How do you get a percentage in python?

How do you get a percentage in python?

There is no percentage operator in Python to calculate the percentage, but it is irrelevant to implement on your own.

To calculate a percentage in Python, use the division operator (/) to get the quotient from two numbers and then multiply this quotient by 100 using the multiplication operator (*) to get the percentage. This is a simple equation in mathematics to get the percentage.

quotient = 3 / 5

percent = quotient * 100




That means its a 60%.

You can create a custom function in Python to calculate the percentage.

def percentage(part, whole):
  percentage = 100 * float(part)/float(whole)
  return str(percentage) + "%"

print(percentage(3, 5))



You may want to add an if statement the whole is 0 return 0 since otherwise, this will throw an exception.

If you want the percentage about each other, then you need to use the following code.

def percent(x, y):
    if not x and not y:
        print("x = 0%\ny = 0%")
    elif x < 0 or y < 0:
        print("The inputs can't be negative!")
        final = 100 / (x + y)
        x *= final
        y *= final
        print('x = {}%\ny = {}%'.format(x, y))

percent(3, 6)


x = 33.33333333333333%
y = 66.66666666666666%

Python % sign(Modulo Operator)

The percent sign in Python is called modulo operator “%,” which returns the remainder after dividing the left-hand operand by the right-hand operand.

data = 3
info = 2
remainder = data % info



The output will appear as a “1“. Here, the modulo operator “%” returns the remainder after dividing the two numbers.

The %s operator enables you to add value to a Python string. The %s signifies that you want to add string value into the string; it is also used to format numbers in a string.

That is it for finding percentages in the Python tutorial.

Python mode

Python divmod

Python fmod

Python modf

Brian's answer (a custom function) is the correct and simplest thing to do in general.

But if you really wanted to define a numeric type with a (non-standard) '%' operator, like desk calculators do, so that 'X % Y' means X * Y / 100.0, then from Python 2.6 onwards you can redefine the mod() operator:

import numbers

class MyNumberClasswithPct(numbers.Real):
    def __mod__(self,other):
        """Override the builtin % to give X * Y / 100.0 """
        return (self * other)/ 100.0
    # Gotta define the other 21 numeric methods...
    def __mul__(self,other):
        return self * other # ... which should invoke other.__rmul__(self)

This could be dangerous if you ever use the '%' operator across a mixture of MyNumberClasswithPct with ordinary integers or floats.

What's also tedious about this code is you also have to define all the 21 other methods of an Integral or Real, to avoid the following annoying and obscure TypeError when you instantiate it

("Can't instantiate abstract class MyNumberClasswithPct with abstract methods __abs__,  __add__, __div__, __eq__, __float__, __floordiv__, __le__, __lt__, __mul__,  __neg__, __pos__, __pow__, __radd__, __rdiv__, __rfloordiv__, __rmod__, __rmul__,  __rpow__, __rtruediv__, __truediv__, __trunc__")

In this post, you will learn how to calculate the percent in various methods using the Python programming language. Such a type of logical question is generally asked in a programming interview.

To calculate the percent of a number, divide the number by the whole and multiply it by 100. Here, we have used two ways to calculate the percentage.

Calculate a Percentage using Division and Multiplication

To calculate the percentage, we use the division operator (/) to get the quotient from two numbers and multiply this quotient by 100 using the multiplication operator (*) to get the percentage. Suppose we want to get a percentage of 4 out of 19. The following Python program calculates the percentage.

percent = 4 / 19 * 100

print("Percentage of 4 out of 19: ",percent)

Output of the above code:

Percentage of 4 out of 19:  21.052631578947366

Calculate percentage using function

Here, we have defined a small function calPercent() to calculate the percentage.

def calPercent(x, y, integer = False):
   percent = x / y * 100
   if integer:
       return int(percent)
   return percent

print("Percentage: ",calPercent(33, 200))

Output of the above code:

Percentage:  16.5

Calculate percentage using user input and user-defined function

In the given Python program, we have taken two inputs from the user using the input() function and stored them in two variables, x and y respectively, and then calculated the percentage.

def calPercent(x, y, integer = False):
   percent = x / y * 100
   if integer:
       return int(percent)
   return percent

# User Input 
a=int(input("Enter the first number: "))
b=int(input("Enter the second number: "))
print("Percentage: ",calPercent(a,b))

Output of the above code:

Enter the first number: 67
Enter the second number: 150
Percentage:  44.666666666666664

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Is there a percentage function in Python?

In python the “%” has two different uses. First, when used in a math problem like those above, it is used to represent modulus. The modulus of a number is the remainder left when you divide. 4 mod 5 = 4 (you can divide 5 into 4 zero times with a remainder of 4).

How do I convert a number to a percent in Python?

int/int = int, int/float = float, flaot/int = float. – AbiusX. ... .
Percent means per hundred. If you have a simple ratio ( 1/3 in your case), you have a per unit value that have to multiply it by 100 to get a percent value. ... .
FWIW, in Python 3..

How do you find out the percentage?

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100. The formula used to calculate percentage is: (value/total value)×100%.

How do I find the percentage of two numbers in Python?

To calculate the percentage between two numbers, divide one number by the other and multiply the result by 100, e.g. (30 / 75) * 100 .