Find string in string python

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    Python String find() method returns the lowest index or first occurrence of the substring if it is found in a given string. If it is not found, then it returns -1.

    Syntax: str_obj.find(sub, start, end)


    • sub: Substring that needs to be searched in the given string. 
    • start (optional): Starting position where the substring needs to be checked within the string. 
    • end (optional): End position is the index of the last value for the specified range. It is excluded while checking. 

    Return:  Returns the lowest index of the substring if it is found in a given string. If it’s not found then it returns -1.

    Python String find() method Example


    word = 'geeks for geeks'





    1. If the start and end indexes are not provided then by default it takes 0 and length-1 as starting and ending indexes where ending indexes are not included in our search.
    2. The find() method is similar to index(). The only difference is find() returns -1 if the searched string is not found and index() throws an exception in this case.

    Example 1: find() With No start and end Argument


    word = 'geeks for geeks'

    result = word.find('geeks')

    print("Substring 'geeks' found at index:", result)

    result = word.find('for')

    print("Substring 'for ' found at index:", result)

    if word.find('pawan') != -1:

        print("Contains given substring ")


        print("Doesn't contains given substring")


    Substring 'geeks' found at index: 0
    Substring 'for ' found at index: 6
    Doesn't contains given substring

    Example 2: find() With start and end Arguments

    In this example, we have specified start and end arguments of Python String find() method. So that the given substring is searched in the mentioned portion of the original string.


    word = 'geeks for geeks'

    print(word.find('ge', 2))

    print(word.find('geeks ', 2))

    print(word.find('g', 4, 10))

    print(word.find('for ', 4, 11))



    Find string in string python


    • In the first statement, the output is 10 as the start value is given which is 2, so the substring is checked from the second index which is ‘eks for geeks’.
    • In the second statement, the start value is given as 2 and the substring is given ‘geeks’, so the index position of ‘geeks’ is 10 but due to the last value is being excluded it will only find ‘geek’ which doesn’t matches with the original string, that is why the output is -1.
    • In the third statement, start value=4, end value=10, and substring = ‘g’ is given, the index position from 4 will be checked for the given substring which is at position 10, which is being excluded as it is the end index.
    • In the fourth statement, start value =4, end value=11, and substring=’for’ is given, the index position from 4 till 11 will be checked for the given substring and the specified substring is present at index 6, so the output is obtained.

    How do you search for a string inside a string in Python?

    You can use the in operator or the string's find method to check if a string contains another string. The in operator returns True if the substring exists in the string. Otherwise, it returns False. The find method returns the index of the beginning of the substring if found, otherwise -1 is returned.

    How do I find a specific word in a string Python?

    String find() in Python Just call the method on the string object to search for a string, like so: obj. find(“search”). The find() method searches for a query string and returns the character position if found. If the string is not found, it returns -1.

    What is the use of string find () in Python?

    The find() method finds the first occurrence of the specified value. The find() method returns -1 if the value is not found.

    How do I find a substring in a string?

    You first check to see if a string contains a substring, and then you can use find() to find the position of the substring. That way, you know for sure that the substring is present. So, use find() to find the index position of a substring inside a string and not to look if the substring is present in the string.