Their excessive mother tongue-centred attitudes appear as hindrances on the way to standard accents. Thus, the learners of Bangladesh have been lagging behind the international communications. The research work was conducted in mixed method type where quantitative was predominating to make the article reliable. Two data collection tools: questionnaire survey and content analysis were used in this study. The authors expected to conclude by showing that the study of phonetics and phonology at the elementary and secondary levels of ESL may be a more effective strategy to lessen Bengali interference in ESL pronunciation and that Bangladeshi students might be able to speak IPA standard ESL pronunciation. Similarly, if any country used the terminology mentioned above at the same levels of education, they might be able to lessen the influence of their native tongue on their pronunciation of ESL and use the IPA standard

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech, or—in the case of sign languages—the equivalent aspects of sign. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds or signs (phones): their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neuro-physiological status. With the development of technology, Bengali language has been added to many types of software to help people to write in Bengali easily. While writing on World Wide Web, someone needs to type the article in desktop software, and paste them in web interface, which is not definitely an efficient solution. Considering this, we have planned to develop a web based phonetic typing tool for Bengali language, which can be integrated on any web interface easily.We have decided to develop the tool in JavaScript so that it can be easily integrated on any web interfaces. Our goal is to make it “How You Say Is What You Get”. We will use Latin alphabet based phonetic transcript developed by International Phonetic Association with the help of Unicode applying Soundex Algorithm.

In this paper we present a dedicated Text to Speech engine for Bengali Language. Pronunciation Rules for special cases and a complete dictionary of pronunciation are included in this engine. The system takes Bengali text input then separates the text into smallest possible characters and then does the concatenation of consonants with vowels. Then it check for the specific word in the lexicon, stored in database, if exact match is found then converts words as it is pronounced. Applying the rules of pronunciation to every word and generate a final text form divided in syllables is the next. And finally the system gives us the voice output of the pre-processed text. The voices are from native speakers which makes it unique from using third party engine. This is a fully automated process.

In this paper I have made an empirical attempt to describe surface forms, usage patterns, and pronunciation variations of some Bengali consonant grapheme clusters, which are often found as great stumbling blocks in language learning, optical character recognition, text-to-speech conversion, speech synthesis, and language processing. To make this study authentic, I have accessed and referred to a moderately large lexical database obtained from a written corpus of modern Bengali prose texts. The corpus contains samples of texts from more than eighty five subject areas and disciplines with a total strength of more than five million (i.e., fifty lakhs) of words. In a systematic manner, I have tried to study how these consonant grapheme clusters are orthographically designed by way of combining consonant graphemes and consonant graphic variants; how these clusters are utilized in formation of words; and how these clusters are actually pronounced within words in standard Bengali speech. I have also tried to discuss how the pronunciation of individual consonant graphemes is largely affected when these characters are combined in formation of clusters; and how the pronunciation of these clusters, that are controlled by various phonological rules and processes that operate in standard Bengali speech, leave notable marks on orthographic representation of words in written texts. I believe that this moderately elaborate study will help Bengali language learners understand how consonant grapheme clusters occur in Bengali words and how these are pronounced in standard Bengali speech. Also they will learn from this study how these clusters are formed; which clusters are allowed to take place at various positions within words; and which clusters should be pronounced with utmost care and attention to generate acceptable pronunciation. This study has also carries relevance for those people who are working in speech technology for the Bengali language. They can utilize necessary data, information, and examples from this study to develop a speech production system that can generate artificial Bengali speech nearly similar to the standard pronunciation of words in the language.

Epenthesis in the Bangla language has always been a very challenging topic for researchers, thus most of the time the research based on epenthesis focused only on loan words. Some researchers only added the dialects parts, however, these dialect words are even loan words from the English Language. The current paper does take a very new and novel approach in that it tries to focus on only the native Bengali Dialect words that are owned to the Bengali language, not all loan words which just could be analyzed for the OT approach. Primarily, the data collection was from a survey questionnaire from native Dialect speakers. The analysis and findings oppose some previous studies that were carried out by different researchers based on Bangla loan words. The present research study brings a totally different approach and results from native Bengali Dialect words.

This paper will represent the transliteration of those words that have already been used in Bangla. Because of the differences of phonetic features of the two languages – Bangla and English – we often notice some faulty transliteration. It will be no surprising if you ask someone to write the Bangla word 'QvZK' in English, you may get the spelling as 'chatak' (PvZK-a type of bird) instead of 'chhatak'. When we use a word or words of a foreign language in our mother tongue, we try to depict it with the help of our own alphabet and vice versa. Though not exactly the same, the spelling replacement of a word of a language is done with approximately close phonetic features of the alphabet of another language.