Have a lesson là gì

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Bạn đang xem: Lesson là gì

Have a lesson là gì
Have a lesson là gì
Have a lesson là gì


Have a lesson là gì

lesson /"lesn/ danh từ bài họckhổng lồ learn one"s lesson by heart: học trực thuộc lòng bài xích học lời dạy dỗ, lời khuyênnever forget the lesson of Lenin: ko khi nào được quên mọi lời dạy bảo của Lê-nin lời quở mắng trách; sự trừng pphân tử, sự chình ảnh cáokhổng lồ read someone a lesson: mắng mỏ trách rưới fan nàolớn give lessons in dạy (môn gì)khổng lồ take lessons in học (môn gì) nước ngoài động từ quở mắng trách, chình ảnh cáo, lên lớp (ai); trừng phạt (từ bỏ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) dạy, ra bài mang đến (ai)

Have a lesson là gì
Have a lesson là gì

Xem thêm: Phương Pháp đào Tạo Theo Hệ Thống Tín Chỉ Là Gì

Have a lesson là gì


Từ điển Collocation

lesson noun

1 period of teaching or learning

ADJ. good, interesting | boring | individual | private | driving, English, geography, maths, piano, swimming, etc.

VERB + LESSON attover, go khổng lồ, have sầu, take I go lớn Italian lessons at the local college. We had a history lesson followed by a double maths lesson. I"m taking driving lessons at the moment. | give (sb), offer (sb), provide, take, teach She gives singing lessons. They"re offering miễn phí lessons in computing. I had khổng lồ take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away. He doesn"t teach very many lessons these days. | get Pupils get lessons on how khổng lồ organize their study time. | prepare The trouble is that teachers don"t prepare their lessons carefully enough. | skip He got into trouble for skipping lessons.

PREP. during a/the ~ No talking was allowed during the lesson. | in a/the ~ You can"t expect khổng lồ learn all there is lớn know about the subject in a 45-minute lesson. | ~ about a lesson about the Civil War | ~ in He took lessons in Tnhị cookery. | ~ on a lesson on the Roman Empire | ~ with They"ve sầu got a lesson with Mrs Evans at two o"cloông xã.

2 sth learnt through experience

ADJ. important, salutary, useful, valuable | bitter, hard, painful It"s a hard lesson to learn. | clear

VERB + LESSON draw, learn What lessons can we draw from this unfortunate experience? | teach sb It taught me some valuable lessons about working with other people.

PREPhường. ~ from There are important lessons khổng lồ be learnt from this mistake. | ~ in I learned a lesson in harsh economics when I was made redundant.

Từ điển WordNet

n.a unit of instruction

he took driving lessonsa task assigned for individual study

he did the lesson for today

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English Synonym & Antonym Dictionarylessons|lessoned|lessoningsyn.: assignment course exercise instruction study teaching Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp