Export large data to excel in php

For such a large amount of data I would not recommend tools like PHPExcel or ApachePOI (for Java) because of their memory requirements. I have struggled with similar task recently and I have found convenient (but maybe little bit fiddly) way to inject data into spreadsheets. Serverside generation or updating of Excel spreadsheets can be achieved thus simple XML editing. I have XLSX spreadsheet sitting on the server and every time data is gathered from dB, I unzip it using php. Then I access specific XML files that are holding contents of worksheets that need to be injected and insert data manually. Afterwards, I compress spreadsheet folder in order to distribute it as an regular XLSX file. Whole process is quite fast and reliable. Obviously, there are few issues and glitches related to inner organisation of XLSX/Open XML file (e. g. Excel tend to store all strings in separate table and use references to this table in worksheets). But when injecting only data like numbers and strings, it is not that hard. If anyone is interested, I can provide some code.

Okay, here goes sample code for this. I have tried to comment what it does, but feel free to ask for further explanation.

dbConn = $dbConn;

     * Main method for whole injection process
     * First data are gathered from DB and spreadsheet is decompressed to workspace.
     * Then injection takes place and spreadsheet is ready to be rebuilt again by zipping.
     * @return   boolean    Informace o úspěchu
    public function injectData() {

        if (!$this->getStoresInfoFromDB()) return false;        
        if (!$this->explodeSpreadsheet(self::SPREADSHEET_FILE,self::WSPACE_DIR)) return false;                      
        if (!$this->injectDataToSpreadsheet(self::WSPACE_SUBDIR.self::SPREADSHEET_WORKSHEET_FILE)) return false;            
        if (!$this->implodeSpreadsheet(self::SPREADSHEET_FILE,self::WSPACE_DIR)) return false;
        return true;

     * Decompress spreadsheet file to folder
     * @param   string  $spreadsheet
     * @param   string  $targetFolder
     * @return   boolean    success/fail 
    private function explodeSpreadsheet($spreadsheet, $targetFolder) {
        return unzip($spreadsheet,$targetFolder);

     * Compress source folder to spreadsheet file
     * @param   string  $spreadsheet    
     * @param   string  $sourceFolder
     * @return   boolean    success/fail 
    private function implodeSpreadsheet($spreadsheet, $sourceFolder) {
        return zip($sourceFolder,$spreadsheet);

     * Loads data from DB to member variable $storesDetails (as array)
     * @return   boolean    success/fail 
    private function getStoresInfoFromDb() {

        if ($stmt = $this->dbConn->prepare(self::STORE_QUERY)) {
            $stmt->bind_result($store_number, $store_regional_manager, $store_manager, $store_city, $store_address);
            while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                $this->storesData[trim($store_number)] = array(trim($store_regional_manager),trim($store_manager),trim($store_address),trim($store_city));
        return true;        

     * Injects data from member variable $storesDetails to spreadsheet $ws
     * @param   string  $ws target worksheet
     * @return   boolean    success/fail
    private function injectDataToSpreadsheet($ws) {
         $worksheet = file_get_contents($ws);    
         if ($worksheet === false or empty($this->storesData) return false;

         $xml = simplexml_load_string($worksheet);  
         if (!$xml) return false;

        // Loop through $storesDetails array containing rows of data
        foreach ($this->storesData as $std){

            // For each row of data create new row in excel worksheet
            $newRow = $xml->sheetData->addChild('row'); 

            // Loop through columns values in rowdata
            foreach ($std as $cbd){                      
                // Save each column value into next column in worksheets row 
                 foreach ($this->storesData as $cbd){
                    $newCell = $newRow->addChild('c'); 
                    $newCell->addAttribute('t', "inlineStr");
                    $newIs = $newCell->addChild('is');
                    // text has to be saved as utf-8 (otherwise the spreadsheet file become corrupted)
                    if (!mb_check_encoding($cbd, 'utf-8')) $cbd = iconv("cp1250","utf-8",$cbd); 
                    $newT = $newIs->addChild('t',$cbd);                     

         // Save xml data back to worksheet file
         if (file_put_contents($ws, $xml->asXML()) !== false) return true;           