Asus laptop reliability Reddit

Im planning on getting a new laptop and wanted to see some feedback from asus users. Im looking for a laptop to last for min 4-5 years. Is Asus trustable in terms of long term usage? Would i have issues with it shortly after the warranty ends? And how is Asus in terms of heating?

I have been looking at their prebuilts and have been wondering if their good?

I've had an Asus mobo in my rig for a few years now and it's been doing fine and even handles a slight OC, but Idk much about their laptops.

I've bought an Asus Zenbook Flip S (AKA ASUS Q325UA) which is still within the return window. It seems like a nice little machine but at its price (1100 bucks) I'm worries it won't last specially since it's a 2 in 1 and the hinges can be unreliable on these things. How long do Asus laptops usually last ?

Hi, I recently bought an Asus vivobook 15 x512jp, and to be honest it has been the worst quality laptop ive ever had, trash screen, trash speakers, extremely bad battery life (around 1.5 hours), terrible build quality, etc... My question is, are the majority of asus laptops this bad? I own an ASUS monitor and a graphics card, and both have been great, thats why im surprised the laptop was soooooo bad.

I just want to know if it's reliable. I don't have enough money for a laptop that might break down in a couple of years.

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Asus laptop reliability Reddit


Laptop brands can be confusing sometimes, so I thought of just posting the best brands, as better brands can give you better quality laptops, sometimes not even for a price. Note that this isn't going to include mainly gaming laptop brands.

Let's get these out of the way:

-Microsoft: Reliable laptops with nice designs, if you're unsure about what Windows laptop you want, need it for typing documents, and have the cash, go for a surface. It won't disappoint you.

-Apple: Obviously. Expensive laptops with really nice build quality and good clean software. Good choice for people who need their laptops to work all the time.

-Samsung: Underrated good laptops. They're like a mix of Apple and Microsoft, making laptops that work using Windows, and having really good integration with their ecosystem.

Now for the more common larger brands, starting from the best and ending at the worst:

-Dell: Arguably the better of the brands. They make really good laptops, and from the people I know that have them, they haven't had any issues. Dell also offers a wide range of laptops, good for anybody for most prices. But of course laptops are laptops, they can still break, so Dell isn't immune from issues.

-Lenovo: I personally like Lenovo, and while they aren't the greatest, their laptops are decent, and really good value. I had one for a while and I never had any major issues, and they do make some innovative laptops too.

-Asus: Basically Lenovo, although with better build quality sometimes. Asus can make some really nice laptops, although some can be unreliable, while others can be innovative and quite neat.

-Acer: Argue all you want, I've never had any issues with my Acer laptops. Acer is another underrated brand, usually criticized because of the few laptops they make that suck, but they have some golden laptops that I'd recommend looking for. Although because careful, they also sell some pretty poor laptops. They can also cheap out sometimes, so be careful with that too.

-HP: Honestly, unless there is a good sale, avoid them. All of my previous HP laptops broke one way or another, and build quality is a bit poor. They make good business products, but for consumers I'd just look at Dell or Asus, although I will say this, HP makes some nice top of the line laptops, although expensive.

-Gateway, Compaq, EVOO, and other Wal-Mart laptops: you might find gold, but they're mostly just rebadged laptops with okay specs and poor build quality.

Edit: Updated after further research

I have been running an ASUS Zepherus S G701 (with RTX2070) for about 8 months, and I have had to RMA it twice due to power and graphics issues. Each RMA takes ASUS about a month and a half to return the computer, and as I use it for both work on top of personal use (gaming), that downtime is not acceptable. I have asked for a refund, and if I get it I will be looking for another computer.

I expect a laptop in the $2300 - 2500 price range to work for at least 5 years. What companies and PCs have the best track record for reliability and support? When there is an issue that needs to have the PC returned, how long is the repair turn-around time?

Thinking of getting a good, reliable, nothing fancy computer and the S15 vivobook caught my eye. Those who have this, how is the experience?

Hello! Through my Computer science years at Uni, i have seen that ASUS has been the most popular brand of any Uni i have been. Everyone (or almost everyone) has an ASUS because of the low-price models or even the good looking zenbooks. But for me it didnt mean anything, when a group of pals, that are super careful with expensive laptops (they had some expensive laptops, over 800 euros from ASUS), had their ASUS laptops break with their simple usage. Hinges whould break, battery would overheat, and soo on. So what i wanted to ask is: Is the Build Quality for more expensive ASUS (newest zenbooks, zenbook flip s ...) good or not at all? I was thinking about getting the zenbook flip s, because its really versatile, but i have fear that something happens to him after a year or even less.

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Asus laptop reliability Reddit