How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

The Progressive movement was a political and social-reform movement that brought major changes to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this time, known as the Progressive Era, the movement’s goals involved strengthening the national government and addressing people’s economic, social, and political demands. Progressives saw elements of American society that they wished to reform, especially ending the extreme concentration of wealth among the elite and the enormous economic and political power of big business.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

Ellis IslandWilliam Williams papers, The New York Public Library

The U.S. population nearly doubled between 1870 and 1900. Increasing immigration and urbanization had helped the shift from small-scale manufacturing and commerce to large-scale factory production and enormous national corporations.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

Gilded AgeCarol M. Highsmith Archive/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (digital file no. LC-DIG-highsm-13913)

Starting in the 1870s, a period of excessive materialism and political corruption took hold in the United States. Called the Gilded Age, this era featured the concentration of enormous amounts of wealth among a small elite. Industrial activity and corporate growth exploded—from 1863 to 1899 manufacturing production rose by more than 800 percent—but the profits largely went to a small number of entrepreneurs called “robber barons,” who established monopolies and hoarded their wealth. Meanwhile, many laborers lived in poverty and had little power.

The leaders of the Progressive Era worked on a range of overlapping issues that characterized the time, including labor rights, women’s suffrage, economic reform, environmental protections, and the welfare of the poor, including poor immigrants.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

Standard Oil strikeLibrary of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Labor unionscontinued to press for better economic and working conditions. Prominent issues at the time were the demand for an eight-hour workday, restrictions on child labor, higher wages, and workplace safety conditions.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

sweatshopLibrary of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. USZ62-19966)

Laborers often worked in sweatshop conditions. They worked extremely long hours, received little pay, and toiled in factories with few safety regulations. On March 25, 1911, a fire broke out in a clothing factory in New York, New York. The overcrowded and unsafe building had doors that had been locked to prevent theft, and 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women, died in the flames or fell to their deaths trying to escape. The uproar over this tragedy, known as the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire, led to the creation of the Factory Investigating Commission in New York. The commission’s research led to the passage of more than 30 health and safety laws, including fire codes and child labor restrictions.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

Upton SinclairEncyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Journalist Upton Sinclair belonged to a class of investigative reporters called muckrakers, because they were said to rake up the muck, or dirt, hiding in society. Sinclair spent time investigating labor conditions in Chicago, Illinois’s meat slaughterhouses and packaging plants and used his findings to write the novel The Jungle (1906). He had hoped to bring to the public’s attention the poor conditions the workers suffered, but people were more affected by the vivid descriptions of disgusting and unsanitary practices in the food-processing facilities. Public sentiment and U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s own reaction to the novel led to the passing of regulations for the food industry, including the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act, both in 1906.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

Jacob Riis: New York City tenementLibrary of Congress, Washington, D.C. (digital file no. 3a18572)

Increased urbanization meant huge jumps in population density. Urban centers soon had many neighborhoods full of overcrowded, dangerous, unsanitary tenements. Photojournalist Jacob Riis captured powerful images of the suffering he witnessed in poor New York City neighborhoods and published them in his 1890 book How the Other Half Lives. People were shocked and touched by seeing the pictures and pushed for legislation and aid that would help the poorest Americans. Progressive leaders such as Jane Addams, one of the founders of the settlement house Hull House in Chicago, worked within the neighborhoods to improve conditions, helping immigrants and other disenfranchised groups access necessary services.

Economic reformers wanted to curb the excesses and inequalities of the Gilded Age. Public sentiment was against monopolies, and legislators worked to regulate the massive corporations that wielded economic and political power. In response to monopolies in the railroad and steel industries, the Sherman Antitrust Act, passed in 1890, helped to break up and prevent monopolies and trusts. Beginning in 1902 muckraker Ida Tarbell wrote a series of articles, later published as The History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), exposing corruption behind one of the largest trusts, the Standard Oil Company.

How did womens involvement in the progressive movement lead to constitutional change?

1912 presidential electionLibrary of Congress, Washington, D.C.

In the 1912 presidential election Wisconsin governor Robert M. La Follette failed to win the Republican nomination, as did former president Theodore Roosevelt who had left the White House in 1909 but now hoped to secure another term. Instead, the Republicans decided that incumbent President William Howard Taft should represent them in the general election. La Follette had formed the National Republican Progressive League in 1911, and the League became the Progressive Party (better known as the Bull Moose Party) in 1912. After Roosevelt’s quest for the Republican nomination failed, the Progressive Party chose him to be its presidential nominee. (The party’s popular nickname of Bull Moose was derived from the characteristics of strength and vigor often used by Roosevelt to describe himself.) The Bull Moose ticket of Roosevelt and vice presidential running mate, Hiram W. Johnson, split the Republican vote, resulting in a win for the Democrats under Woodrow Wilson.

With America’s entry intoWorld War I, the Progressive movement fractured. However, many of the organizations founded during the Progressive Era, such as labor unions and professional and civic groups, continued to play significant roles in American society.

How did progressive amendments to the Constitution deal with women's suffrage?

Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. The 19th amendment legally guarantees American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle—victory took decades of agitation and protest.

How did women's status roles change during the Progressive Era?

Women began to work industrial jobs during the Progressive Era and many also worked towards attaining social reform to increase gender equality. Female roles in society were some of the most drastically changed of any cultural, ethnic, or gender group.

What was the impact of the progressive movement on women's right to vote?

In the Progressive era, 1870-1920, Womens suffrage became a huge priority for women during this time; especially for the right to vote. Women of middle and upper classes created three groups that were most important to the women's suffrage movement: the NAWSA, NWSA, AWSA and NWP.

What was the impact of the women's rights reform movement?

Voting ensures women's reproductive and economic progress. The 19th Amendment helped millions of women move closer to equality in all aspects of American life. Women advocated for job opportunities, fairer wages, education, sex education, and birth control.