battle royal là gì - Nghĩa của từ battle royal

battle royal có nghĩa là

Contraversial novel written by Koushun Takami. Also serialized as a manga and produced into a feature-length film.

Premise: A random class of 9th graders are sent a island, issued weapons, and forced to kill each other until one student remains, as part of an authoritarian governent program to deal with reckless youth.


Watch/Read Battle Royale.

Leave it to the Japanese to produce a masterpiece.

battle royal có nghĩa là

At the dawn of the new millennium, Japan is in a state of near-collapse. Unemployment is at an all-time high, and violence amongst the nation's youth is spiralling out of control. With school children boycotting their lessons and physically abusing their teachers, a beleagured and near-defeated government decides to introduce a radical new measure: the Battle Royale Act.

Overseen by a former teacher (Takeshi Kitano) and requiring that a randomly chosen school class be taken to a deserted island and forced to fight each other to the death, the Act dictates that only one pupil be allowed to survive the punishment. He or she will return, not as the victor, but as the ultimate proof of the lengths to which the government are prepared to go to curb the tide of juvenile disobediance.

Likened to Stanley Kubrick's 'A Clockwork Orange' by many critics, this explosive film shocked a nation with its violent portrayal of a society in ruins.


"Because of how this country is deteriorating, you will all participate in BATTLE ROYALE!"

battle royal có nghĩa là

Amazing film, even thought the book is actually better. Bunch of kids trapped on an island and have to kill each other until there is only one left - great entertainment!

Watch the film before you read the book. Probably the best film ever made and i swear if the USA try and rip it off into some trashy shit like they always do (think The Ring, Grudge, etc)i will seriously get pissed off.


"Oh yeah, i loved Battle Royale!, although i did want the fat kid who got shot with the cross bow to win. Shame"

battle royal có nghĩa là

n) a movie in which in one of the last scenes, while the last survivors are on a boat, one of their friends dies from bullet wounds, and as he lays dieing, making a lovely speech, he gets a hard-one, a zinger, a boner, and you can see it through his jeans as he lays there, go ahead! Watch it again! ITS THERE!


"Battle Royale is both cool and odd..."
"Yeah and in the end that one guy gets a boner!"

battle royal có nghĩa là

(1) A professional wrestling match in which many wrestlers are in the ring at the same time, someone gets elliminated when they are thrown over the top rope.

(2) A freaky ass Novel turned Manga turned Movie in which society is breaking down, so the government decides to enact the "Battle Royale Act" (BR for short). This gives them the power to send high school students to an island, give them all weapons, and force them to kill eachother. (Go read the book NOW, or dl the movie from Kazaa)

(3) Said law in the fictional time of the novel


(1) Tonight's Battle Royale will consist of 36 really hot chicks.

(2) After i saw Battle Royale, i locked myself in my room and cried.

(3) The Battle Royale act sucked.

battle royal có nghĩa là

A book that's about 42 kids going to an island where they are have to kill eachother becase a law. This book was turned into a manga and a movie.(Both are good)

Themanga shows more gore.
The movie lease out all the backstories.


Hopefully the American version of Battle Royale won't suck as much as people saying it will be.

battle royal có nghĩa là

The Film was highly controversial, the book was highly controversial...Fuck it! Everything about it was controversial. Koushun Takami wrote the novel and it immediately became a cult classic. The book gives a much deeper isight into each of the characters and unfortunately the film turns the whole story into a shacky violence crazed story. My advice: Read the book, Screw the movie


42 students, 1 island, an assortment of weapons and if after 3 days they dont kill each other until 1 is left...They all die.

battle royal có nghĩa là

A misspelling of the popular Japanese book/manga and movie called Battle Royale
If you haven't already seen the film, I suggest you go and see it unless you are really into manga then you could read that first.
To see what its about then read some entries on the Battle Royale definitions.


"Hey did you know how to spell Battle Royale?"
"No I don't, I'll try anyway and create a thread for a misspelt version on Urban Dictionary"
"OK fair enough."

battle royal có nghĩa là

The greatest movie ever, followed closely by GUMMO.


I would rather watch Battle Royale than porno.

battle royal có nghĩa là

The term "Battle Royale" is often misused. The real definition is an intense battle between 2 men, named Roy and Al. If 2 people engage in an intense battle, and they happened to be named Roy and Al. If you see this, you are truly blessed and should be appreciative that you get to see a true Battle Royale. *And the "e" is thrown on at the end just for fancy sauce.


Person 1: Hey, Roy and Al are fighting!
Person 2: Holy balls! Battle Royale!...a real one! This has been my lifelong goal, and finally, it is happening.