How do you range a list in python?

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    Often times we want to create a list containing a continuous value like, in a range of 100-200. Let’s discuss how to create a list using the range() function.

    Will this work ?

    My_list = [range(10, 20, 1)]


    Output :

    How do you range a list in python?

    As we can see in the output, the result is not exactly what we were expecting because Python does not unpack the result of the range() function.

    Code #1: We can use argument-unpacking operator i.e. *.

    My_list = [*range(10, 21, 1)]


    Output :

    How do you range a list in python?

    As we can see in the output, the argument-unpacking operator has successfully unpacked the result of the range function.
    Code #2 : We can use the extend() function to unpack the result of range function.

    My_list = []

    start, end = 10, 20

    if start < end:

        My_list.extend(range(start, end))



    Output :

    How do you range a list in python?

    Given two numbers r1 and r2 (which defines the range), write a Python program to create a list with the given range (inclusive). 


    Input : r1 = -1, r2 = 1
    Output : [-1, 0, 1]
    Input : r1 = 5, r2 = 9
    Output : [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    Let’s discuss a few approaches to Creating a list of numbers with a given range in Python

    Naive Approach using a loop

    A naive method to create a list within a given range is to first create an empty list and append the successor of each integer in every iteration of for loop. 


    def createList(r1, r2):

     if (r1 == r2):

      return r1


      res = []

      while(r1 < r2+1 ):


       r1 += 1

      return res

    r1, r2 = -1, 1

    print(createList(r1, r2))


    [-1, 0, 1]

    Using List comprehension 

    We can also use list comprehension for the purpose. Just iterate ‘item’ in a for loop from r1 to r2 and return all ‘item’ as list. This will be a simple one liner code. 


    def createList(r1, r2):

        return [item for item in range(r1, r2+1)]

    r1, r2 = -1, 1

    print(createList(r1, r2))


    [-1, 0, 1]

    Using Python range()

    Python comes with a direct function range() which creates a sequence of numbers from start to stop values and print each item in the sequence. We use range() with r1 and r2 and then convert the sequence into list. 


    def createList(r1, r2):

        return list(range(r1, r2+1))

    r1, r2 = -1, 1

    print(createList(r1, r2))


    [-1, 0, 1]

    Using numpy.arange() 

    Python numpy.arange() returns a list with evenly spaced elements as per the interval. Here we set the interval as 1 according to our need to get the desired output. 


    import numpy as np

    def createList(r1, r2):

        return np.arange(r1, r2+1, 1)

    r1, r2 = -1, 1

    print(createList(r1, r2))


    [-1, 0, 1]

    Using numpy to create list of numbers with given range

    Here we are creating a list of numbers from a given range with the defined increment.


    import numpy as np

    def fun(start, end, step):

        num = np.linspace(start, end,(end-start)


        return [round(i, 2) for i in num]



    [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0]

    Can you do range list in Python?

    In Python, you can generate a series of numbers with the built-in function range() .

    How do you create a range in a list in Python?

    # Create a list in a range of 10-20. My_list = [ range ( 10 , 20 , 1 )] # Print the list. print (My_list).
    # Create a list in a range of 10-20. My_list = [ * range ( 10 , 21 , 1 )] # Print the list. print (My_list).

    How does list range work in Python?

    The range() function is used to generate a sequence of numbers over time. At its simplest, it accepts an integer and returns a range object (a type of iterable). In Python 2, the range() returns a list which is not very efficient to handle large data. (optional) Starting point of the sequence.

    How do you find the range of a list?

    The range is the difference between the smallest and highest numbers in a list or set. To find the range, first put all the numbers in order. Then subtract (take away) the lowest number from the highest.