How do i run a php file in browser?

How do i run a php file in browser?
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This wikiHow will teach you how to run a PHP script in your web browser using a free web server called MAMP. Unlike a regular HTML file, you can't just double-click a PHP file to run a script in your browser. Web servers like MAMP will translate your code to something that can be interpreted appropriately by any web browser on your computer.

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  1. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Go to MAMP is a free, local server environment that you'll need to use to see PHP in your web browser.

  2. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Click the download link for your operating system. If you're using a Windows PC, you'll run the downloaded file, then follow the installer wizard install MAMP. If you're using a Mac, you'll run the downloaded file, then drag-and-drop the MAMP file icon to your Applications folder.


  3. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Open MAMP. You'll find this program in your Start Menu or Applications folder in Finder once it's installed.

  4. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Click Preferences. This grey gear icon is on the left side of the window that opens when you launch MAMP.

  5. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Check that all the defaults are set correctly. Click through the tabs on the top and check to make sure the information is listed similarly so your server works.

    • In the Start/Stop tab, make sure "Start Servers" and "Open WebStart Page" are checked under "When starting MAMP." "Stop servers" should be selected under "When quitting MAMP."[1]
    • On the Ports tab, enter 8888 in the text field next to "Apache Port," "Nginx Port," and 8889 in the text field next to "MySQL Port."[2]
    • On the PHP tab, select "7.1.1" if it's not already selected.
    • On the Web Server tab, select "Apache" if it's not already selected.

  6. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Map to your folder that contains the PHP file. You can have multiple PHP files in that folder, but make sure you map a folder instead of a file by dragging and dropping the folder from your file browser.[3]

    • For example, you can open your file browser and navigate to your PHP file, navigate one folder back, then drag-and-drop it in the open window. You'll have MAMP set to the folder that your PHP file is inside, not the file ending in .PHP.

  7. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Click OK to apply your changes to preferences before continuing. This might take about 20 seconds.[4]

  8. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Click Start Servers. This power icon button is toward the right side of the window that opens when you launch MAMP. Enter your computer password and username when prompted to continue.

  9. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Open your browser. You can use any browser to preview your PHP file.

  10. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Navigate to "localhost:8888" in your browser's address bar. The address bar is where you normally see "https://www." To do this, type "localhost:8888" and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac). You'll see a directory of your PHP files displayed on the page.

  11. How do i run a php file in browser?


    Click the PHP file to run the script in your browser. Your PHP file now run and display its output in the browser window.

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Article SummaryX

1. Download MAMP at
2. Open MAMP.
3. Click Preferences.
4. Check that all the defaults are set correctly.
5. Map to your folder that contains the PHP file.
6. Click OK to apply your changes to preferences before continuing.
7. Click Start Servers.
8. Open your browser.
9. Type "localhost:8888" in your browser's address bar.
10. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard.
11. Click the PHP file to view it.

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How do I open a PHP file in a browser?

Click the button Open In Browser on StatusBar..
In the editor, right click on the file and click in context menu Open PHP/HTML/JS In Browser..
Use keybindings Shift + F6 to open more faster (can be changed in menu File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts ).

Can you run PHP on browser?

If you want to run a PHP file in the browser on your own computer, you'll need to set up a PHP development stack. You'll need at least PHP, MySQL, and a server like Apache or Nginx. MySQL is used to set up databases your PHP applications can work with.

How do I run a PHP file?

You just follow the steps to run PHP program using command line..
Open terminal or command line window..
Goto the specified folder or directory where php files are present..
Then we can run php code using the following command: php file_name.php..