How do you find duplicate words in a string python?


In this program, we need to find out the duplicate words present in the string and display those words.

To find the duplicate words from the string, we first split the string into words. We count the occurrence of each word in the string. If count is greater than 1, it implies that a word has duplicate in the string.

In above example, the words highlighted in green are duplicate words.


  1. Define a string.
  2. Convert the string into lowercase to make the comparison insensitive.
  3. Split the string into words.
  4. Two loops will be used to find duplicate words. Outer loop will select a word and Initialize variable count to 1. Inner loop will compare the word selected by outer loop with rest of the words.
  5. If a match found, then increment the count by 1 and set the duplicates of word to '0' to avoid counting it again.
  6. After the inner loop, if count of a word is greater than 1 which signifies that the word has duplicates in the string.




 Duplicate words in a given string : 



Duplicate words in a given string : 



Duplicate words in a given string : 



Duplicate words in a given string : 



Duplicate words in a given string : 

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I can see where you are going with sort, as you can reliably know when you have hit a new word and keep track of counts for each unique word. However, what you really want to do is use a hash (dictionary) to keep track of the counts as dictionary keys are unique. For example:

words = sentence.split()
counts = {}
for word in words:
    if word not in counts:
        counts[word] = 0
    counts[word] += 1

Now that will give you a dictionary where the key is the word and the value is the number of times it appears. There are things you can do like using collections.defaultdict(int) so you can just add the value:

counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in words:
    counts[word] += 1

But there is even something better than that... collections.Counter which will take your list of words and turn it into a dictionary (an extension of dictionary actually) containing the counts.

counts = collections.Counter(words)

From there you want the list of words in sorted order with their counts so you can print them. items() will give you a list of tuples, and sorted will sort (by default) by the first item of each tuple (the word in this case)... which is exactly what you want.

import collections
sentence = """As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality"""
words = sentence.split()
word_counts = collections.Counter(words)
for word, count in sorted(word_counts.items()):
    print('"%s" is repeated %d time%s.' % (word, count, "s" if count > 1 else ""))


"As" is repeated 1 time.
"are" is repeated 2 times.
"as" is repeated 3 times.
"certain" is repeated 2 times.
"do" is repeated 1 time.
"far" is repeated 2 times.
"laws" is repeated 1 time.
"mathematics" is repeated 1 time.
"not" is repeated 2 times.
"of" is repeated 1 time.
"reality" is repeated 2 times.
"refer" is repeated 2 times.
"the" is repeated 1 time.
"they" is repeated 3 times.
"to" is repeated 2 times.

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    Prerequisite : Dictionary data structure Given a string, Find the 1st repeated word in a string. Examples:

    Input : "Ravi had been saying that he had been there"
    Output : had
    Input : "Ravi had been saying that"
    Output : No Repetition
    Input : "he had had he"
    Output : he

    We have existing solution for this problem please refer Find the first repeated word in a string link. We can solve this problem quickly in python using Dictionary data structure. Approach is simple,

    1. First split given string separated by space.
    2. Now convert list of words into dictionary using collections.Counter(iterator) method. Dictionary contains words as key and it’s frequency as value.
    3. Now traverse list of words again and check which first word has frequency greater than 1.


    from collections import Counter

    def firstRepeat(input):

        words = input.split(' ')

        dict = Counter(words)

        for key in words:

            if dict[key]>1:

                print (key)


    if __name__ == "__main__":

        input = 'Ravi had been saying that he had been there'




    Time Complexity: O(length(words))

    Auxiliary Space: O(length(dict))

    How do you find duplicate words in a string in python?

    string = "big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose";.
    #Converts the string into lowercase..
    string = string.lower();.
    #Split the string into words using built-in function..
    words = string.split(" ");.
    print("Duplicate words in a given string : ");.
    for i in range(0, len(words)):.
    count = 1;.

    How do I remove repeated words from a string in Python?

    1) Split input sentence separated by space into words. 2) So to get all those strings together first we will join each string in given list of strings. 3) Now create a dictionary using Counter method having strings as keys and their frequencies as values. 4) Join each words are unique to form single string.

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    Method 2:.
    Define a function which will take a word, m, n values as arguments..
    if M is greater than length of word. set m value equal to length of word..
    Now store the characters needed to be repeated into a string named repeat_string using slicing..
    Multiply the repeat_string with n..
    Now print the string..

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    First, we split the string by spaces in a. Then, take a variable count = 0 and in every true condition we increment the count by 1. Now run a loop at 0 to length of string and check if our string is equal to the word.